The commander-in-chief said that there is something here that needs your decision.

Vian, who was working hard on drawing a blueprint in the admiral's room, was interrupted by Lexington who was working next to him.

"What's wrong?"

Vian looked up and found that Lexington handed him a piece of paper.

After reading it, Vian frowned.

The letter said something very simple, the U-United Department requested assistance.

As for why the request for assistance was due to the deep-sea riot.

It was the deep-sea riot that Vian had just solved two days ago, but other ports were a bit unsolvable.

Because the U-United Department had previously controlled the admirals, most of the admirals did not have time to return to their own ports, and could only be guarded by the U-United Department's ship girls.

But just like the deep-sea light mother Vian encountered before, the deep-sea attacking from other directions also wanted to test the strength of the combined forces of the ship girls.

Then this time the deep-sea riot was more violent than usual.

As expected, it exceeded the strength of the ship girls guarding the port area. Some ports have already been lost, and the admirals of the U-Union are rushing to their own ports quickly.

As for what they can leave for them in the end, no one knows.

So there is no way, the U-Union can only ask the nearest admiral to go for support, and whether to go or not depends on each port area.

After all, Vian's port area is also at the forefront, and his port area may be attacked at any time.

"Is the commander going?"

Seeing Vian thinking for a long time without saying anything, Lexington asked softly.

Lexington can handle other daily affairs for Vian, but this matter related to the entire port area and fleet can only be decided by Vian.

"Madam, you guys have been patrolling and investigating these two days. How many ports near us need support?"

Weian did not make a decision immediately.

"In the West Sea area, a total of 37 ports in the outermost garrison have been attacked."

"Among them, the ship girls in 18 ports have already evacuated from the ports, and 19 ports are still holding on."

"There are three ports close to our port."

"Only one port has fallen, and two ports are still holding on."

"Commander, are we going?"

Lexington told everything he knew in the past two days.

"How far are the two ports holding on from our port? Mark them directly on the map."

"One is 120 nautical miles, and the other is 90 nautical miles."

Lexington said as he drew on the map spread out in front of Wei An.

"I understand."

Weian nodded as he looked at the two ports northeast of his port on the map.

By the way, he also took a look at another port area that had been lost, but he no longer paid attention to it, because this port area was completely in the opposite direction of the other two ports.

Now other admirals are rushing over from the Ship Girl Union. Calculating the time, he only needs to provide support before they arrive.

As for the option of not supporting, Wei'an has already denied it in his heart.

He is first the admiral of the Ship Girl Union and then the admiral of the E-Union. Sometimes he still needs reputation for his plan.

Moreover, most of the people who are defending the port area now are free ship girls from the U-Union. It is also good to gain some goodwill by rescuing them.

Therefore, some of this support option will be abandoned by Wei'an.

The premise of supporting other ports is to ensure the safety of his own port area, and even if he encounters Wei'an, he must be able to return in time.

Then the distance of the supported port area must not be too far, and secondly, in order to prevent accidents with his own ship girls, his fleet must not be dispersed.

Then he can only send out one fleet at most, and there is only one port area that can be supported.

Therefore, before other support arrives, he can only support the port area in one direction.

The northwest port area, which had fewer people and had been temporarily abandoned, was excluded by Wei.

And Wei An looked at the two ports in the northeast and found that the two ports were relatively close.

Only more than 20 nautical miles apart, which was also the reason why they could hold on.

The ship girls in the two ports directly formed a joint defense line to withstand the pressure from the deep sea.

And if he chose this side, he could support the two ports at the same time.

"Madam, there are no deep seas wandering around our port today."

Before making a decision, Wei An asked again.

"On patrol

By then, Enterprise and the others had already completed the cleanup of the free deep sea."

"That's good. Notify everyone to gather in the admiral's office. I will designate the candidates for the expedition."


After receiving the order, Lexington quickly left the admiral's office, leaving Wei'an to continue to revise the drawings.

What he is drawing now are all the torpedo designs he has collected.

Now he has to draw them one by one and prepare to hand them over to Yubari.

So he is a little rushed, after all, he has not drawn the main gun of St. George and the hull of the bluefish yet.

He has a lot of experience in the modification of the main gun, so he decided to complete it himself, and he can't rely on Yubari for the hull.

His design concept is brought from another world, and there is still some gap compared to Yubari who has lived in this world for a long time.

You can't let Yubari design a warship that conforms to the current world concept. When he needs some new equipment, he will re-concrete the hull.

It's a waste of resources and time.

"Commander, everyone is here. ”

Just when Vian was immersed in it for a while, he was awakened by Lexington's voice.

"To make a long story short, there is a mission to be assigned to everyone, and the mission goal is to protect the port area of ​​the U-League."

"Now I will start to call the roll, and those whose names are called can prepare for the expedition."

Vian swept across the faces of his ship girls, and finally stopped at the temporary residents of the port area, Enterprise and Jiaota.

"Madam, Shimakaze, Soso, Yisen, Clemenceau, the five of you go to support, and the others continue to stay in the port area."

"Madam's secretary ship position will be temporarily held by Hood, and Soso and Shimakaze's patrol tasks will be replaced by Ming and Shropshire. You don't need to look after me recently."

"As for Enterprise and Lexington, you can choose whether to go or not."

"If you are responsible for support, follow Madam's command. If you want to stay in the port area, you can still patrol and reconnaissance as before. Madam's patrol task will now be handed over to Gaga. "

"And I won't be with you this time. I'll let my wife know the details later."

"Are you in any doubt?"

After making the arrangements, Wei'an once again scanned his shipgirls.




The last voice, which was particularly weak, said.

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