But the problem now is that there is no Sun Blade on him.

He blew a whistle quickly, and a black figure fell from the sky in the moonlight, whistling across the sky like a bullet.

"Tell the logistics team that I need a Sun Blade now."

Under normal circumstances, the pillars are dispatched with logistics troops. After all, the demons faced by the pillars are usually extremely lethal, and logistics troops are often needed to sort out the final battlefield.

It is not possible to attribute the mess to natural disasters after every battle. This is very immoral for the residents.

Of course, the logistics troops will not intervene in the battlefield under normal circumstances. Many times they are far away from the battlefield and will only feel it after the pillars' iron crows notify them.

They do not have the combat effectiveness of the combatants of the Demon Slayer Corps. If they appear rashly, they will not only distract the pillars, but also allow the demons to find opportunities to escape, or become the nutrients of the demons.

In short, the logistics troops will only watch from a distance and will not come to the battlefield unless the pillars instruct them.

Now is a special situation. The Flame Pillar's Sun Blade was eaten. They have to rush to his side and deliver the Sun Blade.

However, the logistics troops are ordinary people who have not practiced breathing techniques. It may take some time to rush to the battlefield.

Seeing the ghost in front of him rolling on the ground because of pain, and he has no way to kill it, Rengoku Kyojuro is very anxious.

He hopes that the ghost will fall to the ground and die after eating the Sun Blade just like eating the wisteria flower, but seeing that it is still alive and well, Rengoku Kyojuro knows that she should digest the Sun Blade after a while.

There is still a big gap between the Sun Blade and the wisteria flower. It must cut off the neck of the ghost to kill him. If it hurts any other part, the ghost can still regenerate, while the wisteria flower can directly dissolve the ghost if the dosage is enough.

In contrast, eating the Sun Blade from another perspective is just destroying the abdomen of the ghost, not cutting off the neck, and there is no effect at all.

"Mr. Purgatory, your sword is coming!"

After Emiya and the logistics troops evacuated the surrounding people, they quickly rushed over.

When the logistics troops were evacuating the people, they were looked down upon by many people. They did not believe the words of the logistics troops at all and continued to do their own things.

Some people even wanted to come and beat them up and drive them out of Youguo.

The number of these residents was too large, and their logistics troops had no way to stop them.

But the appearance of Emiya made these people change their attitudes in an instant. Even if a few people disagreed, they could only follow the crowd and be evacuated by the logistics troops of the Demon Slayer Corps.

With the help of the logistics troops, Emiya quickly evacuated the people in this area. I didn't see Mr. Purgatory appear, so Emiya decided to rush over.

"Wait! If you decide to rush over, take these two swords with you. One for you to use and the other for Mr. Purgatory."

The logistics troops saw such a nimble person, and naturally thought that Emiya was a combatant of the Demon Slayer Corps.

"Really? Thank you, Emiya."

Rengoku Kyojuro took the red Nichirin sword thrown by Emiya. At this time, he also saw the bright red Nichirin sword in Emiya's hand. It should be handed to Emiya by the logistics unit.

Just when Emiya rushed over, Asakusa Kae seemed to have digested the Nichirin sword in her stomach. She slowly stood up from the ground, and several black snakes quickly appeared around her.


Emiya was extremely shocked when he saw her face. This was the girl he met last night. How come————

"Emiya, do you know her?"

Hearing Emiya's exclamation, Rengoku Kyojuro asked him.

"I was shopping with her on the street yesterday. At that time, she should still be a human."

Emiya was shocked and speechless. How could such a lively and active girl suddenly become a ghost, and a ghost that devoured hundreds of people overnight.


This name flashed through Rengoku Kyojuro's mind. Only the demons transformed by this man would have such a strong power in a short period of time. His heart sank.

The demons transformed by Muzan will basically become upper-rank beings in the future. He must nip this danger in the bud in time.

Thinking of this, Rengoku Kyojuro exerted a little more force on his hands, and his hand holding the Nichirin Sword became tighter.

"Young Emiya, you haven't understood the breathing method yet. This battle--"

Before he finished speaking, Emiya interrupted him.

"Mr. Rengoku, I am very grateful to you. If it weren't for your advice, I might have been studying how to learn the breathing method, and I would not choose to understand my own breathing method."

"Have you understood your own breathing method?"

Emiya nodded. When evacuating the crowd, Emiya tried to breathe according to the operation of his magic power. He suddenly felt enlightened and his breathing became smoother.

He felt like he had come to a wilderness filled with swords, but it was only a moment before he was pulled back.

Emiya felt that in addition to his breathing becoming smoother, he also felt that a new magic circuit seemed to be activated somewhere in his body, and he felt that his magic power storage began to increase.

"Sure enough, she is very talented!"

Rengoku Kyojuro was very happy about this and no longer stopped Emiya from participating in the battle.

As far as he was concerned, the ghost in front of him might not be as good as some ghosts without blood demon arts in terms of fighting. Apart from the strange blood demon arts, Asakusa Kae might only be able to compete with the ghosts in Fujikiyama.

And she seemed to have felt Rengoku Kyojuro's evaluation of her, and seemed to become angry, roaring and rushing towards Emiya and Rengoku Kyojuro's position.

"Be careful, young man Emiya, her blood demon arts are very strange and can absorb force. The knife I chopped at her neck and the kick I kicked at her instantly lost their power when they hit!"

At this critical moment, information must be shared as soon as possible, and Rengoku Kyojuro knew this truth very well.

If the information is not passed to teammates, it would be a very happy thing for the demon who just met and killed.

Chapter 29 Demon Devouring Strategy Battle

The black snake-like substance that cannot be identified swayed its body, with a suppressed roar, like an arrow from a string, piercing through the air, and flew from behind Asakusa Kae to the position of Emiya and Rengoku Kyojuro.

At this time, Emiya could fully feel how much his strength had changed.

The speed of this snake-like substance was not weaker than the two demons that Emiya had met before, and it could even be said to be better than them.

But even at this speed, Emiya felt that he could easily dodge it, and he would not have to try his best to block and dodge like before.

During the one month of living in Yuguo, Emiya insisted on his various training every day. Whether it was physical fitness, magic proficiency, or the use of breathing methods, Emiya never rested.

He was afraid that he would be powerless to fight against the demons like before. He clearly realized that the demons that he almost lost his life to win might just be some insignificant soldiers.

So Emiya didn't want to stop for a moment. Even if he returned to his residence very late because of some things, Emiya still persisted.

He had no reference objects in the tour, and had no idea how much his strength had grown.

Just like a growing child, they can't feel their gradually rising height at all. Only when they measure it every time, they will be very surprised to find that they have grown so much taller.

Emiya is in this state at this time, but there is no time for him to be surprised.

Asakusa Kae's attack followed.

Emiya and Rengoku Kyojuro quickly retreated to the side, and the black snake passed directly between them.

Rengoku Kyojuro not only retreated to the side, but also adjusted his fighting posture while retreating. He placed the Nichirin Sword at his side in a posture of drawing the sword, and the whole person was ready to go like a tiger.

"Young man Emiya, aim at the other side of her neck and chop it down!"

Rengoku Kyojuro carefully recalled the details of the previous battle. Although that blow did not completely cut off her neck, it was clamped only when half of it was cut off.

His thinking was very simple. If the neck could be cut off in half in an instant, if both sides were chopped at the same time, perhaps the head could be cut off.

Emiya did not participate in the previous battle, and he did not know some of the details of the battle. Rengoku Kyojuro also had to convey his thoughts to Emiya in the shortest time.

Rather than explaining why he did this, telling Emiya what to do now is the best and fastest way to communicate.

At the moment when the words ended, a flash of fire passed by, and the cold arc light appeared without any warning, instantly cutting through the air and slashing straight at Asakusa Kaede's neck.

Countless black snakes instantly surged out from behind her, as if they wanted to surround Rengoku Kyojuro. She didn't seem to care at all about her neck being cut off.

Emiya Shirou didn't stop to think. The moment Rengoku Kyojuro finished his instructions and rushed out, Emiya also rushed towards Asakusa Kaede like an arrow from a string.

At this time, Asakusa Kaede's attention was all attracted by Rengoku Kyojuro, and only some black snakes with independent defense capabilities interfered with Emiya's actions.

"Breathing of Flame, Type IV, Flame Whirlpool"

At the moment when the Sun Blade was about to touch Asakusa Kaede's neck.

Rengoku Kyojuro turned quickly in the air, and a vortex of flames spread out. The huge heat wave was felt even by Emiya who was constantly rushing towards Asakusa Kaede on the other side.

However, just as Rengoku Kyojuro thought, the terrifying flames were absorbed by the black snakes after just lightly touching them.

If he hadn't deliberately kept his sword at a certain distance, the Sun Blade would have been absorbed as well.

He quickly tapped the ground with his toes and jumped out at the moment when the pitch-black circle was about to close.

It seemed very dangerous, but in fact, Rengoku Kyojuro was very capable of it. Asakusa Kae only had powerful abilities but no corresponding fighting skills.

If it weren't for the ability of these black snakes to devour, Rengoku Kyojuro might have been able to destroy the encirclement in an instant and cut off Asakusa Kaori's neck before she could react.

Emiya also appeared on the other side of Asakusa Kaori.

Rengoku Kyojuro quickly adjusted his posture, and a flame appeared on the tip of the Sun Blade!

Asakusa Kaori seemed to have thought of something interesting, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.


Before Emiya and Rengoku Kyojuro could think about what made the sound.

Accompanied by a strong sense of suffocation, a powerful force suddenly attacked from their sides, like a huge palm suddenly hitting the middle.

Breathing method, as the name suggests, should be a skill that can only be used by breathing continuously.

If there is no way to do it, no matter how you breathe, you can't use it.

However, the Sun Blade in the hand of Rengoku Kyojuro, who was unable to breathe instantly, still exuded a dazzling red light.

"Breathing of Flame, Type 1, Shiranui"

Even with such a fierce force and suffocation, Rengoku Kyojuro could not stop his slash.

"Suck away the air in an instant and turn this area into a vacuum area?"

Based on the entire area that disappeared before, plus the disappearing force mentioned by Mr. Rengoku.

Emiya could easily judge that Asakusa Kae's special ability should be related to swallowing.

In layman's terms, there is only one word written on the blood ghost art - eat.

Since it is swallowing, in addition to the things they usually think of, there are some things that they don't usually think of.

For example - air. You must know that if the material that becomes a vacuum is not hard enough, it is easy to be crushed by atmospheric pressure.

In general, swallowing air is like holding a vacuum cleaner towards yourself. You can clearly feel the suction in front of you and the power coming from behind.

And because the originally still air disappears, the surrounding air begins to flow under the action of atmospheric pressure, forming an extremely strong wind.

Emiya couldn't keep running. His back seemed to be hit hard, and he was violently sucked towards Asakusa Kae.

But - wind, this is what Emiya has been thinking about for a month!

"Sword Breathing Wind Style Wheel Dance? Hurricane Slash!"

Chapter 30 The strength of the pillars should not be underestimated

Emiya Shirou's breathing method is not as proficient as Tanjiro's, who can hold his breath and use it.

But his breathing method is based on his magic circuit. It is better to say that it is the breathing of magic circuit than the sword breathing.

Unlike other members of the Demon Slayer Corps, he mainly consumes physical strength when performing breathing.

Emiya Shirou's breathing method is accompanied by the consumption of magic power, and similarly, because of the magic power, Emiya's breathing method is slightly more powerful than the normal breathing method.

Because of this, Emiya's breathing method can be performed normally even when he is completely unable to breathe.

The power that was pressing on Emiya's body dissipated immediately when he swung it out.

The wind blade condensed into a pale white color and condensed on the bright red Nichirin Sword.


The slashes of Rengoku Kyojuro and Emiya Shirou all penetrated into her neck.

And Emiya also felt that as the blade continued to penetrate deeper, its slashing speed was decreasing madly.

Maybe he couldn't push it when it was only halfway through the slash.

No wonder Mr. Rengoku asked him to slash at her neck at the same time.

This is the only way to cut it off.

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