But Emiya Shirou couldn't care so much now, and looked at Matou Sakura in his arms extremely nervously.

"Are you okay!"

"I, I just, I'm just, a little dizzy-"

Feeling the warmth coming from her chest, Matou Sakura's face turned crimson at this moment, and she made an extremely small sound like a mosquito.

She didn't know what happened to her just now, as if she had been hit hard on the head, she suddenly lost consciousness.

And in Shirou Emiya's arms, she felt an indescribable sense of familiarity, as if she had once been lying on Shirou Emiya's chest.

This is the first day of preliminaries. As an AI, it should be the first time for me to meet Emiya Shirou.

Why, why does the body have such a familiar feeling?

But the pain in her head forced her to stop thinking.

"Why don't you go take a rest now!"

Looking at Matou Sakura, who suddenly lost her footing and fell down, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but look worried.

"No, it's okay, senior. Maybe I've eaten too little recently and have low blood sugar."

Chapter 851 Backhand (modified)

Real name: Shuten Doji

Job placement:? ? ? ?

Strength: A

Durability: B

Agility: B

Magic: A+

It wasn't that Emiya Shirou could directly see through the real name of the girl in front of him, it was just because the Shuten sentence Ibaraki just recited was enough to reveal the identity of the person who suddenly appeared.

The demon king in ancient Japanese myths and legends, the leader of the ghost clan during the Heian period.

Shirou Emiya is not that familiar with the history of other countries, but he is still aware of some historical figures and monster legends in his own country.


With a soft sound like water drops falling on the water, Shirou Emiya didn't hesitate at all, and a crimson spear was tightly grasped in his palm.

I saw him pointing the tip of the spear in his hand downward, the other end pointing directly upward, and his body turned sideways.

A pair of cold eyes, as if they were penetrating into an ice cave, looked directly at Shuten Doji under the scarlet moonlight.

The fatal danger instantly covered Shuten Doji's body, and a bad premonition suddenly surged into his heart.

"Well! Why go into such a big fight?"

While grabbing Ibaraki, Shutonchi was exuding a strong smell of alcohol. With a very charming smile on his face, his eyes met Emiya Shirou in the air.

The magic power continued to flow through his body, heading towards Emiya Shirou.

This is an inherent skill she possesses.

Fruity alcohol


You can make your target drunk just by looking at him. If there is no magic defense means (ordinary people or animals), thinking will be instantly melted.

"Charm won't work on me—!"

Emiya Shirou looked at Shuten Doji who was retreating with cold eyes. There was no change in his expression, not even the slightest movement on his face.

You must know that there is something in him that can trigger the deepest desires in the human heart - [all the desires in this world].

If Emiya Shirou did not carry all the desires of this world and the evils of human history, then Shuten Douji's charm could actually have a miraculous effect on Emiya Shirou.

Sesshōin Kiara has always relied directly on his unparalleled face and almost unstoppable charm to seduce Emiya Shirou. All the desires in this world have attracted him from the depths of Emiya Shirou's heart. Desire is aroused.

The affected person needs to fight against his desires all the time. Even if he relaxes even a little bit, he will be swallowed up by such endless desires and turn into a beast of desire.

And Emiya Shirou had such an unimaginable and impregnable will that he did not give even the slightest chance to influence Sesshōin Kiara.

Shirou Emiya had no way to resist the magic-like charm of Shuten Doji through his will.

It can be said that his own level of magic is not even half-baked, and he cannot even resist suggestion magic, let alone more advanced charm magic, or the charm skills of servants.

"Master, don't you want to understand why the world has become like this? Why do I appear here?"

Looking at Emiya Shirou who was not affected at all, Shuten Doji finally showed a hint of panic on his face, because the movements in his hands showed no sign of stopping.

The murderous intent was locked directly on his body. Even though he was just a human being, he could make Shuten Doji feel threatened by death.

At the moment when Shuten Douji finished speaking, surging black magic power surged up from the spear in Emiya Shirou's hand like a flame, setting off waves of air and causing the atmosphere to become chaotic.

For Shirou Emiya, the only drawback of using the Gáe Bolg to pierce the Death Thorn was that he had to assume a specific pose when freeing his true name.

It's easy to understand what you plan to do almost during the battle. If you are fighting against someone who is familiar with this Noble Phantasm, then when he assumes this posture, the opponent will have retreated dozens of meters away.

This is how Emiya Shirou once fought with Cu Chulainn. What was important was a control range. Whenever Cu Chulainn took the posture of liberating the Noble Phantasm, Emiya Shirou would evacuate as quickly as possible.

There is no chance for the other party to release this must-hit gun.

But this weapon also has a good point, and that is that it kills at first sight.

Without high luck, without skills similar to intuition, without the ability to influence cause and effect, without the power to survive even if the heart is lost, most people are almost certain to die when they first see this Noble Phantasm.

"I will slowly understand these things after you die -!"

Emiya Shirou was not affected by Shuten-douji's words at all. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Shuten-douji's words were just to delay time.

There are many ways to understand this world, so why do you have to understand it from the hands of an evil ghost?

I saw the spear in Shirou Emiya's hand vibrate heavily, a sudden and strange tremor, and a moment later, the sole of his foot slammed on the ground, and he charged out like an afterimage.

"Master, you are really chasing after me. It's obviously just our first meeting, but you are so unwilling to let me go?"

Looking at Emiya Shirou who was speeding towards him with a red spear in his hand, Shuten Doji couldn't help but sigh. His originally panicked eyes became extremely cunning, and even the corners of his eyes had a hint of smile.

"Do you really want my life that much?"

A bad premonition suddenly surged into Shirou Emiya's heart, but as long as he threw this spear, as long as he threw it, no matter how powerful the opponent was, he could not prevent his heart from being penetrated.

"The spear that pierced the death thorn (Gae Bolg)————!"

As the roar fell, Emiya Shirou suddenly raised the spear in his hand above his head, thrust the sharp spear in his hand forward, and stabbed——————


A roar of blades that broke through the sky spread in this space.

"Breath of the Sun, One Form, Round Dance!"

A low voice also echoed at this moment.


Emiya Shirou's pupils suddenly shrank.

The brown-red eyes began to tremble.

It wasn't until this moment that Shirou Emiya finally saw it.

A red sword light seemed to have traveled through time and space, piercing the sky and the earth, and struck towards him.




The sun-like slash here was swung with terrifying momentum.

In an instant, he appeared in front of Shirou Emiya.


Suddenly, an unprecedentedly intense crimson blade lit up in front of Shirou Emiya.


Immediately afterwards, the terrifying sword light tore Emiya Shirou's shoulder apart, and the arm holding the crimson spear soared into the sky under the night sky.

Chapter 852: Following the Kingdom of Yuan 1·alter (modified)

"I'm taking Mr. Fujimura to get acquainted with the school. Where are you, Father Kotomine?"

When he first saw it, Emiya Shirou was very surprised, so he automatically ignored Kotomine Kirei's question to him.

After coming back to his senses, Emiya Shirou immediately answered.

"The boss has left for the time being. He has entrusted the store to me and asked me to take care of it for the time being. However, Mr. Fujimura, is this your first time coming to the school?"

"Ah, I'm a new teacher, the head teacher of Class A in the second year." [Fujimura Taiga] responded with a gentle expression.

"Really? No wonder I haven't seen him before, so I won't bother you any more. Emiya-san, please continue to familiarize yourself with the campus with Mr. Fujimura."

"Well, Father Kotomine, let's go first."

Emiya Shirou also said goodbye to Kotomine Kirei and walked upstairs.

"This is the health room. If you feel abnormal, you can come here to rest. It also has some basic trauma medicine and some anti-inflammatory medicine."

After all, it is just a health room, and it can only provide a place to rest for injured and uncomfortable students.

If there is a serious injury or some extremely serious disease, the health room naturally does not have the ability to cure it.

Still have to go to the hospital.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou's first thought was not to go to the school health room to see a doctor, but to go to the hospital as well.

But for some reason, he felt that the health care room seemed to be able to cure many difficult and complicated diseases.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

Emiya Shirou knocked on the door. It was like a library. Although remembering the location was enough, it would be more convenient to deal with certain things if you could get to know the person in charge.


A soft and delicate girl's voice came from the health room.

Soon, the door of the health room was pushed open.

One has long purple hair that reaches her knees, with a red ribbon tied on the left side of her head. Wearing a white coat that matches the atmosphere of the health room over a student uniform, a woman with an outstanding appearance and a healing smile opened the door.

"Senior!? What can I do for you?"

Seeing Emiya Shirou, her expression was calm at first, then became a little happy, and then became calm again.

She felt extremely confused for a moment.

Where does this joy come from?

It's as if the body reacts before the brain.

Why do you feel happy when you see him?

He is an AI, and Emiya Shirou is only related to him in the introduction of characters. Although as an advanced AI, he has a variety of emotions, he should not behave like this.

Even if there is, it should be a simulated manifestation due to the relationship between the characters.

But this emotion comes directly from the body.

In her opinion, this was an extremely abnormal situation.

And it was more like emotion than emotion.

But as an AI, it did not have emotions. If it did, it would be deleted by Mooncell. She was very sure of this.

She didn't know what happened to her, but she didn't have time to check her current situation.

"Sakura, is the teacher in the health room not here?"

Shirou Emiya did not seem to notice the change in Sakura's expression at this time. Instead, he stood at the door and looked inside while asking Sakura Matou.

At this time, in the health room, there was nothing else except the neatly arranged beds and the medicine cabinets placed on the wall.

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