"Sweeping seven academies, you really think highly of that C-level swordsman."

The woman with the clown mask gave a very disdainful smile.

"In this world, he should be the only one who can do this."

Then the person with the clown mask looked at a black-haired man in a kendo outfit who was sitting at the farthest place without saying a word, with his head down, as if thinking about something.

"If it was just a battle against students, I should be able to do this, but I am an A-level swordsman."

The black-haired man shook his head. Even if he really challenged the seven academies, there would not be any sensation. He was the only A-level swordsman student in Japan. If he couldn't even do this, then he would be unworthy of the title of A-level.

And those students were not in his eyes at all. The only one who could interest him was Stella, who was also an A-level swordsman.

It's a pity that her strength was too weak, far from a real A-level swordsman.


Just like when Ikki Kurogane, who is at F level, defeated Stella, who is at A level, the whole people of Pojun Academy were extremely shocked and regarded Ikki Kurogane as their idol.

It is natural for an A level swordsman to defeat a swordsman of a lower level than himself. Only when a lower level defeats a higher level can people be excited.

"Well, I am also full of interest in Shirou Emiya. When the time comes, I will find a time to invite him to join. If he agrees, everyone will be happy. If he disagrees————"

The person sitting in the middle did not continue, but everyone present knew what kind of ending would happen if Shirou Emiya disagreed.

"However, he seems to be coming to Jumen Academy soon. I will take a look at his strength at that time."

The very cute man looked at the stars outside the window with a sunny smile and spoke slowly.

Chapter 326 Fame

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Have you heard? That C-rank Blade Master named Shirou Emiya is coming to our school!"

"No way, if he really comes, our school won't be so peaceful, you know, he challenged the entire Tanlang Academy alone!"

"Eh? Don't just look at the surface, it was those bad guys in Tanlang Academy who provoked Senior Emiya, so Senior Emiya was furious and knocked them all down. If it weren't for those bad guys, Senior Emiya wouldn't have taken action."

"Wait, why did you call Senior? He's just a freshman, right?"

"Can you challenge a school alone when you're a freshman?"

"He won't come here to challenge our entire Jumen Academy!"

"Should be, right?"

At this time, the students of the entire Jumen Academy were discussing it heatedly.

The incident of Shirou Emiya challenging the entire Tanlang Academy a few days ago was fermenting in the world of the Blade Masters.

However, the actual situation is not as exaggerated as these students say. Although the scale of the entire Tanlang Academy is not as large as that of Pojun Academy, the quality is also difficult to match that of Pojun Academy.

But as one of the seven magic knight academies, Tanlang Academy also has thousands of students. Even if these thousands of students do not intend to resist at all, it will take Shirou Emiya a long time to defeat them.

What's more, they also have different styles of supernatural powers.

乯This is not a life-and-death duel. Shirou Emiya just wants to teach these bad guys who disregard the rules a lesson.

Shirou Emiya will not use large-scale lethal attack methods such as fantasy collapse.

It's just that after defeating several B-level swordsmen, those C-level, D-level, and E-level bad guys lost the desire to continue fighting.

Even the B-level swordsmen can't get any benefits from Shirou Emiya, let alone them.

After seeing that everyone present had lost the will to fight, Shirou Emiya did not continue to fight.

The chairman of the board of directors of the Tanlang Academy also stepped out at the critical moment and put an end to this conflict.

However, the impact caused by this incident could not be ended just like that.

In this era of such advanced information, what Shirou Emiya did spread all over the Internet in an instant.

This is different from Shirou Emiya's victory over Toudou Touka. This incident directly attracted the attention of all the swordsmen.

Toudou Touka is the strongest existence in the entire Pojun Academy, and is also a person admired by many students of Pojun Academy. Shirou Emiya's defeat of him will naturally bring great shock to the people of the entire Pojun Academy.

But for people from other academies outside, there is not much feeling, and most swordsmen will not pay attention to such things.

It's just defeating the strongest person in the academy. It's not that there are no freshmen in their own academy who have done this.

C-level swordsmen are not necessarily unable to defeat B-level swordsmen. It is better to say that many C-level swordsmen are very powerful in combat, and they are not to be underestimated among the ranks of B-level swordsmen.

Shirou Emiya's idea was very simple. Before he left this world, he would record one more weapon.

One more fighting method means one more chance of winning in battle.

And he was not very sure what kind of impact he would have after fighting Tanlang Academy head-on. After all, Emiya Shirou was not good at surfing the Internet.

When it comes to the Internet, Shinji is better at it.

Emiya Shirou had always used a flip phone before, but he was still not used to using it when he suddenly switched to a touch-screen phone, let alone a network that he didn't even understand.

However, even if he knew it, Emiya Shirou would not change his purpose.

After the fight ended, the chairman prepared a temporary dormitory for him, and Emiya Shirou stayed at Tanlang Academy for a few days.

Although there were some weapons with some technology that Shirou Emiya could not record, those that could be analyzed had to be analyzed. It was not an easy task to analyze the inherent spiritual equipment of thousands of students.

It is impossible for him to record all the students' inherent spiritual equipment in just a few hours.

A few days are necessary, and during the few days that Emiya Shirou stayed at Tanlang Academy, all those bad guys suppressed the surge in his heart.

I have to press it down. First of all, they can't defeat Emiya Shirou. Secondly, if they do something bad in the academy, then Emiya Shirou will appear behind them in the next second and give them a quick beating. Dayton.

Although it is only a physical pain, who would want to bear this physical pain?

Emiya Shirou is simply more of a disciplinary committee member than a disciplinary committee member.

In short, during the few days that Emiya Shirou stayed at Tanlang Academy, there was even a bad guy who dyed his hair back to black.


Emiya Shirou stepped off the tram and looked at the entrance with the extremely majestic huge door in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh.

It’s such a big door!

"You're really here. You don't really intend to challenge our academy, do you?"

"Probably not, Emiya-senpai looks very kind!"

When Emiya Shirou came to the entrance of Jumon Academy, the students in Jushan Academy began to whisper and looked nervously at Emiya Shirou who was about to enter.

"Welcome! Emiya-senpai!"

When Emiya Shirou took out his student ID card to register information at the school gate, a very cute-looking boy with blond hair appeared in front of him and said hello.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Murasaki Amane! Just call me Amane."

This blond boy looks very lively and full of energy.

"Um, Tianyin-san, what's the matter?"

Emiya Shirou scratched his head, not knowing what he was looking for.

"Eh? Emiya-senpai, don't you want to challenge the strongest person in Jumon Academy?"

Seeing Emiya Shirou's puzzled expression, Murasaki Nomiya Amane asked.

After all, judging from Shirou Emiya's information, he quickly defeated the strongest person in Pojun Academy as soon as he entered Pojun Academy.

After staying in Pojun Academy for a few days, he immediately challenged the entire Tanlang Academy by himself.

After only a day or two, Emiya Shirou rushed to Jumon Academy without stopping.

The point is that after Emiya Shirou has done so many things, they still don’t understand what Emiya Shirou’s purpose is?

We can only tentatively guess that Emiya Shirou wanted to increase his fame by defeating the strongest in each academy.

He couldn't possibly want to visit the seven magic knight academies.

Chapter 327: Across various schools without defeat

"You're really going to cause trouble for me!"

Shinguji Kurono looked at the news reports on his computer, put his hand on his forehead, and said extremely unhappy.


"It would be better if you could control the smile on your lips, Xiao Hei!"

Nishikyo Neine appeared beside Shinguji Kurono without making any sound, looking at her helplessly.

"I didn't expect that boy to bring me such a big surprise!"

Shinguji Kurono turned around and looked at Nishikyo Neine with a smile. At this time, in the report, Emiya Shirou had defeated Jumon Academy, Lucun Academy, Bunqu Academy, and Renshen Academy one after another. The swordsman of the Garden's Seven Star Sword Dance Festival.

No, it would be better to say that even some powerful swordsmen who did not participate in the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival were defeated by Emiya Shirou.

So much so that the International Magic Knights Alliance took action to stop his behavior.

He even accused Emiya Shirou of a false charge and wanted to arrest him.

Of course, it was not entirely false. After all, Shirou Emiya's identity was forged by Kurono Shinguji. With the power of the International Magic Knights Alliance, it was easy to discover this forged identity.

However, they were resisted by Nishikyo Neine and Shinguji Kurono.

The former No. 3 in the world and the current No. 3 in the world still have a certain weight.

"Didn't you expect that his strength has reached such a level?"

Kurogane Ikki, who had just withdrawn from training, couldn't help but sigh when he saw the report about Emiya Shirou.

While he was still preparing for the Seven Stars Sword Dance Festival, Shirou Emiya had already started the Seven Stars Sword Dance Festival to some extent.

If he really managed to defeat all the contestants of the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival in the school, he would actually have become the champion of the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival and the final winner.

Even if you really become the Seven-Star Sword King, you don't need to defeat every contestant.

"Emiya-san's strength has probably truly reached the level of an A-level swordsman. It is only natural that he can defeat those contestants of the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival like this."

Seemingly seeing Kuroyuki Ikki reading the news about Emiya Shirou, Todo Touka also came closer.

"It's a pity that I didn't fight him once before he left Pojun Academy."

Stella, who was sitting next to Kuroyuki Ikki, sighed slightly. If she fought Emiya Shirou head-on, she might lose, but she would definitely gain a lot of valuable experience.

"We can only be glad that Emiya-san is not our opponent, right?"

Todou Touka smiled. No matter what, Emiya Shirou is a member of Pojun Academy. Even if he participates in the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival, he will represent Pojun Academy.

"That being said, it's just a pity. Nishikyo-sensei said that Shirou Emiya's sword skills are very superb. If Ikki can imitate him, he will definitely improve his strength to a certain extent."

Stella felt regretful.

"An archer who is proficient in sword skills is difficult to defeat no matter how hard you think."

Kurogete Ikki smiled bitterly. When he faced Todou Touka, he only realized at that critical moment that he could condense everything in his body into one moment and was able to barely win and get the chance to participate. Qualifications for the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival.

If he faced Shirou Emiya, a stronger archer, he didn't know how he could win.

That's right, Pojun Academy has now selected all the participants for the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival in the past few days, and they are now making the final sprint at Okutama's training ground.

Okutama's training ground is one of the off-campus facilities of Pojun Academy. Before almost every Seven Star Swordsmanship Festival, representatives of Pojun Academy will come here for training, so it can be regarded as a relatively important facility.

"Don't think too much, just keep training for the upcoming Seven Star Sword Dance Festival!"

Dongtang Daohua didn't worry so much about gains and losses, and immediately urged Stella.

"It's really an unexpected situation, Ouma, are you confident that you can defeat him?"

In the dim room, the man in a suit and glasses sitting in the middle asked with his hands crossed and a low voice.

He didn't expect Shirou Emiya to be so troublesome.

When Emiya Shirou went to other schools, he even paid to hire several terrorist organizations to attack him, but the final result was that Emiya Shirou was unscathed, and all the people sent by the terrorist organizations News of the arrest.

Even the elite of the terrorist organization, the one-armed swordsman one of the "Twelve Apostles", was defeated at the hands of Emiya Shirou and was arrested.

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