They could not accept this honor, nor would they recognize it.

They did not exert even a tiny bit of strength in the attack on the 59th floor.

Shirou Emiya even blocked the attack from the monsters on the 58th floor by himself.

This gave the expedition team enough time to leave the dangerous area and the dungeon.

If it were not for Shirou Emiya, they would have been dead with pursuers in front and a retreat behind.

"Rivilia, take them back to the family, I will go to the guild to explain the situation first, this honor should belong to Shirou Emiya!"

Finn ignored the words of the adventurers around him and turned back to speak to the equally exhausted Rivilia beside him.

Everything they encountered must be quickly reported to the guild. If such a situation occurs again, the consequences for the adventurers exploring the dungeon will be disastrous.

"I understand, Captain, you don't have to have too much pressure, all of this is force majeure, even if we encounter such a situation again, we may not be able to escape just like this————"

Rivilia nodded and comforted Finn, not because she didn't feel sad for Shirou Emiya who sacrificed himself to cover their rear.

On the contrary, like Finn, she felt extremely heartbroken for this partner who had only been with them for three days.

It's just that this is not Finn's responsibility. In fact, it is already a very remarkable thing to be able to bring everyone else to Orario intact under such circumstances.

"I know that accidents happen all the time in the dungeon, but as adventurers, we must bear everything brought by the death of our companions——"

Finn answered Rivilia with a faint, reassuring smile. He understood, he understood very well, as the captain, he understood very well what kind of existence the dungeon is.

He would not naively think that the dungeon is a harmless place that specializes in providing magic crystals and materials for adventurers.

Every day, I don't know how many adventurers die in the dungeon.

Long before Finn decided to become an adventurer, he was ready to lose his life and his companions.

But how many people can calmly accept the death of their companions?

He can't do it.

"I will go back and report the details of the expedition to Loki later, and then————-"

Finn explained this, his eyes unconsciously looking into the distance.

"I will personally inform the people familiar with Shirou Emiya of these situations!"

At this time, Finn remembered that Shirou Emiya did not have his own god, and he still lived in the tavern until now, and even when exploring the dungeon, he rarely teamed up with others.

However, it was such a loner who single-handedly improved the public security of the entire Orario.

Single-handedly, he saved the expedition team from the water and fire.

"Captain, let's go together!"

Tiona also cheered up at this moment. Shirou Emiya saved the entire expedition team. No matter what, Finn should not be left alone to bear all this.

"I know!"

Finn nodded and did not reject their kindness. After all, they are a team, right?

Afterwards, Finn glanced at the adventurers who were cheering and walked towards the guild without any words.

He would not blame the adventurers who were celebrating. Shirou Emiya had no relatives or friends with those adventurers, and they could almost be said to be strangers.

What's more, dying in the dungeon is just a sparse and ordinary thing for adventurers.

Only things that happen to oneself can make people heartbroken.

"Captain Finn, hello, what service do you need?"

Aina asked Finn who came to the window with a smile on her face.

According to the stories of those excited adventurers, a considerable number of people in Orario already knew that they had broken through the floor several years ago and set a new record in Orario.

Each family member needs to report to the guild which layer they have explored.

If they make a false report or a wrong report, they will be severely punished.

Since Finn came here, Aina naturally thought that he would register the deepest layer explored by the family.


"I want to register, the dead adventurer!"

Chapter 502 If a miracle happens


Access Denied



Chapter 503 The end of everything

Time, three days have passed since the expedition team returned to Orario.

The news that the expedition team reached the 59th floor spread throughout Orario.

Also spread was the news that Shirou Emiya, who was almost hailed as a legend, had sacrificed.

The gods lamented that such a legendary existence died so easily in the dungeon.

The 58th floor, this floor is not accessible to ordinary rescue teams.

Only the two strongest families, the Loki family and the Freya family, are capable of reaching it.

The Freya family has no intention of taking action at all, and it is impossible for them to risk their lives to save an adventurer they have almost never seen.

As for the Loki family, this expedition can be said to have seriously injured everyone.

After treatment, they are still in the recuperation stage.

Everyone's strength has been seriously affected. If they face that situation again, I am afraid that the hope of survival will become extremely slim.

Therefore, no rescue team went to rescue Shirou Emiya trapped on the 58th floor.

It can almost be concluded that Shirou Emiya has no hope of survival.

No one in the whole Orario can survive in such a situation.

Because the news of Shirou Emiya's death spread, the rats hiding in the dark corners began to act again.

They retaliated and bullied the lower-level adventurers more fiercely.

Every day, a large number of LV1 adventurers can be seen walking out of the alleys with scars all over their bodies.

But almost no one did anything about these things.

Shirou Emiya just relied on his powerful strength to suppress those people, and did not fundamentally change their ideas.

It can even be said that this idea itself is deeply rooted in the views of adventurers in this world.

Those LV1 adventurers would not want to resist no matter how they were treated, because resistance would only lead to more intense bullying, and would not want to ask for help, because no one could help them.

Senior adventurers always have a superior attitude, even if they see bullying happening in front of them, they will just pretend that they have never seen it.

No one wants to get into trouble, and no one is willing to help others selflessly like Shirou Emiya.

And Lily, who has been with Shirou Emiya for the longest time, is like a lost soul, staying alone in the room, and even Soma can't persuade her to leave.

If it is said that Shirou Emiya's spirit and his actions deeply affected Aina and everyone who came into contact with him.

Then for Lily Luka, Shirou Emiya is like a beam of light she encountered in her life, a beam of light that saved her from the dark hell.

If it weren't for Shirou Emiya, I'm afraid I would have to endure the endless bullying and live in such a desperate quagmire.

He was obviously my benefactor, and I approached Shirou Emiya with a grateful attitude.

But for some reason, in the process of getting along, she seemed to have completely forgotten about it. Standing next to Shirou Emiya, she could vent her emotions unscrupulously.

It was like she suddenly had a brother, Shirou Emiya took great care of her.

Although she was a supporter, she took care of herself when exploring the dungeon.

When she was tired, he would let her relax and rest, give up exploring the dungeon, and accompany her to stroll on the streets of Orario.

When she was scared, he would comfort her, firmly protect her behind her, and often tell her stories she had never heard of.

When she was angry, he would apologize very sincerely, and even make some food that she had never eaten to make up for herself.

Standing next to Shirou Emiya, Lily felt like she was standing in the sun, without worrying about any approaching cold.

But now, she has forever lost Shirou Emiya, who shone into her life like the sun.

"Justice, is it over again?"

At the door of the tavern, Ryu tightly covered her chest. She felt very painful, extremely painful, the kind of pain that even her breathing began to shrink.

Again --

Again --

Again --

She looked at the street leading to the dungeon and stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to grab something.

But in front of her, there was nothing.

Another justice passed away in front of her, and she could only watch it all happen in such pain.

She wanted to be angry, she wanted to rush into the Loki family and ask them why, as the strongest family in Orario, they needed a person without even a gift to sacrifice.

She wanted to immediately catch everyone in the Loki family, drag them into the dungeon, and do her best to rescue Shirou Emiya who was trapped in the dungeon.

But she suppressed her impulse. This was Shirou Emiya's decision, and it was also his justice. He was like the hero in the story. At that critical moment, he stepped forward and saved everyone, but he didn't save himself.

Just like her former companions, he sacrificed everything.

"Emiya! Emiya! Let's eat at noon today————"

Hephaestus stretched out of habit and shouted loudly to the forging room behind her, but suddenly stopped.

The familiar sound of iron forging did not come from below. At this time, Hephaestus remembered that Shirou Emiya would not come back. He would not continue to tirelessly absorb the knowledge she taught him.

He would not make extremely constructive forging suggestions while constantly forging creatively, and finally forge a black thing that she didn't know what it was, and be laughed at by her.

He would not discuss the feasibility of forging [Sword of Contract Victory] day and night.

He would not eat delicious food that he had never heard of at noon every day, and could only exclaim at the deliciousness.

At some point, she had gotten used to the occasional rhythmic tapping sounds coming from behind her, and also got used to the unique delicacies made by Shirou Emiya.

Perhaps it was because no one had ever spent so much time with her.

Shirou Emiya treated everyone, whether gods or humans, equally.

She had never talked to a human being so harmoniously.

Without any concerns, she said whatever she thought of.

"It's a pity that this shield has not been forged yet————"

Hephaestus slowly picked up the round shield on the side.

It was the empty shell of the [Small World Surrounding the Sky] projected by Shirou Emiya.

When she saw this empty shell shield for the first time, she felt familiar, as if this shield was forged by herself.

But she never had the memory of forging this shield.

She also quickly put aside her research on using the [Sword of Victory] and the [Sword of Forever Distant Gold] and turned to how to forge this shield again.

However, she didn't expect that after she figured out how to forge it, she would never be able to see Shirou Emiya again.

Chapter 504 Arrogant Runner

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Angry roars continued to come from the base of Loki's family.

A silver figure was speeding in the courtyard at an extremely terrifying speed, accompanied by the sound of countless wooden stakes being destroyed in an instant.

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