The excitement of Yuzhang left with the blueprints Wei'an gave her and Wei'an's expectations.

Before leaving, she even made a bold promise to Wei'an that she would develop the strongest torpedo for him.

After all, every piece of equipment she developed now might eventually be installed on her own warship.

This made her fight with 12 points of fighting spirit.

If you want the horse to run, you have to feed it with grass, and Wei'an made her understand that the research and development she did was not only for the port area, but also for herself.

Mobilizing the enthusiasm of employees, Wei'an took control of Yuzhang.

"There are more than 20 design drawings in total. I hope they can help you."

Wei'an looked at Yuzhang's back and said subconsciously.

Previously, Wei'an only had a few types of ship equipment, but through Lexington's continuous collection for him, and this time's unboxing of spoils, he has more data on torpedoes.

It has to be said that attacking the deep sea is always the fastest way to get rich, and this time Wei'an has tasted the sweetness.

A total of 62 million blue coins worth of special resources were opened.

Among them, 130,000 fuel, 130,000 steel, 130,000 ammunition, and 76,666 aluminum.

There are also 23 battleship cores.

Including the resources used up by the materialized St. George hull, the total remaining is.

Fuel: 1878556

Ammunition: 1845022

Steel: 918233

Aluminum: 1087554

Ring of Oath: 7

Battleship Core: 377

Light Mother Core: 1

Azure Coin: 4700w

Deep Sea Transport Ship Trophy (Kuchazi): 20

Energy: 5600

Physical Strength: 440/500.

The rest are some ship equipment from the trophies. Unfortunately, the quality of these ship equipment is not as good as the ones used by Wei'an.

Even the best gold ship equipment is only the triple 8-inch gun (MK12/15) of the U country, a ship equipment used by a heavy cruiser.

Wei'an plans to sell the previous ship equipment together after the port construction is completed and the equipment of his ship is upgraded.

Open the door to free trade.

As for why it is not sold now.

First, he learned from Bai Cai that Xuefeng and the others had almost filled their warships, and even called several human transport ships to transport resources. Now they just had to wait for the two of them to complete their training before they could come back.

Second, Wei An discovered a new way to obtain resources.

This had to start with the deep-sea submarine he contracted.

Under the power of the deep sea protection, she could extract resources from the sea water at any time to repair the warship. After learning this principle from Bai Cai, Wei An had been thinking about whether he could use this ability.

Try to cut off the extracted resources and see if they can become resources that everyone can use.

In the end, it was found that it was possible, but it had to be under the deliberate control of the deep sea.

So far, Wei An has discovered a seemingly safer and smooth road.

Since the golden deep sea can continuously extract resources, what about the purple deep sea? What about the ordinary deep sea?

So in order to verify this idea, his little submarine was forced to separate from his little enemy and go to the depths of the West Sea to catch ordinary deep sea for Wei An.

If he succeeds, how many ordinary deep seas can he control by building a golden deep sea? How many resources can it provide him?

Even if a deep sea can only extract 1 unit of special resources a day, then the number of purple deep seas that a golden deep sea can control is 6, and a purple deep sea can control 6 ordinary deep seas.

It is equivalent to a fleet led by a golden deep sea can provide him with at least 36 units of special resources.

Purely no-cost business, even when the port area is attacked, it can protect the port area together.

So Wei An suddenly didn't worry about the acquisition of resources.

Not to mention that there is a rich woman at home, there are also ways to make money with lower risks. Can he be anxious?

Being able to contract with the deep sea is to open the door to a new world for him, a road different from other admirals.

Even if the method of controlling ordinary deep seas to produce resources for him through the golden deep sea is established, his dependence on the ship girl alliance will be minimized.

In the past, he couldn't do without it because he needed to obtain resources steadily to ensure the development of his port area and fleet.

But now there are more possibilities.


Southern Theater, J-United Division area, Human Shipyard.

"This is the last batch of materials.

" "Bai Cai took out the packed boxes from her ship's space. "You've worked hard during this period. " Xue Feng thanked Bai Cai while counting the number of resource boxes with Guo Kang. "It's all for that little guy Wei An. I hope these resources can help him. " Seeing Bai Cai's nonchalant look, Xue Feng couldn't help but twitch her eyes. Since arriving in the Southern Theater, she and Guo Kang have been arranged in the shipyard that Bai Cai bought here. They usually rest here after returning from the expedition, and they also receive supplies here. As for why they are here, it's more of Bai Cai's concerns. Bai Cai can put the ship into the dimensional space, and come to the human world alone without fear of being discovered, but Xue Feng and the others can't. They can only drive the warship deep into the sea, which is too dangerous. High.

Although Bai Cai is the flagship of the deep sea in the southern theater, she does not dare to guarantee that all the deep sea activities in her sea area are under her jurisdiction.

In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, she can only make such a compromise choice.

As for how to help Xuefeng and the others to gain experience, Bai Cai and Wei An have already made a plan.

Bai Cai told Wei An about her arrangement for the deep sea attack, and Wei An told Xuefeng and the others, and the rest was left to Shui Lei.

People sit in the shipyard, and their training level rises rapidly.

Perhaps the only disadvantage is that Because they didn't experience the battle in person, Xuefeng and the others could clearly feel that their training level was not improving very fast.

If Wei'an was here, he would see that the two of them had only broken through 85.

It was still a little short of the legendary 90, and a long way short of the modified 100.

But it was safe and not dangerous, and there was no need to worry about being seen by others.

And the little bit of resources that Baicai mentioned made her want to complain.

There were too many, and she and Guogan didn't know how many times they had moved them, and every time Baicai said there was only a little left, Only a little bit left.

As a result, he moved several large boxes for her the next time they met.

Now she conservatively estimated that she had moved at least tens of millions of special resources. She had never seen so many resources in her life.

Her and Guokang's warships and ship equipment space were full, and they had already called for a third transport ship.

Even now, she was worried that she and Guokang would encounter accidents on the road with such a huge sum of money.

Now that the resources have finally been moved, she doesn't have to worry anymore.

"Will you go back with us then?"

Xuefeng stared at Baicai.

"Although I want to, but the back of my base has not been very quiet recently, and I need to finish these things before I can go."

Baicai sighed and said helplessly.

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