She felt extremely confused for a moment.

Where does this joy come from?

It's as if the body reacts before the brain.

Why do you feel happy when you see him?

He is an AI, and Emiya Shirou is only related to him in the introduction of characters. Although as an advanced AI, he has a variety of emotions, he should not behave like this.

Even if there is, it should be a simulated manifestation due to the relationship between the characters.

But this emotion comes directly from the body.

In her own opinion, this was an extremely unusual situation.

And it’s more of an emotion than an emotion.

But as an AI, it does not have emotions. If it does, it will be deleted by Mooncell. This is something she is extremely sure of.

She didn't know what was happening to her, but she, Fairy Ah, didn't have time to check her situation at this time.

"Sakura, isn't the teacher from the health room here?"

Emiya Shirou didn't seem to notice the change in Kiri Sakura's expression at this time. Instead, he stood at the door and looked inside while asking Matou Sakura.

At this time, except for the neat hospital beds and the medicine cabinets placed all along the wall, there was nothing else in the health room.

"Well, the teacher has something to do. Let me watch here first."

This purple-haired girl is the assistant to the teacher in the health room. She basically stays in the health room except for classes. She is also the younger sister of Shinji Matou - Sakura Matou.

"Who is this?"

"Hello, my name is Fujimura Taiga. You can just call me Fujimura-sensei."

[Fujimura Taiga] As if he had discovered something, he narrowed his eyes and extended his hand to Matou Sakura with a very loving smile.

"Hello Mr. Fujimura——"

Matou Sakura held [Fujimura Taiga]'s hand very politely.

At this moment, a pale pink and extremely weak magic power bloomed from [Fujimura Taiga]'s hand, and immediately dissipated.

Matou Sakura's body trembled slightly, as if some program was started at this moment.

Sure enough, there is nothing wrong——

Feeling the traces of the computer arts on Matou Sakura's body, [Fujimura Taiga]'s smile became even wider.

"Teacher Fujimura is the new head teacher of our class. I will continue to take Teacher Fujimura to get familiar with the campus."

Emiya Shirou didn't notice anything was wrong at this time. He didn't notice the flash of magic power at all.

It was even said that even if Emiya Shirou had not had his memory restricted due to the pre-selection, he would not have noticed such subtle fluctuations in magic power.

Because he is not proficient in traditional magic, not to mention that his memory is now restricted and he doesn't even know what magic is.

What [Fujimura Taiga] did at this time was not to use her computer skills, but to activate the computer skills that were already present in Matou Sakura.

"Okay, senior, I'll go back first——"

As soon as she finished speaking, Matou Sakura's footsteps suddenly became extremely shaky, and she fell directly behind her.


With a cry, Emiya Shirou took a quick step, grabbed the hand of the fallen Matou Sakura, pulled her towards his position, and firmly caught her in his arms.


Looking at the scene in front of him, [Fujimura Taiga] was also a little surprised and covered his mouth and exhaled.

But Emiya Shirou couldn't care so much now, and looked at Matou Sakura in his arms extremely nervously.

"Are you okay!"

"I, I just, I'm just, a little dizzy-"

Feeling the warmth coming from her chest, Matou Sakura's face turned crimson at this moment, and she made an extremely small sound like a mosquito.

She didn't know what happened to her just now, as if she had been hit hard on the head, she suddenly lost consciousness.

And in Shirou Emiya's arms, she felt an indescribable sense of familiarity, as if she had once been lying on Shirou Emiya's chest.

This is the first day of preliminaries. As an AI, it should be the first time for me to meet Emiya Shirou.

Why, why does the body have such a familiar feeling?

But the pain in her head forced her to stop thinking.

"Why don't you go take a rest now!"

Looking at Matou Sakura, who suddenly lost her footing and fell down, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but look worried.

"No, it's okay, senior. Maybe I've eaten too little recently and have low blood sugar."

Chapter 712: Release of the Noble Phantasm without Hesitation (Revised)

human observation


The technology of observing humans and understanding them. This is not just observation. The key is to speculate on the lives, interests, and even lives of unknown people without forgetting their memories.

It is precisely because of this that Andersen deduced that Shirou Emiya and Kishinami Hakuno's followers were different beings of the same person almost when he saw him for the first time.

The experiences of the two people are not the same, but they will reach the same end. This is Andersen's evaluation of both parties.

The existence of Muming gave Andersen a reference, so he was able to complete the story of Emiya Shirou in just one night.

Andersen is a writer, but he does not always have endless inspiration.

This time, he not only ensured the effect of the Noble Phantasm, but also needed to complete it in such a short period of time. The work involved was far beyond the imagination of others.

Under such circumstances of rushing the manuscript, this story is more inclined to the direction of Wu Ming.

A real article requires careful polishing. Being able to write to this level in such a short period of time is already Andersen's best effort.

Therefore, the "ideal state" that Emiya Shirou is currently in is not the "best posture" he describes in his mind, but Muming's "ideal state".

What's more, Emiya Shirou's "ideal state" for his future is to be a righteous partner.

Wuming has the concept of "just partner" in this world.

In fact, to put it in simpler terms, Emiya Shirou is equivalent to using another account of his own to fight, and the data of his own account is superimposed on it.

The azure blue magic power, like electric light, surged through Emiya Shirou's body.

Countless sword arrows rose from the sky, like falling meteors, streaking across the horizon with dazzling beams of light, tearing apart the space, and continuously shooting towards the ground.

One sword after another was inserted deeply into the ground, and the lines like a network started from the tip of the sword and continued to extend towards the surroundings.

The enemy's figure in the distance has also appeared in everyone's field of vision. It would be better to say that the opponent has no intention of covering himself up.

The opponent only has two servants, one of whom does not even have combat power. The other master, who is said to have servant-level combat power, is also injured. In fact, there is only one and only one person who can actually fight head-on.

If it weren't for BB's arrangement, Cu Chulainn would have even planned to go there alone to test the opponent's strength. Such a crushing would be no fun at all.


Amid the trembling sound of the space, facing the morning sun and illuminated by golden light, the air was pushed away fiercely.

An extremely huge red ship was suspended in the air, shaking the sky, and advancing towards Shirou Emiya's position with an unstoppable aura.

It was a Galen-type three-masted sailing ship from the Age of Discovery named the Golden Stag, and it was also Drake's favorite ship.

"It's really fast. It's within range now."

"Lancer, do you need to fight the opponent first?"

On the deck of the ship, Drake turned the flintlock gun in his hand with one hand and held the wine bottle in the other hand. He looked aside as if he was a little drunk and put the red spear on his shoulder. Cú Chulainn looked up at the people below.

"The order we received is to deal with future troubles, without letting the enemy find any possibility of defeating us one by one, and to eliminate even the slightest possibility.

"I still want to go back and have a showdown with that red Archer. Naturally, things here can be solved quickly, just solve them quickly—"

"What's more, Rider, don't you think that only by eating your Noble Phantasm can I be qualified to fight?"

Hearing Drake's words, Cu Chulainn immediately showed an extremely mad smile. The crimson spear in his hand turned several times in the air, pointing directly at Shirou Emiya and others hundreds of meters away in front.

"I, I'll just stay here. It's not good for so many people to deal with one person——"

Lip interjected weakly between the two of them.

"Tsk! It was a wrong decision for her to ask you to watch and keep them. This is war, little sister!"

Cu Chulainn saw Lip who seemed unwilling to take action and felt disgusted from the bottom of his heart. This was a battlefield. Even if he encountered his own enemy, he would laugh and lament his bad luck while fighting to the death.

"Then, before the official battle begins, let's carry out a full-scale bombing—!"

Seeing such a furious Cu Chulainn, Drake also let out a hearty laugh and slammed the wine bottle in his hand directly to the ground. Extremely terrifying magic fluctuations emerged from his body.

The originally bright sky also became dark at this moment, as if the next second, a storm would fall from the sky and drown everything.

"Little ones, it's time!"

"Storm King!"

"The horde of the undead!"

"The stormy night is about to begin!"

"This is [Golden Wild Hunt]"

As Drake's words fell, with the main ship Golden Hind as the center, the space seemed to be cut out, and sails emerged from the darkness one after another.

The magic power, which can be called a stormy sea, is surging crazily and is extremely astonishing.

Just like in the beginning.

Emiya Shirou stood at the bottom, looking up at the ship that almost covered the entire sky in an extremely small manner.

Only this time, he wasn't alone.

Joan of Arc also raised the flag in her hand at this moment, and golden light emerged from it. She was ready to release her Noble Phantasm at any time to resist the terrifying bombardment that was coming ahead.

The muzzle of the cannon was pointed accurately at the position of Shirou Emiya in front, and the surging magic power gathered in it. Finally, it turned into cannons and golden beams.

Shirou Emiya could clearly feel that the power of such terrifying artillery fire was even more powerful than what he had encountered at the beginning.

That's because, although Drake summoned the fleet that Drake had commanded in the form of undead, and fired at the same time to cause physical attacks, it has the wonderful characteristic of "changing the damage value according to the money carried at the time".

In the first encounter, only seven days had passed, even if Matou Shinji could use his hacking skills to show the treasure.

But during the seven days of accumulation, he still needed to target Shirou Emiya, hide the real name of the servant, and show off, and the accumulation was not enough.

It was different here. BB directly had more exaggerated authority. Countless treasures were completely possible here, and the power of the treasure was maximized at this moment.

The artillery with extremely sufficient firepower covered the area in front in an instant.

"Projection Start (Trace on)"

Chapter 713 Peak Battle

"Is that——!?"

At this moment, in front of the huge fleet, the world has changed.

On the broken earth, eroded by time, countless broken swords were inserted into the rusty earth at will, and the gears of Kak made an unwilling low hum in the space, catering to the setting sun.

This is the world at the end of the ideal.


The space is still trembling.

At this moment, countless sword sounds rang in the space, turning into sword lights. The huge number of sword arrows seemed to cut the entire sky. Wherever they passed, the atmosphere broke, the space was distorted, and they collided head-on with the beam.




The earth-shaking roar resounded in the sky.

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