The golden light mother wanted to speak now, but her mind was already very heavy, and she was at the end of stripping the core.

Originally, after her fighter planes were cleared, she thought she was going to sink, but she didn't expect that the other party didn't want to sink her directly.

It was just a simple disposal of her flight deck and the fighter planes on it that were ready to take off, which had little impact on the interior of the ship.

So she can continue to complete the stripping now, and it is almost successful.

Finally, a black light flashed, and her core was completely separated from the warship. It was also at this time that the hull of the light mother was no longer under her control.

But fortunately, when she started to strip the core, she had already turned on all the switches on the warship that could be turned on automatically.

Even if she left the battleship, she would not be discovered for a while.

"Here I come! Those guys will never think that I don't want this battleship anymore. You prepare to surface. I will change the course of this battleship first."

After saying that, she went to the control room with a groggy head and her mind core, and adjusted the battleship's navigation route.

Then she quickly ran back to a wall inside the ship, opened a hatch, and quietly left from there.

As a person who runs away when she is indecisive, she is proficient in planning various escape routes.

She left a backhand for herself early, and she prepared 40 hatch openings above the waterline like this, and now she chose this position.

It is closer to the front of the ship, and Hood at the rear cannot find it, and she is not afraid of the hovering carrier-based aircraft in the sky.

With the flight deck covering her, she disappeared directly after jumping into the water. How could she be discovered in the dark?

"Are you ready? My periscope has found that there are new warships catching up. If we don't leave now, we will be surrounded and unable to leave."

"Okay, okay, I've jumped off the boat, just prepare to surface."

The golden light mother held her breath and swam underwater, constantly moving in the direction given by her friend.

20 minutes later, the abandoned hull of the golden light mother was forcibly surrounded by Yixian and others who caught up, and even Wei'an was about to arrive.

"How is the madam?"

"This deep sea is more obedient than expected. Now it has maintained its speed and is not moving around. I have asked Enterprise and the others to return to the port defense area first."

"We just told her that we want to try to tow this deep-sea light mother back to the port area harmlessly, so that she doesn't have to worry."

"Understood, let Hood and Shropshire board the ship with me later."



Boom! Boom! Boom!

When Wei An arrived, he saw that there were not many damaged warships on the deep-sea light carrier, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

After all, the fact that the warships were not damaged much also meant that the mental bodies were not affected much, so they still had the ability to resist.

Wei An, who knew the dangers of the deep sea, decided to reduce the risk first, so his ship girls aimed at the hull of the light carrier one by one.

The purpose was to increase the degree of damage to the warship, and in order to prevent it from sinking, Wei An did not let the eager Shimakaze release torpedoes.

"Let's go."

Looking at the big holes on the light carrier, Wei An nodded with satisfaction and took his ship girl on board.

Moreover, if there was any accident inside these big holes, his ship girl could also take him to evacuate urgently.

On the other side, after half an hour of diving, the golden light mother's mental body was now very far away from the abandoned hull, and less than one nautical mile away from her friend's hull.

Soon she would be able to leave this sad place, so at this time she looked at the ship that was surrounded in the center and attacked again.

She could only stare at these hateful ship girls and these hateful warships fiercely. Today's matter would not be let go like this. She remembered this humiliation!

"Surface up, I'll be there soon. Damn, I will definitely repay them in the future. I have never been so embarrassed."

The light mother mind complained to her friend angrily.

"I know, I know, hurry up, I'm already surfacing. Instead of how to repay them, you should think about how to get a new ship first."

"Or? Are you really going to stay on my ship every day in the future~ Be a desperate couple with me? Be my little sweetheart?"

The light mother mind brain

The sound from the sea made her feel a headache, and she wondered if it was the right choice to ask her friend to save her.

"I told you to read less of those weird articles and magazines in the human world. I am a normal deep sea and I will not be the same as you!"

The light mother mind body retorted excitedly!

"Oh, it's okay, that's because you don't understand the beauty of lilies. When you get along with me for a long time, you will understand that I am the one who cares about you the most."

"Although you are usually very naughty and like to lie, I am the only one who can save you in such a dangerous time."


The light mother mind body, who was in the wrong, also knew that it had to bow its head now.

According to the layout of the deep sea ship body explained to him by Bai Cai, Wei An shuttled very skillfully inside the deep sea light mother and quickly found the location of the core.

After all, when he contracted Bai Cai, he also completed it by touching the core.

But when he took the ship girl in, he found it was empty.

"Not good! This guy ran away with the core! She shouldn't be able to run far with the core for such a long time!"

Weian, who reacted, said to the ship girls around him in time.

"Commander, my radar suddenly found a signal of a warship. If I'm not mistaken, it should be a submarine that just surfaced."

While Wei An was speaking, Hood also reminded him in time, and at the same time, the other ship girls around him nodded tacitly, indicating that they also found it.

"Then chase her quickly! Don't let her run away."

"Thank you for your trouble!"

After saying that, he asked the ship girls with him to leave the hull of the deep-sea light mother.

Weian's ship girls took action immediately, running on the water and flying in the sky, and began to move in the direction of radar detection at the same time.

One by one, the lights were aimed at the target direction.

On the other side, the light mother's mind body, which had just climbed onto the hull of his friend's ship, felt sad and wronged when he saw the gray-haired girl who had been waiting on the hull.

"Okay, come back with me, and I'll help you find a way to re-condense the ship."

The deep-sea submarine gently wiped the dust off the face of the deep-sea light mother.


The deep-sea light mother nodded in reply, and before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she felt a dazzling light shining towards their position.

Then beams of light lit up the two of them.

There were dense fighter planes in the sky, and several warships on the water were coming at high speed.

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