"call out----!"

Meteor-like sword arrows streaked through this bright red space.

Chapter 230 The second zero-hour mystery


It seemed that he had been seriously injured. After the last sound in this space, the bright red space began to disintegrate at an extremely fast speed.

Because the battle took place in the city, he could not risk harming these residents by using those swords and arrows with a certain level to shoot and use Fantasy Honkai Impact.

Therefore, all the swords and arrows used by Emiya Shirou are ordinary swords and arrows, which have no other characteristics except that they are relatively hard in texture.

When the seal collapsed, Emiya Shirou quickly returned to his place of work, maintaining the behavior he had done before the seal occurred.

Regarding the plate he dropped casually, Emiya Shirou's reaction was to quickly kick it up when it fell, and then catch all the desserts and coffee on the plate without missing a drop.

All the guests present clapped their hands unconsciously and expressed their admiration for such a wonderful thing.

Just like Spider-Man catching those fruits and vegetables, it feels incredible.

Then Emiya Shirou quickly finished the work he was currently doing and applied to his boss for early leave.

Although it was the first day, the boss did not embarrass Emiya Shirou. After all, Emiya Shirou had done the work of countless people during this period.

Seeing such work efficiency, he was a little overwhelmed.

"Are you just doing some boring work?"

Opening the door, a very familiar voice came from Emiya Shirou's side.

Emiya Shirou also turned around and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

Just as Shirou Emiya had imagined, the figure that appeared matched the voice extremely well. She was a girl who looked to be only about thirteen or fourteen years old.

The girl's figure is very petite.

He was wearing a dark coat.

Except for the original bright flaming hair that turned into extremely smooth black hair, all the characteristics were consistent with the back of Shirou Emiya that he had seen before.

When he was inside Fengjue, Shirou Emiya didn't see her front, only her back.

And such a fierce and majestic girl, at this moment, stood in front of Shirou Emiya, raising her head, her young and pretty face tense, staring at Emiya with eyes that burned like flames. Shirou.

"It can't be called boring work."

Emiya Shirou responded to her with a wry smile. Although he seemed to have such powerful combat power, the consumption incurred was naturally not small. I am afraid that the expenses tonight would also be very high.

Unknowingly, I also became a big eater.

"Why are you able to move inside [Fengjue]?"

This girl raised the key question. Although she resisted the flying cards, she did not discover Shirou Emiya in the first place.

Seal is a method of freedom that can directly cut the cause and effect between the inner and outer spaces, making the inner space directly stop, as if time has stopped.

In this barrier, there are only two types of beings that can move.

One is the Fire Mist Warrior.

One is the Red World Apostle.

Except for the above two existences, the rest must have special powers to do the same thing.

For example, by using a special freedom method, or having a servant like Phosphorus, you can move within the seal.

At that time, the girl did not feel any traces of freedom in Shirou Emiya's body, so she naturally ignored it at the first time until Faliagni reminded him.

Only then did she realize that the human behind her could move freely within the seal.

"[Feng Jue]?"

Emiya Shirou thought for a moment and immediately understood what the girl in front of him wanted to express.

It should be a proper noun for that red space, just like the magic of various weapons that suddenly appeared in his hands is called projection magic. It is a proper noun.

"Being able to move in that space may be due to this thing."

After all, Emiya Shirou had no way to move in that world before, but after projecting this thing, he was able to move freely in that world. No matter how you think about it, it can only be the credit of this thing.

As for this girl who fought against those who devour humans, Emiya Shirou still had a good impression.

So Emiya Shirou took out the pendant placed on his chest.

Light blue light flashed in front of the girl.

"Zero Hour Mystery!"

The pendant in front of the girl made an exclamation sound.

Although he has never seen it with his own eyes, he has heard a little bit about this Noble Phantasm and knows its general appearance.

So at first glance, you can see what the Noble Phantasm is.

No matter how much existence power is consumed, it can be restored at 0:00. If such a Noble Phantasm is obtained by an disciple, the consequences can be said to be disastrous.

Because getting this Noble Phantasm, to a certain extent, you have gained unlimited power of existence. Even if you don't do anything, just by continuously extracting the power of existence every day can have a great impact on the world.

"Give me this thing. It is too dangerous for humans to hold this treasure."

The girl's expression became serious again. If it was just some extremely weak treasures, she would not ask for it. After all, even if the treasures were obtained by the Red World Apostles, it would not have much impact.

If the human did not intend to give it, it would be fine, but the Zero Time Lost Child was different. She herself was a fire mist warrior who could use the power of existence.

Naturally, she knew what this ability to restore all the power of existence at 0 o'clock meant to the Red World Apostles.

Without the reminder of the pendant in front of her, she knew what kind of impact this treasure would have if it was obtained by the Red World Apostles.

But, something she could not imagine happened.


Shirou Emiya took off the pendant hanging in front of him and put it in the girl's hand without any hesitation.


Looking at the Zero Time Lost Child in her hand, the girl suddenly felt extremely unreal. Did she get the Zero Time Lost Child just like that?

It was just like seeing Fariagni die in front of her, very unreal, as if she was in a dream.

This human didn't even think of cherishing such a precious treasure, and just handed it over so easily.

In her expectation, she would have to go through a verbal battle before she could take the ornament away.

And she would definitely have to pay a little price to take away the Zero Time Lost Child, how could things go so smoothly.

However, before she could recover, a burst of light shone from Shirou Emiya's right hand, and another Zero Time Lost Child appeared.

Shirou Emiya didn't cover it up at all, and just casually hung it in front of him.

And the girl in front of him instantly lost her composure.

"How can you have two Zero Time Lost Children!!!!!!"

Chapter 231 The Girl Without a Name


Shirou Emiya really didn't know how to explain it to her, after all, it seemed that he couldn't explain the projection magic clearly.

It seemed that Fiore had told her that her projection magic was very different from normal projection magic, and she also told her not to perform it in front of other magicians unless necessary.

It seems that I have forgotten her warning, but now I am not in my own world, so it shouldn't be a problem to use it this way.

Shirou Emiya thought so, and then began to word how to describe it to her.

"That's it. Use the power of existence, use this power to perform, perform..."

Shirou Emiya still has some basic knowledge of the power of existence. Although he compares it to the magic power in his body, it seems that the difference is not very big, at least in battle, it is a manifestation of mana.


"Ah, yes, it is the Freedom!" Shirou Emiya immediately responded as if he had reacted, just as the magic performed by magic is called magic, and the power of existence is called the Freedom. This is probably what Shirou Emiya guessed in his heart.

Anyway, it is a special term, and it is not a big problem to understand it or not.

"Don't be perfunctory with me like this!!! How can there be such a free method!!!"

The girl was very mad. This was obviously not something that could be done by the free method. Moreover, in her opinion, Shirou Emiya would not use the power of existence at all, let alone the free method based on the use of the power of existence.

"Well! Well! That's probably it————"

Shirou Emiya could only be perfunctory like this. He didn't want to explain to her what magic was. He didn't know much about magic, and explaining it to others was really a hell for Shirou Emiya.

"Um, can I know some information about the "Hunter" you mentioned?"

Shirou Emiya chose to change the subject quickly. After all, if the matter of his projection magic continued, the two of them might be in a cold place.

And Shirou Emiya really wanted to know the information about those beings that would devour humans, and he wanted to know what the dark side of this world was like.

"It is the mission of the Fire Mist Warrior to destroy the Red World Demon King. As a human, you just need to live a good life. These are not things you should know."

She stared at Shirou Emiya with her eyes full of strong will, and her young face revealed seriousness, as if such things really could not be told to humans.

Shirou Emiya did not have any feelings about the girl's reply that humans should not have the right to know these things.

After all, the magicians in his world have always been hiding in the dark, and ordinary humans would not know the existence of magicians under normal circumstances.

Moreover, what can ordinary people do if they know these existences? In that bright red space, there is no ability to resist at all, which will only make everyone panic.

"But the Red World Demon King you mentioned has already set his sights on me, so I'd better know something better."

"Protecting humans is also the duty of the Fire Mist Warriors, so don't worry."

"But you didn't show up the first time he attacked me."

Emiya Shirou didn't blame the girl. Many things are difficult to get done in the first place, and Shirou Emiya himself knows this very well.

When Shiro Emiya was not determined to clean up the delinquents in Fuyuki City, he would often arrive late after the delinquents had already started beating the students.

The students would even blame him afterwards, but Shirou Emiya did not give up on saving them, and decided to eradicate all the bad things in their area.

As for the farther places, they are beyond the reach and control of Emiya Shirou. A person's power is limited, and this is the limit of what Emiya Shirou can achieve.

But what Emiya Shirou wanted to tell this girl was that since he had been involved in these incidents and could not escape, he should let himself know what kind of incident he was involved in.

"Tell him, [Hunter]'s initial target was him. Besides, the Noble Phantasm on his body is not just the Zero Hour Mystery. No matter what, he can't get rid of the entanglement of the Red World Apostle."

A steady voice came from the pendant on the girl's chest. It was thinking more deeply than the girl.

Moreover, there are not a few humans assisting the Fire Mist Warriors, so this is not something that must be concealed.

"Hmph! Since Alastair said so."

The girl looked very reluctant, but she still told Emiya Shirou some popular science about the Red Apostle and the Fire Mist Warrior.

To put it simply, there is another group of creatures in this world that are higher than humans, and they need the power of existence to survive.

But it does not require the power of human existence, but it is the simplest, crudest and fastest way to obtain the power of existence from humans.

So this group of beings was divided into three factions, one faction devours humans, one faction helps humans resist being devoured, and the other faction is neutral and does not hunt humans but does not help humans resist.

"In other words, Alastair, are you also the Red Demon King?"


The pendant on the girl's chest emitted a bright light to express her affirmation of Emiya Shirou's question.

During the exchange, Shirou Emiya also learned about the name of the pendant in front of the girl.

"Just like those [evil ghosts]."

After hearing what the girl said, Emiya Shirou murmured.

To humans, those red demon kings who devour the power of human existence are really like the evil ghosts in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

After all, for ordinary people, there is no way to resist their attacks.

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