Chapter 215 The miracle that the Holy Grail can create

"Hippogriff! Take us away!!!!"

Astolfo shouted to the Hippogriff beside him very weakly.

As a mount, its strength is naturally much higher than Astolfo's, not to mention that it is a creature that only exists in fantasy.

The blessing of the Command Spell not only affects Astolfo himself, but also his mount.

After all, it was not Astolfo who really defeated Semiramis, but the charge of his mount.

If the mount was poisoned first, then Astolfo would not be able to defeat Semiramis.

And if Astolfo was poisoned, the Hippogriff that was still sprinting might also be able to defeat Semiramis.

As a weak Assassin, Semiramis had no armor that could withstand attacks except magic.

Moreover, her endurance was not as high as that of Spartacus. The damage she received from a Noble Phantasm was enough to cause her to leave the stage.

Although Hippogriff was very weak now, she still had the ability to carry them out.


At the moment when the insect swarm was about to surround them, the Great Holy Grail emitted an extremely dazzling and holy light.

The huge sphere collapsed instantly, condensing and condensing continuously. A golden Holy Grail was suspended above the altar.

The insect swarm also stopped its actions at this moment, and Lion Jie Li and the others also looked at the Holy Grail that suddenly appeared.

There were only two people present who were not attracted by the Holy Grail, and they were Jeanne d'Arc and Achilles who were constantly fighting.

Achilles naturally could not stop because of the Command Spell, and in contrast, Jeanne d'Arc could not stop her actions to resist Achilles' attack.

So at the moment the Holy Grail appeared, the only sound that could be heard was the collision of flags and spears in the cathedral church.

A dark figure appeared at the foot of the altar. It was a man wearing a skull mask, and he exuded an extremely dark aura all over his body.

He gently placed his hand on the ground, and in his hand, a wriggling worm quickly crawled to the ground and expanded into an old man.

The old man walked up the already messy stairs with great excitement, his face full of excitement.

"Holy Grail————!"

"Holy Grail————!"

He seemed to be like a child, excitedly moving towards the Holy Grail.

"Where is Emiya——?"

Astolfo's master looked at the Holy Grail that appeared from the altar, and couldn't help but ask Lion Jiejieli.


Shishi Jiejie trembled and put down the cigarette in his mouth. Only when the Holy Grail appeared, the ending of Shirou Emiya and Shirou Tokisada who went deep into the Holy Grail was self-evident.

They could only be swallowed by the Holy Grail into magic.

"Is that the ending?"

Shishi Jiejie shook his head. In fact, the ending was doomed the moment Shirou Emiya rushed in, wasn't it?

It's just that they believe that Shirou Emiya can create a miracle, stop Shirou Amakusa and Tokisada from doing what they did, and walk out of the Holy Grail alive.

But, that can only happen with miracles, right?

Shishi Jiejie lowered his head, and the Hippogriff beside him also carried Astolfo when the insect swarm was stunned, and walked to Shishi Jiejie and the android.

Although the insect swarm stopped attacking at this time, if they didn't leave, they would really stay in the Cathedral Church.

There was a Servant beside Matou Zouken, and they had no chance to sneak attack him.

There was no other way except to leave.

Moreover, Jeanne had been signaling them with her eyes to flee quickly.

Shizi Jiejieli would not insist on staying as shown on TV, knowing that he was a burden.

Even Assassin was not someone that magicians like them could deal with.

Moreover, that Assassin was the Cursed Arm Hassan, who was extremely difficult to deal with among the Hassans.

Because of the subspecies Holy Grail Wars that took place around the world, almost all the Hassans had records in the Magician Association, and Shizi Jiejieli would naturally not let go of these records about the Holy Grail Wars if he wanted to participate in the Holy Grail War.

He immediately determined the real name of the Servant who was beside Matou Zouken.

Without any hesitation, he carried the android in one hand and rode on the Hippogriff.

Matou Zouken held up the Holy Grail suspended in the air with trembling hands, his expression full of excitement.

The ideal that he had been pursuing for so many years could finally be realized here.

Eternal life————!

Eternal life————!

He no longer needs to use his decaying body, and can truly usher in his own eternal life.

No one can remain calm in such a situation where their ideal is about to be realized.

You must know that Matou Zouken has never truly obtained the Holy Grail. This can be said to be his first time to officially touch the Holy Grail and use it to fulfill his wish.

"Holy Grail, I pray to you, grant me eternal life!!"

After Matou Zouken said these words, the Holy Grail emitted an extremely intense light, and a thick beam of light ejected from the inside of the Holy Grail, breaking through the roof of the Holy Church and completely illuminating the extremely dark night sky.

Matou Zouken, on the other hand, stood in front of the Holy Grail, waiting for the gift from the Holy Grail.

"Uncle, look————!"

And in the villa on the mountainside of the Yggdomirenia clan, Fiore, who was sitting in a wheelchair, looked into the distance through the window with a look of disbelief on her face.

I saw that the Holy Grail War had taken place before, and the land that had been destroyed by Karna's Noble Phantasm, the Sky Garden, began to glow with life at an extremely fast speed.

Emerald green grass quickly covered the entire desolate plain. This was not a blind trick cast by magic, but a real fact. The land began to recover at an extremely fast speed.

And this was not what shocked Fiore the most.

"Boom—! Boom—!"

At the edge of the plain, countless pieces of gravel flew up from the ground, and they were automatically built piece by piece.

Almost in a breath, a castle exactly like the current castle of the Yggdomirenia clan stood on the plain.

"What happened?"

A young man with black hair shook his head and looked at the magician standing on the edge of the town in shock, looking at him in great confusion, and spoke slowly.

Not only things, but also those who died in the Holy Grail War began to gradually recover.

In this small town on the edge of Tulifas, the magicians and artificial people who guarded it to prevent anyone from discovering that the town was destroyed witnessed the recovery process of the town with their own eyes.


Blood sprayed on the ground of the Holy Church.

Achilles' spear pierced Joan of Arc's abdomen directly. On the one hand, Joan of Arc's fighting skills were indeed inferior to Achilles.

On the other hand, Joan of Arc planned to use another Noble Phantasm of hers to eliminate the worry that Lion Kaikai and the others would be killed by Matou Zangyan.

"Ruler! You!"

Achilles didn't understand what Jeanne wanted to do at this time, because in his eyes, although he was indeed stronger than Jeanne, he would not defeat her so easily.

Joan of Arc just pulled out the sword that she had been wearing on her waist but had never been unsheathed.

And he used his body to tightly block the spear that pierced his abdomen.


Amidst the tearing sound, Joan cut her palm with the sword blade.

Ignoring Achilles, a devout prayer resounded from Joan's mouth.

“The heavens are the glory of the Lord, and the sky is the work of God’s hand.”

"Language is conveyed during the day, knowledge is conveyed at night"

"Can't talk or talk, can't even hear."

"The warm light spreads all over the earth and extends to the end of the world."

"Climb up from the end of the sky, all the way around to the end of the sky"

"My end is here, my destiny is here, my life is here"

"My life is equal to nothingness, just like a shadow wandering around."

"My bow cannot rely on me, nor can my sword save me."

"With the only thing left, I hope to guard his footsteps."

"Lord, I entrust this body to you."

The red lotus flames began to burn around Jeanne's body.

Immediately, it exploded in one breath.

“After despair there must be hope!!!!”

The red lotus fire ignited the entire Holy Church.

Volume 4: Shakugan Shana

Chapter 216 A person with no sense of existence

The morning sun shines down from the sky, illuminating the entire street. Pieces of emerald green leaves cover both sides of the road. The fresh breath blows in the wind, carrying the spring color and decorating the street scene.

The streets here are more orderly than lively.

Although there is a large flow of people on the street, it is not as noisy as a big city. On the contrary, the folk customs are as simple as Fuyuki City where Emiya Shirou lives.

The small stalls lined up along the road were filled with all kinds of goods. The owners were happily soliciting customers, but there was no loud noise. Everything was extremely peaceful.

On this street, there are all kinds of people.

Women carrying bamboo baskets and bags ready to buy groceries.

A white-collar worker wearing a suit and holding a bag, ready to go to work.

Residents dressed casually, with empty hands, ready for a morning jog.

Students dressed in uniform and carrying schoolbags, preparing to go to school.

All kinds of people are coming in or out of the surrounding houses, creating a scene of people coming and going.

As a street that accommodates so many people, it can be said to be very rare that it is not so noisy.

You must know that in the bustling urban area of ​​Fuyuki City, it is still very noisy.

Although Fuyuki City is usually very quiet and peaceful, as long as there is no gas explosion, everything is actually fine.

But Shirou Emiya, who was on this street, was not in a good mood.

On the one hand, it is because he is the same as those in the previous worlds. He has no residence, no identity, and no money.

After all, they all went to the Holy Church for the final battle, and they brought money with them, which seemed impolite.

It was as if ever since he experienced the Taisho era world, Emiya Shirou had given up bringing his mobile phone inside the door.

Because according to his fighting style, the newly bought mobile phone would probably be destroyed within a few days of use.

So Shirou Emiya was not only an illegal resident, but also penniless. If it weren't for his strong physique, Shirou Emiya's stomach would have been rumbling when he stood on the street.

And Shirou Emiya also knew where he was now through asking.

Misaki City.

According to Shirou Emiya's understanding, this is a city with a large scale in the county and famous for its special landscape.

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