The whole living area will disappear.

It is conservatively estimated that the entire living area will disappear.

Wei An didn't know whether the warship girls whose mind cores were in the warships would be in trouble.

But as an ordinary admiral, his life would definitely be in danger.

So he would never agree to Lexington's plan to put the laboratory near the teaching area.

"Commander, why? If the laboratory is placed in the teaching area, if she needs any information and resources, she can get good support."

"It is even very convenient to ask other warship girls to help her."

Lexington was a little confused by Wei An's repeated refusal.

"Madam, this experiment is definitely risky, so it is better for us to put it a little further away."

Wei An wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead and said.

"Risk? Isn't she just helping you, Commander, draw blueprints?"

In Lexington's opinion, most of the time of Wei'an is spent on drawing blueprints, and as for making ship equipment, it's accurate every time.

I have never seen failure.

Not to mention that the ship girls in this world have basically never seen people doing experiments.

She has no specific concept of experiments in her mind.

"This... is risky, just like the carrier-based aircraft you use."


"You also know my talent. I can absorb a ship equipment, obtain data, and then mass produce it."

"You can also change this data and make new ship equipment."

"But what I need now is ship equipment like radar, which you have never used. These ship equipment need a little bit of experimental improvement."

"The process is full of uncertain factors. If it were me, it would be fine."

"But now this kind of work is assigned to Yubari. As a ship girl, as long as the battleship does not sink, the mind body will not die."

"I can still trust her a little bit. If the risk is the most How powerful is it. "

"The most powerful ship equipment I expected to use for you, the power of one shell can blow up the mountain on the island where we live now."

"At the same time, no creature on the entire island can survive."

"If necessary, this equipment can fire hundreds or thousands of shells at the same time. If we are not in a good situation, the enemy will not be in a good situation either."

"So, Madam, do you know how dangerous the experiment I am going to do is?"

"If you are not careful, the entire island will be gone, and even your warships that are not in the center may be affected and damaged."

Looking at the always shrewd Lexington, with confusion flashing in his eyes, Vian decided to reveal a little bit of his plan.

But he didn't expect to make Lexington even more silly and cute, staring at Vian with the eyes of a stranger.

She was afraid that she had heard it wrong. What did Vian tell her?

One shell destroyed an island, and thousands of shells could be fired at the same time?

Is he rushing to destroy the world?

It has been more than a year since it was built by Vian, and he has seen how powerful Baicai is.

Even the powerful deep-sea warships are nothing compared to the weapons Vian envisioned.

It's too outrageous. Can such a weapon really exist?

Lexington remained deeply skeptical, but seeing Vian's confident look, she chose to believe it.

Just because he is her husband.

"Then Commander, if it is as powerful as you said, it seems that it is not appropriate to put the laboratory anywhere on the island."

Lexington calmed down and said.

"It's okay to put it on the island temporarily, as long as it is far away from our living area and away from other people's access."

"That kind of powerful equipment, even if it needs to be tested, must be approved by me. Even if there are risks at ordinary times, they are not so big."

Vian comforted Lexington in a calm tone.

"How about putting it in a mountainous area far from the port and other people's living areas?"

"Close to the center of the island, there are usually few people, if it is there."

"Yubari can also concentrate on research without being disturbed by others, and can keep it confidential to the greatest extent as required by the commander."

"Perhaps the more difficult thing is that it is more difficult to open a laboratory in the mountains than in the teaching area."

"Other construction workers can't help."

Lexington frowned and thought for a while, then replied.

"The fewer people who know, the better. You and I are the only ones in the port area who know what kind of equipment I want to make. If there is one more person in the future


"This is the most important secret of our port."

"When we succeed, I won't have to worry about not being able to protect you, no matter who the enemy is."

"Whether it's a ship girl, an admiral, or the distant deep sea, there's nothing to fear."

"I understand, Commander, I'll pay attention."

Listening to Wei'an's serious and gentle words, Lexington answered firmly.

"Madam, don't be too busy. You can arrange this laboratory quietly as long as you know it. We don't need it yet."

"Just let Yubari use the current laboratory. I just need her to help me improve something. There's no big risk."

The current laboratory has begun to be built, and Wei'an certainly can't waste resources and build it without using it.

While waiting for the secret laboratory to be built, he can ask Yubari to help him with some simple experiments.

"Understood." ”


June 30th.

Today is a good day.

No matter who it is.

Today, all the admirals under control of the U-Unit have been released and they have regained their freedom.

The proposal of the E-Unit and the I-Unit to elect a governor has become a foregone conclusion, and they are discussing how to select.

Although there is a perverted admiral who is a mountain on their heads, this mountain is not in the Eastern Theater now.

They still have a chance to breathe.

As the unit that knows Wei'an best, it is also the first unit to make preparations.

The admirals of the E-Unit still have some confidence in Wei'an.

After all, he is strong in aircraft carriers, has a fast speed in warships, and likes to release Kite.

Then they will use all the air superiority in the sky and all the air defense at sea, which will eliminate Wei'an's advantage and force him to fight.

How should Wei'an deal with it?

They are even waiting for the opportunity to elect the governor, and use Wei'an as a stepping stone to fame.

And the Whale Sea Naval Base.

The laboratory that Yubari has been looking forward to for a long time has been completed. She finally has a place where she can do experiments with peace of mind.

Her beautiful life is coming!

And it was also on this day that Wei'an completed the work he had been doing for a while.

The blueprints of the Saint George battleship, ready to start the next work.

It may also be the most difficult design he has made in such a long time, the hull design of the bluefish.

The assassin from under the water, the attack submarine.

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