"You're welcome. This is what the student union should do. But junior fellow student, are you interested in coming to the student union to take a look?"

In addition to guiding new students, she also has the idea of ​​recruiting new members for the student union.

After all, every new student enrollment means that a class of old students will leave, so there must be a need to absorb new students.

She would invite good prospects among the new students.

I will also look for some high-quality freshmen here that I would not be able to detect just by looking at the information.

For example, Emiya Shirou didn't feel anything from a distance, but in such close contact, she could clearly see that Emiya Shirou had practiced kendo. Although his level was not very good, from his regular movements Breathing and steady steps are also a good idea.

You can invite them over first and then make a detailed judgment during the interview at the Student Union.

Of course, there is a possibility of rejection, but Todou Touka won't take it to heart if he refuses.

"Okay, okay, thank you, Senior Sister Dongtang."

Emiya Shirou thought about it for a while, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with going to meet the student union of this school. He didn't have anything important to do now.

And because of Yanagi Kazunari, Emiya Shirou has a high opinion of the person who holds the position of student council president.

——————I am the lovely dividing line of time——————

"The get out of class is finally over. It's better not to come over to listen again."

Emiya Shirou walked out of the classroom with a frown on his face.

He found that what the teacher said here about the use of magic power, or how to improve abilities, was of little use to him.

Although magic power is the same thing, the way Emiya Shirou generates magic power is obviously different from them.

There is no such thing as a magic circuit in this world. The generation of their magic power is due to the awakening of supernatural powers.

Moreover, the teacher also advocated that the total amount of magic power is the standard for measuring the maximum achievement of a swordsman.

Emiya Shirou did not contradict his teacher because it made no sense.

The two methods of using magic power and generating magic power are different, and Emiya Shirou does not understand the operation of magic power in this world at all.

It can only be said that it is better than nothing. This knowledge will not help Emiya Shirou in any way.

It is better to choose to exercise by yourself, or find Xijing Ningyin to train yourself.

The chairman asked himself not to use the ability to project other people's weapons and use other people's powers.

Because my current situation is very abnormal, I cannot hide myself, and I can easily be discovered by unintentional people.

If you want to use gravity to exercise yourself, you can only find Xijing Ningyin.

After all, her reputation is very high, and if someone discovers that Shirou Emiya can use gravity himself, it will inevitably be exposed.

You have to know that your information is public. If an unintentional person checks it and discovers that his special ability is created by swords, and he can control gravity, things will become troublesome.

The only advantage is that I can still project other people's sword-like weapons.

Anyway, the weapons I use most are swords.

And this only limits the types of weapons you can project when fighting.

As long as Emiya Shirou has seen and analyzed weapons, he can project them.

In other words, Emiya Shirou could actually sit in the school arena for a day, analyze and record everyone's weapons, find a free time, free opportunity, or go to another world and project them all.

Although Shirou Emiya's memory is not very good, he doesn't know why he will never forget the weapons or things he has recorded.

It's like putting these records somewhere, and you can project them as long as you think about them.

If the magic power is enough, Shirou Emiya can directly project the [Hoshireden] in this world.

Chapter 310 The powerful magic power

Emiya Shirou put the book in his hand into his handbag.

As an academy with the theme of supernatural combat, it naturally has corresponding teaching materials, and he has read them carefully.

Although there is a lot written about it, one thing is told throughout the whole article, that is, the magic value represents everything.

Emiya Shirou could only shake his head with a wry smile and put the book away.

Today's class is basically over.

Similar to my own school, the entire academy spends most of its time on those clubs or departments.

Since it is a battle, actual combat is more important than theory.

However, there is still one cultural class every week. Although the focus of the academy is on combat, it does not let the students lack knowledge.

There are many abilities that can only be realized after reaching a certain level of knowledge.

"Let's take advantage of this time and take a walk around the campus."

Emiya Shirou looked at the scorching sun on the horizon and put his hands in front of his face.

With such good weather, it would be too wasteful to go back to the dormitory immediately after class.

What's more, Emiya Shirou didn't want to get lost every time he went out to attend class.

Because time is very free, the classrooms here are so-called mobile classrooms, and even classes can be mobile classes.

As long as the individual wishes, he can even directly transfer to other people's classes.

This kind of class division is just to facilitate the distribution of courses.

After all, this academy focuses on individual combat power, not collective combat power.

Therefore, there is no cohesiveness among the class group, and basically they will not see each other except during class time.

"Hey! Red-haired classmate over there, wait a minute!!"

Shirou Emiya was walking around the academy, feeling the technology and scenery he had never seen before, when he suddenly heard someone calling him loudly.

There seemed to be no red-haired student like him around here.

I saw a woman with short blond hair tied with a red ribbon, wearing a school uniform and a pair of round lenses trotting over.

However, the physical strength and physical fitness of the swordsman are basically not comparable to that of ordinary people. Under such a long-distance running, this girl did not have any breath.

"Are you the Emiya-san with the strange power to attract people?"

She took out a small book from somewhere and stared at Shirou Emiya with piercing eyes.

"I am, what can I do?"

Emiya Shirou couldn't accept her enthusiasm and took half a step back.

"Oh! My name is Kagami Kusakabe, and I am from the student newspaper of Pojun Academy. I want to know if you have a second power?"

Kagami Kusakabe held the pen in her hand tightly, resting it on her notebook, staring directly at Shirou Emiya.

It made Emiya Shirou's skin crawl.

"No, isn't my ability clearly written in the data? It's just [Sword Creation]."

"Eh? But many students have reported that there is a student in the school who uses his powers indiscriminately, making them unable to concentrate."

Kusakabe Kagami tilted her head and asked Emiya Shirou.

After all, it was very obvious that Emiya Shirou was the one who attracted attention.

But what really stood out was Shirou Emiya's magical power, not Shirou Emiya.

That's why no students came up to say hello to Emiya Shirou. When Emiya Shirou was in class, there were many students in the classroom who looked at him with very unhappy eyes.

After Emiya Shirou walked out of the classroom, many students in other classrooms looked at him angrily.

Emiya Shirou's unique magical presence made it almost impossible for students near Emiya Shirou to concentrate.

They also reported this matter to the student union and made a complaint.

As for the reason why the student union did not deal with Emiya Shirou quickly, Kusakabe Kagami actually had some guesses.

According to the information on Shirou Emiya, his superpower is [Creating Swords], which is not at all as eye-catching as those students guessed.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou did not violate the rules at all, so the people in the student council were probably worried about how to deal with this matter, so they delayed it for the time being.

Perhaps it was because Emiya Shirou's strange magical power appeared suddenly, and the location where he appeared was in the chairman's office.

Rumors began to spread among those students that Emiya Shirou might be a person with double powers.

Although there are many explanations, for some reason they think this explanation is the most reliable.

Not long after he stayed in school, Emiya Shirou became the object of discussion by everyone in the school.

The flip side, of course, is the object of dislike.

Everyone will feel disgusted when a person who makes them unable to concentrate appears next to them.


Emiya Shirou quickly apologized. Although Tohsaka Rin gave him a way to hide his magic power, he still couldn't hide his strange magic power.

He could only feel his magic power from all the magicians in Fuyuki City, but now it can only be felt within a few hundred meters of him.

"No, no need. If some swordsmen deliberately release this kind of power on you, you are also a victim."

Kagami Kusakabe waved her hand quickly. Although the rumors among the students became more and more outrageous, Kagami Kusakabe only believed what she saw.

This is why she immediately went to Shirou Emiya to inquire. She would definitely maintain the authenticity of the entire newspaper.

"Although I'm a little embarrassed, can I ask, do you know how to get to the arena? I seem to be lost again."

Emiya Shirou shook his head in embarrassment.

He heard from the chairman that most of the battles in this academy do not need to care about injuries. There are two reasons. The first is that the simulated battles are fought in phantom form, and the damage received during the battle will not feedback to the body.

The second type is the technology that allows people to regenerate severed limbs - the regeneration cabin.

It is said that as long as you don't die immediately, you can fully heal.

It can be said that the first thing that interests him in this academy are the weapons with various special abilities, and the second thing that interests him is the regeneration chamber that can restore a dying person. .

He himself didn't know how many times he was on the verge of death. Unfortunately, the regeneration chamber was a technological creation and he couldn't project it.

Otherwise, one must be projected.

"This way-!"

Kusakabe Kagami did not completely believe Emiya Shirou's words. If Emiya Shirou was really a person with dual powers, of course he would not be able to tell her so easily.

However, since Shirou Emiya wanted to go to the arena, the student union happened to rent a venue for recruiting people, and used it to test the freshmen who had passed the interview and entered the student union.

In the eyes of the student union, the first thing to recruit is character, the second is the ability to do things, and the third is strength.

So they did not screen the freshmen who entered the student union by strength, but conducted unified tests after recruiting.

Some of the people who entered the student union wanted to improve their strength, and some really wanted to contribute to the school.

However, no matter which one, the student union planned to give those freshmen a little sweetness and a little training.

The ability level of the swordsman does not represent everything, and experience is also very important.

Chapter 311 Xijing Ningyin's arrangement


When Shirou Emiya walked into the audience seats of the arena, the flat-headed man who looked extremely strong and stood in the center of the arena, holding a saber in his hand, shouted loudly to the surrounding audience seats.

At this time, a young man sitting in the audience seats walked towards the stairs on the side with some trepidation.

It didn't take long before they reached the center of the arena.

On the screen of the entire arena, the avatar of the flat-headed man and the young man were quickly shown fighting.

It looked quite smart.

However, the arena looked very empty, and the seats for students were very scattered, making people feel that there were very few people.

However, considering that the arena of this school can accommodate hundreds of people, although there are many empty seats, there are actually quite a few students here to watch the student union fight.

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