After hearing Sakura's answer, Emiya Shirou also breathed a sigh of relief and slowly put her down.

"Well! Senior, really, can you care about me? I am obviously a young and beautiful girl, and I also fell down. Senior, you are so heartless!"

Seeing that Emiya Shirou was still caring about Sakura, BB immediately put his hands on his hips, puffed up his cheeks, and looked angry.




The three people present looked at each other, as if they said something, but also as if they didn't say anything.

"BB, do you have anything to say when you come here?"

It was Emiya Shirou who spoke first. After all, looking at BB like this, it felt like she could really ignore the sight of the three of them and continue the stalemate like this.

"Ah! What did I come here to do? I fell down just now and my head is buzzing. I seem to have forgotten—"

"Oops! All I remember now is that I fell -"

Looking at BB's somewhat playful look, it seems completely different from the strategizing look before, and seems to be more real.

Did she look like she was strategizing before?

But taking everyone into account, this is an indisputable fact.

Even the people in the old school building are now tortured by BB.

To be honest, if it weren't for BB, all the 128 Masters selected to participate in the Holy Grail War would not have survived.

But there are regrets. After all, there are 999 people participating in the Holy Grail War, and after the preliminaries, only 128 people are left.

After hearing BB's words, Emiya Shirou could only sigh helplessly and move towards BB who fell on the ground.


Jeanne, who was standing in front of BB with a flag pointed at her, suddenly looked at Shirou Emiya with a worried expression. She could feel the powerful power coming from BB. If BB suddenly broke out and hurt someone, with her ability even Even if you can react, you can't stop it.

Rather, BB can even get rid of them effortlessly. This is the absolute gap in their strength.

But this did not prevent Joan from warning Emiya Shirou cautiously.

Emiya Shirou nodded towards Jeanne, indicating that she was not worried. If BB really planned to take action, they and the others would not survive now.

"So what happened to you?"

Emiya Shirou came to BB. He seemed to have discovered something was wrong with BB's mood. He frowned slightly, like a gentleman, and gently stretched out his hand to ask questions.

"Senior, are you caring about me?"

Listening to Emiya Shirou's words, BB felt a warm current in her heart for some reason. Obviously she and Emiya Shirou were enemies now, and she had also thought about what Emiya Shirou's attitude would be.

It was even said that she had accepted a head-on confrontation with Emiya Shirou, perhaps even a life-and-death confrontation.

But he never expected that he would actually hear such caring words from Emiya Shirou.

However, the next second, words that made BB's heart stop came out of his mouth.


Emiya Shirou didn't hide his emotions at all. Rather, there was no need to hide them. Maybe it was strange for others to care about the enemy, but for Emiya Shirou, it was normal.

What's more, Emiya Shirou never felt the malice from BB towards him from beginning to end. He didn't have a good impression of BB at the beginning.

She imprisoned everyone here, took away other people's servants, and launched an attack directly on the old school building.

But after several encounters, after he calmed down and thought about it, Emiya Shirou discovered that what BB did was not something worthy of disgust.

Although she imprisoned everyone here, forced them to join the game she created, and forced them to conquer the maze.

But compared to such a cruel fight, it can be said to be much better, not to mention that she even saved all the Masters who participated in this selection.

This is what Shirou Emiya has always wanted to do but has been unable to do. If he can win the Holy Grail, his wish may be to save everyone involved in the Holy Grail War.

Sakura also said that BB's purpose is to achieve the continuation of humanity through Mooncell. No matter what she does or her purpose is, it is for humanity and everyone.

It’s just that doing so may lead to worse results, and humans are not at the point where they must rely on Mooncell to survive.

Leo, Tohsaka Rin and others who landed on the moon did not intend to realize the continuation of mankind through Mooncell. They all believed that mankind could continue.

Although BB's character is somewhat difficult for Emiya Shirou to deal with, Emiya Shirou will not dislike such an enemy, let alone be disgusted by it.

Emiya Shirou's direct answer made BB speechless for a moment, and she forgot all the words she had thought of. She suddenly didn't know how to face Emiya Shirou, and the little devil's posture disappeared uncharacteristically.

Sincerity is always a must-win.

But she was BB after all, so she was only slightly startled, her face turned slightly red, and she immediately returned to the attitude of a little devil, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Then he grabbed Emiya Shirou's hand and gave it a strong squeeze.

"Ouch! I feel so dizzy!"

Shirou Emiya only felt the soft flesh suddenly hit his chest, and a very light fragrance came from the front.

BB actually hugged Shirou Emiya who had no reaction at all, and leaned her forehead on Shirou Emiya's shoulder.


Jeanne's fist hardened.

Then, soft words rang from Shirou Emiya's ear.

"Please let me lean on you for a while——"

BB hugged Shirou Emiya, leaning on him in an extremely relaxed posture, with her eyes slightly closed, as if she was resting.

Chapter 756 The little devil is still the little devil

She is not worried that she can't reach Mooncell.

The back of the moon belongs to the "recording universe", the flow of time is different from the "observation universe", and the present, past and future exist at the same time.

And "BB reached the center of Mooncell" exists here as a fact, and it is because of this fact that she can have such a powerful power.

Only then can she build such a place called [Sakura Labyrinth].

This exists as a fact, not as a possible future.

At this moment, BB is in a superposition state of not arriving at the Mooncell and arriving at the Mooncell.

The reason why everyone fell into the back of the moon was not because BB pulled them all in, but because BB gained control of the Mooncell.

If BB did not gain control of the Mooncell, she would not be able to pull Shirou Emiya and others into the back of the moon.

What BB did was to affect the present in the future.

Since Shirou Emiya and others have already arrived at the back of the moon, it must be a fact that BB has gained control of the Mooncell as a premise of this matter.

In fact, no matter what Shirou Emiya does, he cannot stop BB from arriving at the Mooncell.

But it does not mean that BB will be lazy because of the existence of such a fact.

She even did not realize that in addition to her feelings for Shirou Emiya, she also had the idea of ​​gaining control of the Mooncell urging her.

And Shirou Emiya's pace was so fast that BB had to go all out to Mooncell.

According to BB's original plan, she would take enough rest, design a new maze, add new puzzle elements and new enemies, and occasionally interact with Shirou Emiya. It was estimated that it would take at least ten days and half a month to reach Mooncell.

The actual time would even be longer.

But now she had to abandon all these plans and devote herself to going to Mooncell, striving to reach Mooncell within these few days.

BB, who spent a lot of energy on it, was really tired, both physically and mentally.

During the short rest time, BB thought of Shirou Emiya.

Looking at BB leaning on Shirou Emiya, Sakura wanted to say something, but didn't say it in the end.

Just looking at the scene in front of her, which should be said to be unbelievable in the old school building.

If Leo were here, he would probably suggest using a plan like the beauty trap.

After all, Leo, now the president of the student union, is even more irrelevant than when he was on the side of the moon, a contrast that people can't believe.

Perhaps it's because the relationship between them is not enemies, but companions, or perhaps it's because he has never experienced campus life and is enjoying being the president of the student union and leading everyone.

"Thank you--!"

"But, senior, aren't you too unprepared!"

It seems that the anxiety has been appeased and the fatigue has been erased. BB has returned to the previous slightly naughty and tough little devil-like school girl role.

A wave of magic power surged from BB's body.

Shirou Emiya did not relax his vigilance. Even though he knew that BB in front of him was hugging him with real emotions, he was not defenseless against her.

When BB just opened his second sentence, Shirou Emiya projected a reverse blade in his hand.

But in front of BB's absolute strength, everything he did was in vain.

He felt as if his head had been hit extremely hard, just like when he was kidnapped by BB, and he lost consciousness in an instant. The double blades that were swinging towards BB also fell to the ground with a sound of metal.



With a cry of surprise, the silver spear tip suddenly turned into a phantom, piercing BB's neck cunningly and viciously, going straight for its throat.

That speed was like lightning.


"Kara, Kara--!"

The spear tip stopped less than an inch in front of BB's neck, but it could not advance and pierce into it.

Countless black substances clamped Jeanne in all directions like chains, making her unable to move at all.

She could only watch Shirou Emiya being held in BB's arms.

In the distance, Sakura planned to control her authority to remove BB's control over Jeanne, but she had no idea where to start.

The permissions that BB possesses are almost equal to those of Mooncell itself. Sakura is just an advanced AI. The permissions set by Lilith can still be cracked, but the permissions set by BB can only be cracked if she deliberately left loopholes.

Otherwise, Sakura would have no way to crack it.

"Don't look at me so vigilantly. I won't do anything to you, senior. It's just that your pace is too fast. I plan to delay you for a while."

"Senior hasn't had a good rest for a long time. What I'm doing now is just to let him rest peacefully for a whole day. There won't be too many problems."

"It can even be said that the injuries on the senior's body will be slightly recovered-"

Looking at the two people who looked extremely nervous, BB sighed and explained aloud why she would attack her beloved senior.

She just wanted the senior to have a good rest, and she didn't have any bad intentions.

At most, it would just delay Shirou Emiya's pace.

"What do you want to do!?"

Jeanne's magic power surged, and she stared at BB with a serious face, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free from the shackles of these things.

"Don't worry, I just came to see how senior is doing. Who told you to always disconnect the surveillance, so I don't know how senior is doing——"

BB made a helpless sound. Most of the area on the 17th floor was covered by the Infinite Sword System. She could indeed use her own power to devour the Infinite Sword System and bring it back under management.

But this kind of thing was completely unnecessary for BB. After all, Shirou Emiya and the others would eventually explore down. She only needed to observe through the surveillance on the 18th floor.

As a result, they directly blacked out the surveillance on the entire 18th floor. If she hadn't been too tired from heading towards the Mooncell day and night and wanted to take a break and take a look at the situation on Shirou Emiya's side, she wouldn't have noticed that the 18th floor had become like this.

"Gurgle gurgle gurgle!!!!!!"

As her voice fell, countless black substances emerged from her body and poured into Shirou Emiya's body.


Chapter 757: It's better to change homes than to steal them

When Shirou Emiya regained consciousness, he found himself lying on the bed, and everything around him was so familiar.

After all, this was his room, the only place in the mansion that had not been destroyed.

There was no pain, no dreams, for Shirou Emiya, he almost just closed his eyes, and opened them and returned to his room.

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