
Seeing the two figures appearing in the distance, Joan also smiled and quickly flew towards Shirou Emiya's position.

Sesshōin Kiara and Andersen followed closely behind.

"Are you okay now?"

Looking at Jeanne who looked a little pale, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but asked worriedly.

"The state is recovering. After the Master eliminated the opponent, the toxins in my body were also wiped out. Now I just need to wait for the recovery effect brought by my inherent ability to completely cure the effects of the toxins."

However, it was clearly promised that he would become the spear in Shirou Emiya's hand and open the way for him, but in the end, he was needed to break the deadlock of being stalked.

As a follower, I did very poorly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Miss Joan of Arc, don't run so fast, we can't keep up with your speed."

Not long after Jeanne arrived, Sesshōin Kiara gasped for air and ran over.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!"

Seeing Sesshōin Kiara's face flushed and her breath constantly exhaling, Jeanne hurriedly walked over to apologize and put her hand on her back, trying to soothe her breath.

"Although I have been mentally prepared, I still can't help but be amazed when I see the Master defeating Lancer's servant with one strike."

The golden light shone, and Andersen, who appeared from the side of Kiara in Sesshōin, could not help but be amazed by Emiya Shirou's fighting power.

"Caster, are you down too?" Seeing Andersen's appearance, Emiya Shirou looked a little surprised, but then he reacted.

It seems that when I saw Sesshōin Kiara in the old school building before, she had three command spells on the back of her hand. It was not a big problem to use one command spell to pull Andersen from the old school building.

Although Sesshōin Kiara did not use the command spell on the back of his hand, Andersen happened to be beside Sesshōin Kiara when he went to the health room, so he came down together.

As for why Shirou Emiya knew about Andersen, it was naturally because when Leo summoned everyone, every one of his master's servants had met and greeted each other.

"Senior, the analysis of the maze has been completed——!"

On the way here, Sakura was not idle. She was constantly analyzing this part of the maze. It was just that the rising Sherwood Forest hindered Sakura's analysis to a certain extent.

After Emiya Shirou eliminated Robin Hood, the speed of analysis immediately increased rapidly. In just a moment while Emiya Shirou and Jeanne were talking, the analysis was over.

"The map of the maze has been sent to the terminals of the seniors and Ms. Sesshōin, as well as an important piece of information——"

Chapter 701 Human Management Operation Device (Modified)

"The exit and entrance of this maze are blocked by some kind of EX-level defense. I can't lift this defense through permissions. There is even no such new wall in Mooncell's database."

White-haired Sakura reported the results of her analysis to everyone present in an extremely serious manner.

Logically speaking, Mooncell's strongest defense at this stage should be the red wall that isolates the two sides. That wall has a curse and can easily burn the master's brain.

From Baifa Sakura's previous knowledge, the weakest defense in Mooncell is E and the strongest is A. Although there are additional EX levels, this is the first time she has seen this kind of wall.

It couldn't even be turned into numerical values ​​for analysis. All Shiro-haired Sakura got was that it was an EX-level wall.

"The entrance is completely on the back of the wall. There seems to be no place to break through. However, there is a keyhole-like place at the exit. I will repair it first and then go to the exit to take a closer look at the situation."

Jeanne looked at Shirou Emiya's terminal, sorted out the information provided by Shiro-haired Sakura, and quickly put forward her own opinions.

Now Joan of Arc needs a certain amount of time to recover from the damage she suffered in the previous battle.

Sesshōin Kiara has also traveled a long distance, but he has not taken in food and water yet, so he also needs to make corrections.

"If it needs to be repaired, the place where Sakura and I stayed should be a temporary place for us to adjust and rest."

Emiya Shirou naturally agreed with Jeanne's statement, not to mention that he didn't have a clue right now.

I just left a [prison], and it turned out that there was a bigger prison outside.

Although it is wider, if you cannot escape from such a maze, it is no different from a larger prison.

The white-haired Sakura standing behind Emiya Shirou frowned and looked towards the sky.

The entire maze is surrounded by surveillance cameras, and the reason why Joan of Arc was able to know the entrance and exit was because the white-haired Sakura took photos through the surveillance cameras.

However, since White-haired Sakura can mobilize the authority of this maze.

As the creator of Labyrinth 1, it is impossible for BB to find everyone's location through surveillance.

But she never took action. Whether she arranged for Matou Sakura and Emiya Shirou to stay together or asked Lip to guard them, there was an inexplicable coincidence from the beginning to the end.

"What is your true purpose?" White-haired Sakura couldn't help but murmured.

And somewhere deeper, looking at the people moving forward, BB couldn't help but smile.

"Senior, just have fun and I will definitely let you reach your Happy End."

With that said, he closed the picture in front of him.

While Lip was leaving, White-haired Sakura secretly opened a small opening, slipped out with Shirou Emiya, and went to meet Joan of Arc who was not too far away.

After that, he returned to the mansion very quickly before Lip came back.

"This is where you are being imprisoned. Why would you choose the prison in such a mansion? The facilities inside are so complete that it doesn't look like a place of detention at all."

Sesshōin Kiara was sitting on the floor of the living room, holding a cup of warm tea in his hand while sighing in disbelief.

This is not a prison. This is a place that many people dream of and have no way to come to.

"I don't know BB's intentions, and I still can't tell what her purpose is until now."

Emiya Shirou sat beside Jeanne and opposite Sesshōin Kiara, took a slight sip of tea and shook his head.

"BB, her purpose was told to me——"

Looking at the people who were discussing, Bai-haired Sakura placed tea in front of everyone, then sat down and said apologetically.

"But I don't think that is her real purpose, but even so, we have to find a way to hinder BB's actions."

The crowd did not mean to blame, but remained silent, gesturing for Shiro-haired Sakura to continue speaking.

"The normal Holy Grail War is on the surface of the moon. Every time a victory is won, the school building will move deeper.

"When the last person is chosen, they will come to the center of the moon, which is the center of the Mooncell."

"And what BB is doing now is to open a path to the Mooncell center directly from the back of the moon."

"Are you just like us, making a wish to win the Holy Grail?"

Judging from Shiro-haired Sakura's description, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with what BB did, it was just about seizing the Holy Grail in a way that was separate from the regular Holy Grail War battles.

At least, Emiya Shirou was not averse to this method of bypassing regular combat and obtaining the Holy Grail directly from the back. This was just a method, and it was not a dishonorable method.

"If BB is really like her seniors or those Masters, it wouldn't be such a big problem. She said that she wants to transform the Mooncell, which functions as a [Human Observation Device], into a [Human Management Operation Device]."

"The purpose of transforming the world into what she wants may also be to continue human existence as much as possible."

"Doesn't this sound good?" Joan of Arc also became a little confused. The earth's resources in this world have begun to be continuously depleted. If there is help provided by Mooncell, then human beings can continue for a longer time.

Like Leo, he landed on the moon just for the continuation of mankind.

"Maybe BB's intention is good, but————"

"I tried to use the permissions to simulate what would happen if the [Human Observation Device] was changed to the [Human Management Operation Device] as BB said."

This is probably the most critical reason why Shiro-haired Sakura believes that BB must be stopped.

"As a [human observation device], Mooncell will not interfere with the observation results even if it knows that humans will eventually perish."

"If it is integrated with AI, there will be standards for judgment. Instead, we will choose a better future. The final conclusion is to eliminate human beings in order to reduce waste of resources."

You must know that she can make the preliminaries of the entire Holy Grail War repeat on a certain day through her authority, and it is also a very simple matter to simply use Mooncell's computing power to calculate such a thing.

"I'm just saying that there is a high probability that this will be the result, but it may not necessarily be this result."

"Because what I can use is a small part of Mooncell's computing power and capabilities. If I apply all of Mooncell's computing power to it, I might get different results."

But following Shiro-haired Sakura's words, everyone fell into deep thought.

Chapter 702 The Wall of Heart


Access Denied



Chapter 703 It was obviously me first (revised)

Installation technique is not a difficult thing to do in the computer space.

Rather, it is because in this world, the body is composed of pseudo-spirits, and it can be assigned new functions through the pre-set installation program.

The techniques possessed by Tohsaka Rin and Matou Shinji are themselves completed through this installation program.

It just means that the spells they use are created by themselves, not other people's spells.

As for why not install other people's spells and improve yourself through various spells.

That involves the negative effects of installing other people's spells.

Everyone's spells are strong or weak, and have different capacities. Powerful spells can completely affect the servants.

If the spell is too strong and is installed on others, it will cause damage to the personality.

This is why most magicians who participated in the Holy Grail War would choose to create their own spells instead of directly using the spells that other magicians have already created.

Of course, Shirou Emiya himself did not know these knowledge points.

He did not understand the dangers of this, but even if he knew the disadvantages, Shirou Emiya would still agree.

"The risk is too great. Even the simplest spell may exceed the load that the senior can bear at this time--!"

However, hearing the refusal of Shirakawa Sakura, Kiara Sesshōin's eyes became a little sharp. She was extremely calm and smiled slightly at Shirakawa Sakura.

"Don't you want to ask Mr. Emiya's opinion first?"

Kiara Sesshōin did not argue with Shirakawa Sakura, because the decision to install this spell was not in her hands, but on Shirou Emiya standing by.

Even if Shirakawa Sakura allowed it, as long as Shirou Emiya did not agree, she would not force Shirou Emiya to install such a spell.

But at the same time, if Shirou Emiya agreed to this, even if Sakura tried to stop him, it would not work.

"We have to find a way to get through this door, Sakura."

Shirou Emiya did not answer Kiara Sesshōin directly, but went to persuade Sakura who was standing beside him.

He was not a reasonable person. Shirou Emiya fully understood Sakura's concerns about him, but if he did not take risks, there was almost no way to leave here.

"There will always be other ways, senior—"

Sakura looked at Shirou Emiya, her eyes constantly revealing anxiety, but it was true that at this stage, apart from what Sesshōin said, there was basically no way.

Even if he directly launched an offensive with authority, it would be useless.

There is still a way, but it may not succeed.

The erosion of [Infinite Sword Works] is unreasonable. Even the A-level firewall that makes all masters helpless can only resist for a moment before being eroded.

But this wall is EX-level, and it also has the power of the mind. [Unlimited Sword Works] is a mental world, so it should be considered the power of the mind.

Shirou Emiya is not sure that [Unlimited Sword Works] can really erode it directly. Now, installing this technique is the safest decision.

Looking at Shirou Emiya's determined eyes, Sakura knew that she could not persuade him no matter what, and Jeanne beside her did not know how to respond.

Because she is not a heroic spirit in Mooncell, the knowledge provided by Mooncell is only common sense. To some extent, she does not know as much as Shirou Emiya.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, the revelation told her that there is no danger, so Jeanne is not as worried as Sakura.

What's more, no matter what choice Shirou Emiya makes, she will stand behind him resolutely.

Although she said that she wanted to be the spear in Shirou Emiya's hand, Jeanne felt that she should be closer to the shield than the spear.

"We don't have much time left. If it's true as you speculated, BB should be approaching Mooncell right now. If we continue to stalemate here, the consequences will be disastrous."

"I understand. I will always pay attention to your physical condition--"

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