"I don't want to fight anymore. There are so many people, but we didn't even touch the corner of his clothes!"

They didn't believe it. They believed that Shirou Emiya was just a C-level swordsman, but the hundreds of students who fell to the ground told them this unbelievable fact with blood.

It was just a C-level swordsman, but he defeated hundreds of people like this!

Some of the students had lost their will to fight and ran in other directions with horror.

"Can't retreat! How can we retreat here!"

"We can't let the people of Pojun Academy look down on us!"

"This is Tanlang Academy. If we are defeated by a C-level swordsman, how can we go out in the future!"

"Can't retreat!!!!"

The other group of people bit their teeth tightly, the veins on their foreheads bulged, they held their weapons in their hands very hard, and stared at Shirou Emiya who was standing there.

Looking at the words and expressions of these people in front of him, Shirou Emiya knew that this matter was out of control.

Without a result, it is absolutely impossible for him to leave safely.

However, Shirou Emiya did not regret it.

In order to prevent the escalation of the matter, should he accept the bullying without complaint?

Shirou Emiya could not do it, and he did not want to do it.

Just like in Fuyuki City, many students did not resist those bad boys. Why? Because of the advice of the principal and the teacher. Those teachers did not want such things to be known by outsiders, did not want the reputation of their school to be affected, and did not want their careers to be affected.

They asked the bullied student not to resist. If he resisted, he would be blamed by the teacher and even expelled.

Isn't this a kind of bullying?

In this case, those students can only swallow their anger alone, hoping that they will not be bullied after junior high school, or after high school.

But obviously, this is just a luxury.

Shirou Emiya does not like such a society, and he hates those who bully others.

This is not a matter of tolerance or not. Some things cannot be compromised from the beginning.

They are sword-breakers, sword-breakers have power that ordinary people can hardly imagine. Even the lowest level sword-breakers are stronger than ordinary people.

A sword-breaker may casually strike dozens of people without paying attention.

If they don't restrain themselves, how many people will be bullied, or even think about suicide.

Shirou Emiya dare not imagine it.

Ordinary bad guys may have the idea of ​​resistance, but sword-breakers, even if they resist, what's the difference? This is the gap between heaven and earth.

Just like Kurashiki Kurato.

Shirou Emiya only found out what he had done later.

He kicked all the dojos in Japan just to see the real kendo.

Perhaps it means that he is really focused on pursuing kendo.

But what about the dojos he destroyed?

What about those ordinary people who practice kendo?

Because of his willfulness, how many ordinary people have lost the things they love, how many people have lost their jobs.

How many people have fallen into hell because of him, unable to get out of it all their lives, and can only die in depression.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

A voice sounded beside Shirou Emiya. It was a delinquent who took off his inherent spiritual equipment and knelt down to beg for mercy.

But Shirou Emiya seemed not to hear it. He kicked out. He could only see the delinquent rolling on the ground for several rounds before he stopped.

Without profound lessons, those delinquents would never understand some truths. Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is the nature of most delinquents, and it is also the conclusion drawn by Shirou Emiya after fighting with those delinquents for several years.

That year, it was because I thought that just preaching was enough, so I let them go.

But I didn't expect that those delinquents would not repent and took the opportunity to retaliate, so that my classmates from the same school were surrounded in the alley.

If Shinji hadn't been paying attention to those delinquents who were not beaten up by Shirou Emiya, and had quickly rushed over to stop those delinquents when he found something unusual.

If something happened to that classmate, I might regret it for the rest of my life.

It was only after this that Shirou Emiya made up his mind to expel all the bad guys from Fuyuki City with Shinji.

They were often ambushed by those bad guys.

However, all the students of Tanlang Academy who were hit by Shirou Emiya were more despairing than those ordinary people who were bullied by them, and those who could only spend their whole lives in darkness because of their willful behavior.

These bad guys only had some flesh wounds, and they didn't even need a regeneration chamber. With the physical fitness of the sword cutter, they could basically recover completely within a week.

Since things are out of control, let's beat them all!

Chapter 323: No Turn

"I know, this is just a fight between students, isn't it?"

In a room at the highest point of the entire academy, a middle-aged man hung up the phone in his hand and quickly turned it off, lit a cigar, and slowly walked to the window.

There was no melancholy on his face, but he was very excited, as if he was watching a big show, full of interest.

As the chairman of the school, he couldn't possibly be unaware of this extremely sensational thing, but he had no intention of stopping it.

He had read Emiya Shirou's information. Apart from his strange birth, there was nothing wrong with his information.

As for his age, he could tell at a glance that he was only the age of a high school student.

Since I have already acquiesced in the school spirit of the entire school, the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle.

If creatures from other ecosystems came here to prey, he would not stop them.

What's more, Emiya Shirou is only a first-year freshman at Pojun Academy.

He also wanted to save face. He was just a C-level swordsman, but he wanted the chairman to stop him.

What do other academies think of this school? Even a C-level swordsman needs a chairman to defeat it.

It's better to quit the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival.

In short, the chairman of Greed Academy was standing by the window, silently watching the battle happening below without saying a word. He also wanted to see how far Emiya Shirou could do it.

You must know that the seed contestants from your school to participate in the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival have not yet appeared.

That was one of the few B-level swordsmen in Japan Academy, even though he was only a freshman.


Shirou Emiya, who was wielding his sword, suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis coming from behind him.


A huge impact exploded from behind Emiya Shirou, and the powerful force directly ejected Emiya Shirou.

I saw Emiya Shirou spinning in the air, and with such huge force, he landed firmly on the ground and looked in the direction of the attacker.

It was a petite girl wearing a hat and a scarf around her neck. Her appearance was hidden under her clothes, and Shirou Emiya could only see her eyes full of dark circles.

But such a petite girl holds a chainsaw as big as her body in her hand.

She is the representative student of Tanlang Academy Seven Stars Sword Dance Festival - Tatara Yui.

Tatara Yui

Swordsman Level: B

Inherent spiritual equipment: Earth-grabbing centipede

Title: No transfer

Attack power: C

Defense: A

Magic power: D

Magic control: C

Physical fitness: B

Luck: C

Of course, Shirou Emiya didn't know this information. He just frowned and looked at the girl holding a chainsaw in front of him in a prepared manner.

Because it was a chainsaw, Emiya Shirou could not know what kind of abilities the girl in front of him had through analysis.

In short, any enemy that can make you feel threatened will not be a weak enemy.

At least, it is certainly not comparable to these bad things.


Without too many words, Tatara Yui didn't seem to want to say anything.

She suddenly stepped on the ground with one foot and shot towards Shirou Emiya's position.

He waved the chainsaw in his hand, pointed it at Emiya Shirou's head, and chopped it down hard.


The blade and the chainsaw collided heavily, and a powerful impact shook from them.丶

It wasn't over yet. At the moment of impact, the chainsaw in her hand made a violent sound like an evil tiger.


The saw blade on the electric saw was rolling at a speed that could not be seen clearly by the naked eye, tearing into pieces the reverse blade in Emiya Shirou's hand, and countless metal fires burst out from it.

"call out!"

However, at this moment, the silver sword light turned into a shining shadow, and slashed at Tatara Yui's neck cunningly.

At this distance and at this lightning speed, it was impossible for her to block it. She would only be hit in the neck by one blow and fainted.


At the moment when Emiya Shirou's right sword hit Tatara Yui's neck, the left sword could not withstand the violent chainsaw attack and turned into a starlight, dissipating into a burst of magic power in the air.

The chainsaw that suddenly had no obstruction tore through the air and struck at Shirou Emiya's head.

He didn't seem to care that the weapon in his hand would kill Emiya Shirou.

Rather, she wanted to kill Emiya Shirou.

At worst, just say it was a miss. After all, this is not a fantasy battle. Even with the omnipotent regeneration chamber, deaths due to misses are not uncommon in Tanlang Academy, right?

Underneath her scarf, she grinned with great excitement.


The moment the reverse blade in Emiya Shirou's hand hit the girl's neck, a more powerful force burst out from it and was accurately transmitted to Emiya Shirou's hand.

This feeling is like being cut against oneself.

But there was no time for Shirou Emiya to think about what that felt like.

The electric saw that shredded the air was steadily chopping off the head that was about to hit him.

However, when faced with such a situation, Emiya Shirou did not show any panic. He stepped on the ground under his feet, retreated, exhaled a thunderous breath from his mouth, and disappeared in an instant, suddenly bursting into flames. Get out.

The empty chainsaw hit the ground, causing extremely violent sparks.

She raised her head with a somewhat displeased expression, and saw only a faint white mark on the ground.

Perhaps it is because this academy is often full of battles. All the buildings and the ground have been reinforced. At least until now, Shirou Emiya has not seen the walls or the ground. Because of the battle, Cause damage.

If it was an ordinary ground, it would have broken apart if he had pushed so hard, but nothing happened here.

But Shirou Emiya didn't know whether it was only the Tanlang Academy or all the academies.

After all, he hadn't tried to see if the floor was hard in the Pojun Academy.

Perhaps only the ground in Ryudo Temple was harder than here.

Why did you think of Ryudo Temple?

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