Modern magic can still affect me. Although I can't kill him, it's still a bit troublesome to be entangled by the curse on the Lion Jie Li's finger bullet.

Perhaps this trouble can't affect the Heroic Spirit itself, but in such a rapidly changing battlefield, such a little influence is also extremely important.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be many magicians who like to fight with their Heroic Spirits. Magicians who can provide assistance to Heroic Spirits are also particularly important in the Servant War.

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and stared at the situation inside the barrier through the mirror in front of her.

The purple-black mist is not like Hydra's poisonous fog, which has the effect of covering people's eyes. In the light purple-black poisonous fog, Semiramis can see clearly the situation inside the golden barrier cast by Jeanne.

Naturally, everyone inside the barrier can also know what the situation outside is.

And the double-barreled shotgun in the hands of Lion Jie Li can launch long-range attacks.

Shirou Emiya, who was half-kneeling on the ground, pulled the bow in his hand, and countless swords appeared on the bowstring.

The next second——————

"Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!"

At the moment when Semiramis finished thinking, countless long swords shot out in the extremely terrifying purple mist.

They flew out of the purple-black poisonous mist with an unmatched aura, and the poisonous mist had no effect on the projected treasures.

They were like the stars in the sky, swift and shining.

The terrifying speed made Semiramis' pupils shrink suddenly, and she quickly performed magic.

Such a swift attack was simply unstoppable with such defense.

"Damn it!"

Semiramis cursed, and the hexagonal mirror in front of her expanded rapidly, quickly resisting the sword arrows that were shot at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye.

The purpose of Shishi Jiejieli's finger bullet is not to really hurt Semiramis. After all, everyone knows that it is too difficult for this level of magic to affect Semiramis, a magic master.

The purpose of this finger bullet is to attract Semiramis's attention and make her choose defense in the first time, rather than using space magic to transfer her position.

After all, when she uses the space-time magic to transfer, even Shirou Emiya with his superb archery skills can hardly lock her.

He does not have the Akabara Hound that can automatically track the enemy now.

The magic released by Shishi Jiejieli is like you are sniping with the enemy in a game, and there is an enemy holding a water bullet next to you.

The bullets he shoots will not hurt you, but they can make your gun muzzle shake violently.

He cannot kill you, but he will have an impact on you that cannot be ignored, so you must get rid of the enemy who shoots water bullets before sniping.

And Semiramis is in this situation now. The finger bullet has no effect, but Semiramis must block it.

Moreover, with Semiramis's pride, she would not choose to dodge, but would only choose to resist head-on.

He uses water bullets, and you use real guns and bullets. When fighting him, you even have to dodge the water bullets he fired.

Perhaps the player will definitely do this kind of dodging, but as the extremely proud Queen of Babylon, Semiramis would not choose to dodge in the face of a modern magic attack.

The black side just grasped the timing, making it impossible for Semiramis to perform magic that can move in space, and could only passively defend.

"Ding--! Ding--!"

"Ding--! Ding--!"

Countless sword arrows fell on the defense composed of dozens of hexagonal mirrors in front of Semiramis who was constantly moving, making a violent collision sound.

Cracks began to appear on the mirror surface one after another.

After Chiron's teaching, Shirou Emiya has greatly improved both accuracy and strength.

Moreover, the bow in Shirou Emiya's hand at this time was the bow that Chiron used as a Servant.

Although the bow held by Chiron was not made by God, nor was it a treasure, as a bow, it was far superior to the bow that Shirou Emiya had trained himself before, or the bow built with [Thousand Changes].

The power can be said to have reached the attack of the Archer class Heroic Spirit. It does not rely on [Fantasy Collapse], but only relies on shooting. The damage caused by Shirou Emiya at this stage has reached the standard of the Archer class.

Although it is reasonable that Shirou Emiya cannot absorb the knowledge given by Chiron, it may be because of his own specialness, or his excellent talent for the bow.

In such a short time, Shirou Emiya actually received the influence of Chiron's divine wisdom and was greatly improved in a very short time.


Divine Wisdom

Rank: A+

Various wisdoms given by the gods of Greek mythology as sages. In addition to the skills of the hero alone, almost all skills (only limited to the ancient Greek category) can be exerted with B~A level proficiency. Furthermore, if the Master agrees, the skill can be granted to other Servants.

Under normal circumstances, Chiron's skills can only affect Servants, and cannot affect humans who still exist in the world.

This is why originally, Sieg could only learn the skills taught by Chiron when he became a Servant, but he could not learn them when he became a Master.

But Shirou Emiya broke this limitation and improved his archery skills in a very short time under Chiron's teaching.

Chapter 205 Black's Real Strategy

Semiramis moved her body with difficulty, because she was not in the Sky Courtyard where she belonged at this time, and she could not do space transfer in a short time in the Cathedral Church.

If she was in the Sky Courtyard, facing these sword arrows, Semiramis did not need to prepare defense at all, and only needed to use space transfer technology to dodge these flying sword arrows very quickly.

Although Semiramis could also use magic to block such sword arrows, she knew that the biggest effect of these sword arrows was not to directly harm Semiramis.

You must know that Semiramis has seen the power of its [Fantasy Collapse], and standing there as a target would only be swallowed up by the explosion it produced.

Although she did not expect that the power of Shirou Emiya's sword arrows could break her magic defense.

What she needed to do now was to delay time. As long as Jeanne could not hold on, the poison gas of Bashum would destroy everything.

But the expected explosion did not occur. Instead, a figure rushed into the purple-black poison gas from the inside of the golden barrier without hesitation.

It was a silver figure wearing silver armor, rushing towards the spherical altar suspended in the air at an extremely fast and unstoppable speed.

"Not good--!"

Semiramis realized in an instant that something was wrong. Black was forcing herself to leave that position so that Shirou Emiya could go to the inside of the Holy Grail when she could not react.

Semiramis also realized her own thinking error. How could Shirou Emiya use [Illusion Collapse] in such a small area? In that case, the first one who could not bear it was not herself, but the defense created by Jeanne.

But it was too late to think about it now. Shirou Emiya had already achieved his goal and was flying towards the location of the Holy Grail.

Based on the previous incident when Shirou Emiya and Arthur attacked the Holy Church, Shirou Emiya concluded that Semiramis must have information that the sword arrows she shot could cause [Illusion Collapse].

Since Semiramis knew that these weapons could cause [Illusion Collapse], she would definitely not stand still obediently.

After all, Semiramis could not face the [Illusion Collapse] caused by a treasure of the level of [Golden Sword of Victory] in a very short time.

What's more, the sword arrows shot by Shirou Emiya included not only [Golden Sword of Victory], but also a series of sword arrows shot by Mordred's weapons, Siegfried's weapons, Akame's weapons, etc.

This was an open conspiracy. Semiramis could not resist the [Illusion Collapse] caused by these weapons, even if they were projected.

In such a short time, Semiramis would not have too many opportunities to think. Even if Semiramis reacted, it would be too late.

In the Holy Grail War, the most important thing is the Greater Holy Grail. You must know that Amakusa Shiro Tokisada can make a wish to the Greater Holy Grail before the Holy Grail War ends.

Semiramis cannot let Shirou Emiya interfere with her master. This is her pride and the trust that Shirou Amakusa Shiro Tokisada has given her.

Although she is a vicious woman, she does not want to disappoint the trust of her master, Shirou Amakusa Shiro Tokisada.

"How could I let you succeed!!!!!!"

Before Semiramis finished speaking, the magic light array suspended above the Cathedral Church was all aimed at Shirou Emiya who rushed towards the spherical altar.

The terrifying power accumulated in it. Perhaps the moment Shirou Emiya touched the altar, the light released by these magic light arrays could penetrate him and turn Shirou Emiya into charcoal in the Cathedral Church.

As an upgraded version of the magic light cannon in the town, there is no possibility that the [Devil Haunting] on Shirou Emiya can stop it.

It will only be shot through like paper.

But how could Semiramis have expected that letting Emiya go to the altar was not their main purpose.

Such a tight plan was made in such a short time, and Semiramis had no time to react.

"Resist the poisonous fog in the name of the Command Spell! Rider! Resist the poisonous fog in the name of the Command Spell! Rider! Release the Noble Phantasm in the name of the Command Spell! Rider!"

"Resist the poisonous fog in the name of the Command Spell! Rider!"

Accompanied by a male and a female voice, it sounded from the barrier released by Jeanne at the moment when Semiramis moved the magic light array.

In this situation, there is no need to calculate the use of the Command Spell, just suppress everything.

Although Jeanne only said one sentence, her understanding of the Command Seals was far superior to that of Astolfo's Master. With just one sentence, she was able to use two Command Seals to bless Astolfo.

"Received!!! Master!!!!"

Under the blessing of the five-stroke Command Seals, Astolfo, whose entire body and even his mount were covered with silver armor, turned into a silver meteor at this moment.

"Hippogriff, a phantom horse that does not exist in this world!!!!!!!"

As Astolfo finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the spot like a phantom.

On the one hand, it is the extreme speed, and on the other hand, with the release of the Noble Phantasm, Astolfo has left this dimension and sprints towards Semiramis in the illusion.

As a very powerful magician, Semiramis' reaction can be said to be extremely fast.

The several magic light arrays aimed at Shirou Emiya immediately started to rotate again, and the terrifying light shot away in the blink of an eye as Astolfo rushed out.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The terrifying beam hit Astolfo who charged out of the barrier without any deflection.

But the next second, an extremely bad premonition came to Semiramis's heart.

"How is that possible!!!!!!"

Before the smoke dissipated, a silver figure rushed out of it unscathed.

Semiramis looked at the unscathed Astolfo and made an incredulous sound. She knew the defensive power of the armor. It was impossible to withstand such a bombardment and would be easily destroyed like paper. shredded.

But you must know that with the Noble Phantasm released, Astolfo is already in an illusory world, and even attacks that can cause the destruction of gods and Buddhas cannot interfere with him.

Even if Karna releases his Noble Phantasm, it will not be able to harm Astolfo at all!

Chapter 206 Shakespeare

At this time, Astolfo, who was wearing armor, was already filled with purple poisonous gas. Even with the isolation of the armor, the strengthening of the command spell, and the Hippogriff in the illusory space, Astolfo could not completely Immune to such poisonous gas.

He could only use the last strength gathered by everyone and scream from the bottom of his heart.

"End this!!!!!! Hippogriff!!!!"

Astolfo used the last of his strength to wave the reins in his hands.


And in response to Astolfo, the speed of the Hippogriff under him once again increased by a level.

It was so fast that Semiramis had no time to perform defensive magic.


A huge sound came from the walls of the church.

After Semiramis modified the position of the Holy Temple Church, the walls of the Holy Temple Church were extremely hard and did not collapse even after being hit by a B+ grade Noble Phantasm.


A mouthful of blood erupted from Semiramis's mouth.

Severe pain and weakness filled Semiramis's mind.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!!!"

Semiramis's face was distorted, and circles of magic light arrays appeared around her.

She was angry and unwilling. Such an advantage was gone in an instant.

She was not willing to accept that the numerous defenses she and her Master had set up were broken down in such a short period of time. She was not willing to accept it! ! !

Endless anger filled her mind.

She was angry that even if Bashum appeared, there was no way to stop Black's attack.

She was angry that she was hit by a heroic spirit that she had never looked down on.

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