Wei An's talent can transform the mental core of the ship girl, and the resources consumed are very precious construction cores.

There is only one way to build core output. If you sink the deep sea, there is a chance to salvage the construction core from the wreckage of the deep sea.

A construction core may be salvaged from several or even dozens of deep-sea wrecks.

The resources consumed are so precious and the effect is very obvious. It can increase the mental endurance limit of the ship girl contracted with the security guard.

Originally, the Yukikaze was only 2,490 tons, and the Yukikaze ship girl could manifest and control a hull that was similar to the battleship of her own name. The upper limit of her mental endurance.

Wei An helped Xuefeng increase the upper limit of his mind, for example to 3,000 tons. Then Xuefeng could control a 3,000-ton ship, and Xuefeng's hull would have an expansion of 500 tons and an upper limit of improvement.

If 2,000 tons is not enough, you can increase it to 10,000 tons, which will be enough.

If the ship itself is extensively modified, such as the material of the ship's body, weapons, power, etc., there will be different upper limits of mental endurance.

By exploring the world's previous history���, Wei An also discovered that many admirals tried to modify the hull of their own ship, but in the end, without exception, they found that the ship had been modified, but the ship could not start.

The impact on the mental core of the ship girl was too great, causing the mental body, that is, the human body to be directly paralyzed.

Therefore, transformation is possible for the ship girl, but it can only be a slight transformation. Transformation that is too magical is a challenge to the core of the ship girl's mind.

If you are willing to use the 70,000-ton mental core of the super Yamato and change it into a small ship and a medium-sized ship, the dog will shake his head after seeing it.

Wei An's talent gave him the opportunity to build a 10,000-ton cruiser and a high-speed battleship.

Wei An also has an advantage over the admirals who are native to this world. He knows the general follow-up development of battleships. Why does he love ship girls and ships so much? Because he is a ship designer, every ship he carefully designs is as beautiful and powerful as his daughter.

Otherwise, how could he remember Xuefeng.

If just the transformation of the mental core is not enough to excite Wei An, because this talent also has other abilities, [Ship Outfit Production], the consumption of mental transformation in front of it, after watching the ship outfit production, Wei An can only lament that it is insignificant..

To make ship equipment, you need to know the principles of the ship equipment to be made, and then you can make the ship equipment by hand after consuming construction cores and resources.

That's right, you can also get ship uniforms by hand-rubbing them, but they are usually obtained from retired ship girls, or salvaged from deep-sea wreckage.

And Wei An can make his own ship uniforms.

How much knowledge does he have in his head as a ship designer?

As long as he strengthens the upper limit of his ship girl's mental endurance to a certain level, he can arm his ship girl to the teeth.

And compared with the real ships in the previous life, the ships embodied by the ship girls in this world will be more powerful, because the battleship does not require many crew members to control the warship, only one ship girl is needed.

Many areas of life and human activities can be transformed into other uses.

The freed tonnage can be used to expand the ship's bomb load, more guns, larger engines, larger hangars, etc.

Therefore, even a ship girl with the same name has different distinctions under different admirals.

Perhaps your Yukikaze has been replaced with a heavier tonnage and more powerful main gun, and his Yukikaze has removed the main guns and directly installed all torpedoes to serve as torpedo boats, or perhaps increased the number of anti-aircraft guns on the destroyer.

Moreover, his ability to make ship suits is not something he can just casually create. His talent was specially explained to Wei An.

Only ship equipment without major flaws can be produced, otherwise it would be equivalent to consuming resources for research and development.

However, as long as Wei An is given enough resources and cores, plus enough trial and error costs, Wei An feels that he even wants to try to see if he can build a Star Destroyer.

So how could he not be excited? He could express his thoughts and favorite battleships one by one through the ship girl's abilities, no matter how non-chief they were.

With enough resources, Xuefeng's small body of more than 2,000 tons can be directly converted into a large missile drive of 10,000 tons.

The battleships of the old lady in World War I can all be armed to high-speed battlecruisers.

Therefore, the most important thing for Wei An is to become an admiral. Entering the admiral's circle can obtain the resources used by ship girls.

Help Yukikaze to reveal his own ship.

Wei An also understood why Xuefeng had been resisting him from becoming the admiral. At that time, he was conscious, and when he opened his eyes, he could see Xuefeng holding him while sailing on the sea.

Strictly speaking, Xuefeng was not Wei An's ship girl, but a ship girl built by his mother, but both of his parents were gone and died under the gunfire in the deep sea.

As two admirals on the front line of the Eastern War Zone, his parents were stationed together in a garrison, which was more powerful than other garrison buildings.

As the admiral's son, Wei An was very excited at that time, because living in the governor's house since he was a child, he could come into contact with more ship girls.

How could this not make him happy?

Until he saw the warships sinking in front of him one after another when he was still a baby and saw the warship girls who usually loved to make him laugh and play with him.

Because humans had recovered about 40% of the sea area, that's when the admiral and the ship girls finally saw the horror from the deep sea.

It is no longer a deep-sea mass-produced model wandering aimlessly, but an orderly deep-sea army commanded by the deep-sea flagship.

The defense lines in several major war zones were directly pushed back. Until now, more than ten years later, the admirals have not dared to cross the boundary of the sea area. After passing it, it is no longer an ordinary deep sea.

At that time, the admirals did not know such a taboo and frantically regained control of the sea area, and the deep-sea flagship was dispatched.

That day, the garrison of Wei'an's parents was surrounded by people. Countless sea and cannon fire rang in Wei'an's ears. In the end, the disadvantage was too great and Wei'an's parents decided to abandon the garrison.

As for the last ship girl built by Wei An's parents, Xuefeng, they were overjoyed. This was a rare ship girl, even though it was only a destroyer.

But they feel that leaving the EU is not an option.

Moreover, Xuefeng was the weakest in the tutelage and had not yet manifested the ship. In addition, she was not required to attack at that time. She also liked to play with little Vian, so she was responsible for taking care of the children.

Xuefeng was indeed an auspicious Jade Rabbit. She also took the child with her when she escaped. Her admiral gave her the order to run away with Wei An without looking back. The other ship girls would escort her.

Her prototype battleship has never failed to escort the battleships, and she has the best luck. This is why Wei'an's parents chose her to take Wei'an away.

With better luck, your chances of survival are higher.

But on the other hand, they didn't know the reason for Yukikaze's good luck.

In the end of that breakthrough battle, only Xuefeng and his seriously injured parents escaped. After giving their last words, the two of them also left the world with reluctance for their children.

Xuefeng was left holding the infant Wei An and crying bitterly.

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