“Puff!! Puff!! Puff!! Puff!! Puff!! Puff!! Puff!! Puff!!”

In just a split second, all the thorn whips that were rushing towards Tanjiro were cut off.

A golden figure appeared right above Muzan. It was Zenitsu Agatsuma, whose face was full of timidity but never took a step back.

“Breathing of the Sun, Land Type, Burning Bones and Sunshine!”

Flames surged on Tanjiro’s sword, and magic power surged on his body, slashing forward unstoppably.

“Really too naive——!”

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The terrifying sonic boom instantly spread from Muzan’s feet, and a strong wind and wave attacked in all directions. Those were the other eight whips whose speed was much faster than the nine whips on the upper body and the whips on both arms.

"Sun Breathing Thirteen Forms"

"Clang clang clang clang clang clang clang!!!!!!!"

Instantly, a burst of sparks and continuous crisp collisions sounded.

Tanjiro, who had mastered the transparent world and faced Muzan many times, instantly saw through Muzan's attack method and easily blocked it with Sun Breathing Thirteen Forms.

Although Agatsuma Zenitsu, who was in mid-air, resisted the sudden attack, he was still pulled by its powerful force. The whole person was like being hit by a truck and fell violently to the ground, and his body rolled uncontrollably.


Tanjiro couldn't help but worry, but his hands didn't stop moving at all.

Muzan's power is not a joke. If it were an ordinary person, just such a blow would be enough to lose his life.

However, Agatsuma Zenitsu, who was rolling on the ground, exhaled from the corner of his mouth like thunder, and his eyes full of fear never left Muzan from beginning to end.

The whole person took advantage of the blast to turn over and adjust his posture while retreating. One foot kicked the ground hard, half pressing his body, ready to go like a bullet.


As if turning into a flash of light, Zenitsu Agatsuma suddenly disappeared.



"Don't retreat, don't be afraid, empty your mind, and focus all your attention--!"

"It only takes a moment--!"

"I want to cut off the thunder!!!!"

"Thunder Breathing Type 1 Thunderbolt Flash·Raikiri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

What words can be used to describe such speed.

It was a golden flash.

It was a golden thunder.

The sound chased after it.

The atmosphere was crushed in an instant.


The blade's cry resounded through the sky.

The speed that even nerves could not keep up with, in the moment that could not even blink to catch up, it cut through the atmosphere, passed through the space, and slashed at Muzan who had not yet reacted.


With a tearing sound, blood splashed into the sky.

Chapter 881 The answer given by the skin

"How is it possible!!!!"

Muzan looked at everything in front of him in disbelief, or rather everything under him.

Blood light burst out in the night sky, turning into a bloody rain that scattered from the sky like stars.

His head was cut off in a flash of light, flying high in the air, looking at his body that was still resisting Tanjiro's attack.

And Agatsuma Zenitsu, who turned into thunder, stopped at this moment and fell to the ground not far away.

At such a terrifying speed, the muscles seemed to be dissolved, and Agatsuma Zenitsu's feet were bleeding exaggeratedly.

His forehead also had the same red markings as Tanjiro.

But at this time, he seemed to no longer feel the existence of his legs, and could only shout at Tanjiro with his last strength.

"Tanjiro, I'll leave it to you next!!!!"

"Not good!!!"

At this time, Muzan came back to his senses and realized that he was still fighting with Tanjiro.

"Puff!! Puff!! Puff!! Puff!! Puff!!"

At the moment when Muzan was distracted, the red sword immediately cut off several pipe whips and continued to press forward.


Amid the explosion, the soles of Muzan's body fell heavily on the ground and suddenly retreated backward.


Under the sharp sound of breaking through the air, the hands that turned into thorn whips kept waving forward, blocking Tanjiro's advance, trying to get out of the fight.

"Damn it! Why is the regeneration so slow!!!"

Until this time, Muzan realized that his severed pipe whip and head could not be regenerated quickly and were forcibly suppressed.

Under normal circumstances, even if the head was cut off by the Sun Wheel Sword, it could be regenerated in an instant.

During the fight with Tanjiro, the opponent has been maintaining the red sword state. Muzan also knows that the red sword has a strong power to suppress the regeneration of demons.

Unexpectedly, the weapon in Zenitsu Agatsuma has the same ability to suppress regeneration as the red sword.

As for the one in Tanjiro's hand, Muzan's knife wounds from the previous battle with Tanjiro have not yet fully recovered.

He knows that the weapons in the hands of these people have changed, and he should also know what harm these weapons have on himself.

The demons under his command have always informed them of the intelligence of the human side.

But why is Muzan surprised by those swords?

This is his arrogance as the Ghost King.

Wu Mei never took these people seriously, even if he knew that their weapons had been replaced, and even if he knew that their weapons had more terrifying lethality against evil spirits, he never took it to heart.

In Wuhan's eyes, humans are probably lower beings than domestic animals.

In an instant, the head flying in the air lost consciousness, and instead, a pair of eyes sprouted from Wu Mei's chest.

At the same time, the fiery sword light flashed across the sky, and Tanjiro exhaled the hot breath very regularly, using the Breath of the Sun.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Suddenly, a series of thorn whips spread out around Wu Kai's body, turning into a cage to protect Wu Kai.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang!"

The crisp clashing sounds kept ringing.

Countless sword lights fell on the thorn whips, but they were easily bounced away with bursts of sparks as if they were cutting on steel.

Although Tanjiro is suppressing Muzan at this moment, as time goes by and Muzan adapts to the rhythm of the battle, the situation will reverse in an instant.

However, my wife Zenitsu was not the only one who rushed here.

"The pigs are advancing!!!"

"The pigs are advancing!!!"

“The King of the Mountain is coming!!!!”

Like a real wild boar, Kubihira Inosuke violently knocked over the wall of a house on the street, sprinted out at the fastest speed, and rushed towards Wuhan's position.

"Is the improvised winding still too weak?"

Seeing Inosuke coming, Muzan immediately understood what he was going to face next.

According to the images transmitted from his own blood, all the upper and lower strings he had created were killed in less than a few minutes.

Their combat experience and control of power are simply not as good as those of the past, and even Tanjiro and the others couldn't do it even if they were injured.

"Inosuke! Be careful!!!"

Tanjiro couldn't help but remind him loudly, because at this moment, Inosuke seemed to have not seen the spiked whip cage that Muzan had surrounded him, and he rushed straight into it.

"Such an attack can't do anything to me!!!!"

"The Breath of the Beast, Eighth Shape, Explodes and Advances!!!!"

"Drink ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Under the roar like a wild boar, Inosuke dived into the attack cage composed of Muzan.


Wumei sneered in his heart. Entering into his attack range like this would only lead to death. He could also use his blood to recover. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a timely help.

"Don't be so impulsive!"

Tanjiro's breathing force became more rough. Although there was no trace of magic power surge, he slightly gave up his defense and moved towards Muzan's suppression.

As long as he carries out stronger suppression, Inosuke who breaks into the attack cage will withstand fewer attacks.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The low sound of strong wind tearing and the dull sound of collision and explosion constantly sounded in the field.

Under the blows of those thorn whips, circles of energy spread, and the impact expanded again and again. The surrounding ground began to break inch by inch, and debris collapsed, just like a typhoon passing through. The scene was extremely terrifying.

Blood foam sprayed into the sky at this moment.

The skin cracked at this moment.

Inosuke, who endured the whipping, not only was not knocked away, but was constantly getting closer to Muzan.

Skin is telling Inosuke the answer.

There are also flame-like markings on his forehead.

Most of those thorn whips were blocked or avoided by the blade in his hand.

"No! No!!!!"

At this moment, Muzan's pupils suddenly shrank, trying to find out why Inosuke was able to get close to him, and wanting to pierce him with more force.

But he didn't know that at this time, he had already stepped into Inosuke's attack range.

As a result, the bones made crisp sounds at this moment.

As a result, rough veins appeared on the muscles at this moment.

Inosuke, whose body was soaked in blood, let out a shocking roar.

"The breath of the beast, the teeth of the nine stretch, twist and burst"


The arm seemed to be extended, and the surrounding airflow was instantly cut open, causing an extremely fierce sound of breaking through the air.

The jagged blade was moving at a very short speed, like a poisonous snake, ruthlessly tearing away at Wu Mei's right arm.

Although he has lived for nearly a thousand years, because of his powerful strength, his so-called combat experience and judgment of the battle situation may not even be as good as those of his subordinates.


Amid the tearing sound, blood spilled to the sky again.

Chapter 882 You can’t escape


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