Without the use of this weapon, it would be difficult for the Emiya android to sneak up on Shirou Emiya.

"Breath of Sword, Type of Thunder————"

With the thunderous breathing from Emiya Shirou's mouth, he instantly turned into a bolt of lightning and appeared in front of Doctor Fashion like a teleport.

The reverse blade in his hand rubbed the air and swung away at Dr. Fashion's neck.

But Dr. Fashion just stood there with a meaningful smile on his lips.


That's enough gravity to crush a normal person's bones in an instant, and that's enough pressure to squeeze blood vessels and burst in an instant.

This force of gravity was several times greater than what Shirou Emiya had previously exerted on him. The terrifying suppressive force pressed Shirou Emiya heavily to the ground in an instant.

Countless lines emerged from the ground, tearing apart in all directions.

Blood also surged into Emiya Shirou's throat at this moment.

There was just a little bit left before Shirou Emiya would come into contact with Dr. Fashion.

At this moment, murderous intent locked onto Shirou Emiya.

"call out--!"

"call out--!"

"call out--!"

"call out--!"

"call out--!"

Countless sword arrows directly penetrated the entire wall and shot towards Emiya Shirou. It was a simple-looking but extremely sharp samurai sword.

At this moment, looking at those flying sword arrows, Emiya Shirou's pupils suddenly shrank.

[Kill with one hit - Murasame]

Even if it was a weakening, Emiya Shirou did not dare to underestimate it.

"[Haunted by evil spirits]!!!"

At this moment, the dragon's armor covered Shirou Emiya's whole body, and the bright red fan was tightly held in his hand.

The terrifying gravity began to cancel each other out at this moment.


"[Fantasy Collapse]!"

Faint words came from the mouths of the Emiya androids on various rooftops.

A terrifying explosion exploded from Emiya Shirou's position at this moment, and the jet-black venom exploded by [Murasame] instantly covered the entire Imperial Guard.

"What's this!"

"No! No!"


The guards in the Imperial Guard were only slightly affected by the venom, and they lost their breath in a very short time and fell to the ground.

As early as the moment when [Murasame] exploded, Dr. Fashion rushed out as if teleporting, and the surrounding Emiya androids surrounded and protected him at extremely fast speeds.

At this moment, except for Dr. Fashion and those Emiya androids, there were no living people in the entire Imperial Guard.


Suddenly, the sound of the ground breaking came from the explosion.

At this moment, Shirou Emiya burst out of the smoke intact, his body mixed with an incomparable scorching aura. Shirou Emiya turned into a piercing heat wave and shot out with extremely turbulent hostility.

The explosion produced by [Murasame] is not as powerful as the explosion produced by [Evil Ghost Haunting]. The most powerful thing about it is that the explosion is highly poisonous.

As long as you can resist the poison, this kind of explosion can easily be resisted by the [Evil Haunting] that Shirou Emiya had projected earlier.


It was the noisy wind blowing from afar, slightly blowing over Emiya Shirou's evil spirit that had transformed into a dragon.

"[Wind God Barrier]!"

In an instant, an extra-long otachi appeared in the hands of each Emiya android. It was the weapon of Kurogane Ouma, the A-level swordsman of Wuqu Academy - [Ryuuga].

A violent hurricane was set off in front of Dr. Fashion at this moment, and hot breath exploded from Emiya Shirou's mouth.

The extremely aggressive slash tore through the hurricane blocking him.

The storm was cut open at this moment, and the reverse blade in Shirou Emiya's hand slowly approached Doctor Fashion's position.

At this moment, the gravity on his body has not completely dissipated, and is even continuing to accumulate.

Emiya Shirou had to use his Japanese fan to resist gravity while stabilizing his body and cutting away the storm in front of him.

"Trace on"

Odachi [Ryuuga] began to appear on the hands of more androids, and the power of the hurricane once again increased to a level, directly lifting Emiya Shirou away and making him retreat violently.

At this moment, Emiya Shirou found that he was surrounded by hundreds of Emiya androids, holding various weapons in their hands.

He held the bow tightly in his hand and aimed it at himself.

Some of them concentrated on controlling the Japanese fan to continuously apply gravity to Emiya Shirou.

Some of them were already fully armed, wearing several pieces of imperial equipment and rushing towards their position.

However, they have one thing in common, that is, their eyes have no sparkle, as if they have lost their souls, they look at Emiya Shirou with a dull look.

Like a doll, it was doing what it was doing mechanically, constantly attacking Emiya Shirou.

Countless sword arrows were like missiles, shooting towards Shirou Emiya one after another.

Every strike was extremely precise.

Continuous explosions also continued to occur from the position of the Imperial Guard.

Throughout the imperial capital, civilians returned to their homes in great panic, praying that disaster would not befall them.

Chapter 362: Words that should not appear in this world


A violent collision exploded in front of Shirou Emiya. An Emiya android was kicked away by Shirou Emiya. The Emiya android wearing [Noble City] turned into a missile and was directly embedded in the ground. superior.


The collision of slashes and slashes aroused a neat sound of gold and iron clashing. Hot breath was exhaled from the corner of Emiya Shirou's mouth, and the sound of broken swords also sounded at this moment.


An extremely deep crack tore from the [Noble Chariot], and with just a casual slash from Shirou Emiya, the armor on their bodies turned into magic fragments and dissipated in the air.


The sword arrow fired from a distance had no chance of hitting Shirou Emiya and was shot down.


Violent explosions exploded from around Emiya Shirou, but they were unable to harm him at all, only bursts of violent smoke exploded.

At this moment, Emiya Shirou was wielding his two swords, and one after another Emiya androids were knocked away by him, hitting the surrounding walls and the ground.

But they recovered extremely quickly and once again participated in the battle against Shirou Emiya.

"What did you do to them!!!"

Red lightning burst out from his body, and Shirou Emiya once again turned into a phantom and shot toward Dr. Fashion's position at a speed as fast as lightning.

But before they could rush in front of Dr. Fashion, dozens of Emiya androids were also flashing red lightning, holding various weapons in their hands, surrounding him, and working together to attack Emiya Shirou.

"It's just that I opened the back door a little bit——"

With a wild smile on his lips, Dr. Fashion replied slowly while looking at Shirou Emiya who was struggling.

"back door?"

Shirou Emiya couldn't help but smacked his lips. He had actually guessed that these artificial humans had independent self-awareness and their own thoughts.

Then it is extremely possible to pursue freedom and get rid of the shackles like the androids of the Yggdmillennia clan at that time.

In order to be able to restrain the artificial humans, the Yggdomirenia family deprived them of most of their emotions, making them live like tool humans without any doubts about any instructions given by them.

Because of this, those artificial humans who have lost some of their emotions cannot serve as the core of Avisbron's Noble Phantasm.

The artificial people created by fashion do not limit their emotions. Each Emiya artificial person has his own emotions and thoughts. This situation is very dangerous.

If they realize that what the empire has done is wrong and have other ideas, then these Emiya androids may become the one who gained freedom from the Yggdomirenia clan and decided to liberate his own people. Same as people.

Dr. Fashion isn't about to let that happen.

He has been studying in the laboratory for so many days in order to be able to integrate these Emiya androids and control their spirits in a unified way.

That is to say, creating an existence similar to the command tower. After thinking about it, Dr. Fashion finally decided that it would be the safest way to become the existence of this command tower himself.

He did not want to lose a resource-rich place like the Empire. What he pursued was the most profound truth. Before he could pursue the truth, he needed resources that even the nobles could not afford.

Shirou Emiya once again rushed in front of Dr. Fashion, and the red sword in his hand erupted with a strong beam of light and aimed at his head.

But Dr. Fashion slowly looked at Emiya Shirou, who was emitting strong magic power in front of him, and spoke slowly.

The entire Imperial Guard position was surrounded by three layers inside and three outside. It was difficult for Shirou Emiya to burst out with powerful speed among such a large number of people. Before the other Emiya androids could react, he rushed to Doctor Fashion. forward.

You must know that those Emiya androids who exerted gravity on themselves did not give up.

Thirty or forty rays of gravity are still constantly blessing Emiya Shirou's body. Even if the weapon projected by Emiya Shirou is more powerful, it can only withstand the influence of nearly 20 rays of gravity.

The remaining gravity indeed suppressed his original strength.

Without the defense of these Emiya androids, Emiya Shirou could easily defeat Dr. Fashion.

"Hey, Emiya Shirou, do you understand what the nature of magic is?"


The moment the light fell, dozens of [Seven Rings Covering the Blazing Sky] appeared in front of him, blocking it.



The sword turned into thunder and struck at Shirou Emiya's back.

"The essence of magic is vitality. The magic used by magicians is basically obtained from the outside world."

Doctor Fashion didn't seem to care about Shirou Emiya at all. He was explaining to himself, as if he was showing off something, and kept looking at Shirou Emiya who was fighting with a smile on his face.


Emiya Shirou was not surprised that Dr. Fashion had figured out the nature of magic, but the name.

You must know that I have never expressed my identity as a magician here, and I have never told that the energy in my body is called magic power.

This kind of term should not come out of his mouth.

Magician, this is not a word that should exist in this world.


This is Toudou Touka's weapon——Iai Sword Mingshen, which contains the power to control lightning. It can be said to be more convenient than General Bud's imperial weapon that can only use lightning when wearing double-handed armor.

The power of lightning exploded here, but was easily knocked back by Shirou Emiya.

The rain-like sword arrows fell towards Shirou Emiya's position again.

"Shirou Emiya, your magic power should not be as comfortable as before."

Along with the words of Dr. Fashion, the impact once again burst out from the air.

A pair of wings stretched out from behind Shirou Emiya, turning into a silver lightning in the air, and once again shot towards the position of Dr. Fashion.

However, in the hands of the android in front of him, a bright red sword suddenly appeared, and in an instant, it set off a violent flame, attacking Shirou Emiya who was sprinting like a dragon.

With the help of the hurricane, the flame became even more ferocious, and hit Shirou Emiya who was flying down with an all-consuming aura.

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