
Seemingly not knowing how to explain, Sakura and Jeanne blushed as she leaned over and whispered in Shirou Emiya’s ear.

Although this step was unnecessary, after all, there were only three of them present, and two of them were about to replenish their magic, not to mention that Jeanne’s hearing as a Servant was not for show.

There was not much difference between Sakura’s explanation in Shirou Emiya’s ear and speaking loudly in this room.

“Is this so?”

Shirou Emiya suddenly understood why Sakura was hesitating like this. It turned out that the principle of replenishing magic was like this. No wonder——

“Don’t you need to guide the magic power?”

But the current situation did not allow Shirou Emiya to hesitate too much. If Kiara Sesshōin was here, she might be able to help. But now, the only one who had a magic circuit and could perform magic replenishment was Shirou Emiya.

As an advanced AI, Sakura had no magic circuit at all. To be precise, it was a special version circuit provided by Mooncell, which was very different from the normal magic circuit, and there was no way to replenish magic.

Hesitation, in fact, Shirou Emiya hesitated for a moment, but thinking that this was for saving people, there was no reason to hesitate.

"I, I will be responsible for the guidance--"

Hearing Shirou Emiya's words, Sakura bit her lips, as if she had made up her mind, and looked at Shirou Emiya.

Magic replenishment is something that requires operation and skills, not just a simple exchange of body fluids.

Moreover, the purpose of this magic replenishment is not only to transfer magic power to Jeanne, but also to make the contract tighter and prepare for the next magic circuit transplantation.


This is the sound of clothes falling to the ground.

Chapter 738 Morning sparring

The detailed description lets us pass by.

Some light curtains gradually appeared in the gray sky in the distance, and the sky gradually became brighter.

The low and cold breath was gradually dissipated under the cover of the light curtain, telling everyone the arrival of dawn.

The misty air full of water vapor reveals the freshness of the morning.


The clear and audible sword chanting sounded in the already ruined courtyard.


Then came the crisp sound of collision.

In the not very wide courtyard, two figures collided countless times in just a few seconds like flashes of light.


The flag and the sword collided again, and sparks burst out from between the two people in a very gorgeous way.

In the small courtyard, a wonderful battle was going on.

White-haired Sakura sat on the aisle that had not been destroyed yet, looking at the two people fighting in front of her with amazement.

The ones fighting were none other than Jeanne d'Arc and Shirou Emiya.

Jeanne d'Arc didn't need to say much. After the circuit and the master's magic power supply were normal, her various values ​​also returned to normal.

Real name: Jeanne

Occupation: Lancer

Attribute: Order and Good

Ability Stats——————

Strength: B

Durability: B

Agility: A

Magic: B

Luck: C

Noble Phantasm: A++

Basically, there is no difference between her attribute panel and when she was a Ruler, and it can even be said that they are exactly the same. After all, Jeanne is not the best at one-on-one combat, but leadership.

At this moment, Jeanne, who has recovered all the stats, is engaged in a fierce offensive and defensive battle with Shirou Emiya.

What surprised Matou Sakura was not how much stronger Jeanne was after recovering her strength.

But without projecting any additional Noble Phantasms, she fought back and forth with Jeanne purely relying on her sword skills and her well-trained body.

You have to know that Jeanne is a Servant, and her stats are excellent among the Servant.

Shirou Emiya is just a human being, a flesh and blood body.

But in terms of martial arts, he is not much inferior to those Servants.


Another heavy collision, the flag and the double blades cut through the air again, and collided fiercely.

Under the powerful momentum, Shirou Emiya retreated several steps backward, and Jeanne also took a small step back.

The difference in strength was revealed at this moment.


A faint sound of breaking through the air sounded, and Jeanne, who had stabilized her body first, stomped her feet on the ground and rushed towards Shirou Emiya.


At this moment, Shirou Emiya threw the double blades in his hand forward.


A crisp collision sound rang out from the air, and Jeanne, waving the flag in her hand, easily bounced off the two flying double blades.

The double blades were also re-projected in Shirou Emiya's hand at the moment he threw the weapon.

Facing Jeanne rushing towards him, Shirou Emiya's eyes were calm.

Long-term battles have made Shirou Emiya develop the habit of being able to calmly deal with most situations, even when facing the situation where his life is about to end.

Compared with swords, guns have a natural advantage, that is, the attack distance is far higher than that of swords, which is beyond doubt.

The powerful speed plus the sharp gunshot had reached Shirou Emiya's face before he could swing the second blow.


The sound of metal clashing like a bell turned into sound waves, echoing in all directions.

Shirou Emiya raised the double blades in his hand and held them in front of him, colliding heavily with the spear tip that was thrusting at him.

Then, a terrible force that could not be ignored was shaken from his hands, and his body suddenly shook. With the help of this powerful force, his body suddenly retreated backwards.

His feet slid hard on the ground, scraping out two grooves.

If it were Wuming, when facing such a powerful thrust, the projected blade would have been damaged long ago.

At this moment, Shirou Emiya once again threw the double blades in his hand forward without hesitation.

The double blades that were bounced away by Jeanne d'Arc and flew behind her came back from the air at some point, and the four weapons locked Jeanne d'Arc's position at this moment, surrounding her completely.

"Clang clang!"

The flags in Joan's hands danced quickly, quickly deflecting the two blades flying in front of her. It was as if she had eyes behind her. She didn't even look at them, and she just turned sideways to dodge the two weapons that were also locked on her body.

"Two heroes, parting together"

However, accompanied by a low murmur, a red figure appeared in front of Jeanne. It was Shirou Emiya, who projected the third pair of double blades to the limit in a very short time.

At this moment, Jeanne had no way to avoid it, and because of the previous counterattacks and dodges, her body was full of flaws.

This move is not like Cu Chulainn's weapon, which makes the opponent unable to dodge in terms of cause and effect.

It is a skill that constantly leads and mobilizes the opponent's body, making it impossible for the opponent to evade the final attack.

Even if the opponent can react, she will not be able to complete the corresponding defensive action in an instant when facing the last attack.

If the opponent can dodge the last blow, Shirou Emiya may have been defeated before this move was performed.

Finally, the blade was in front of Jeanne, but it did not swing down.

Joan's expression at this moment was also fluctuating.

She let out a It's true that she was a little bit disappointed. After all, Shirou Emiya's physical condition was not ideal, but he was still her master. In addition, this was not a life-and-death battle, so Jeanne could not go all out to fight Shirou Emiya.

Basically, she would hold back her strength during the battle. Otherwise, with Jeanne's physical fitness data completely crushing Shirou Emiya, even if Shirou Emiya was slightly better than Jeanne in terms of skills, she could not be suppressed so easily.

Each of Jeanne's attacks was stronger than Shirou Emiya's, and each of her steps was much faster than Shirou Emiya's speed at the moment. It was not so easy to suppress her with skills.

Just like Sasaki Kojiro facing Altria, even if he was better in skills, his numbers were like a mountain that was difficult to cross.

But even if Jeanne let go, she was still a servant, and Shirou Emiya basically did not use any special treasures other than simple martial arts to assist himself.

"Pa pa pa pa pa pa!!!!!!" "

At this moment, applause rang out from Sakura's direction.

At some point, Sakura had contacted everyone in the student union again, and the footage of their battle was being played.

Chapter 739 The inevitable fierce battle

"I didn't expect that you had so much experience so early in the morning. I thought that after replenishing your magic, you would need to rest for a long time."

Leo brought up this topic with a smile, not caring at all that Jeanne and Sakura's red faces were already flushed at this time.

"By the way, what does it feel like when replenishing magic? I have never experienced it. If possible, can you describe it to me? "

As soon as these words came out, Julius, who was standing behind Leo, broke out in a cold sweat, and everyone was stunned instantly.


"Hey! Hey! Hey! Leo, what are you talking about! This is considered sexual harassment, definitely sexual harassment! Why are you like this? Aren't you very stable when you are on the outside? "

Seeing Leo's irrelevant words, Rin Tousaka stood up from her seat and tried to stop him from continuing. Is that right?

"No, I'm really interested!"

Hearing Rin Tousaka's words, Leo looked at her with his eyes that showed he was very interested.

It made Rin Tousaka shudder.

"Okay! Okay! Miss Tousaka just likes to make a fuss like this. This is just a joke from me. After all, living under high pressure all the time, it's absolutely impossible without a little seasoning and relaxation--"

As he spoke, Leo looked at Shirou Emiya through the screen with a slight smile on his face.

"But if possible, still--"

"Well, we actually came here to give you the summary and analysis of the information transmitted by Miss Sakura, as well as some about you, Emiya. "

Before Leo finished speaking, Julius immediately stepped forward and explained to Shirou Emiya and the others.

You have to know that this screen is aimed at Leo, not the students. Julius is standing behind Leo. When he heard his words, Julius felt like ants were crawling all over his body.

It's better to end it early. Julius is too afraid that Leo will say something shocking again.

"Let's talk about the substances on your body first."

"If possible, use it as little as possible. It should be said that if you can avoid using it, don't use it, because those substances are the [evil] abandoned by Mooncell to the back, which is almost impossible for humans to bear."

"Now there is no abnormality in you, Emiya, but these substances are bad in themselves. They can even amplify the malice in your heart. When you lost your mind and anger when facing Lilith, it was these [evil] that were at work."

"Although it is not clear why you, Emiya, can bear this [evil]"

"But if you can avoid using this [evil], then try not to use it. This is the opinion given by our student council."

After a rigorous discussion, they did not tell Shirou Emiya that it is strictly forbidden to use such power.

The use of [evil] will indeed cause irreversible effects, but compared to losing one's life, such a price is still acceptable.

"That BB created a high-level AI with a different personality, Lilith. It was not accidental that she was able to escape from an attack like yours, Emiya, but the result of the superposition of many skill elements."

"First of all, her invincibility. This is not a skill she possesses as a Servant, but a state she sets for herself through her own authority. This state is an innovation. After all, Mooncell has never recorded any so-called invincible units."

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