The two of them were very happy.

"Why did she agree so readily?"

Shropshire's answer surprised Lexington.

"Didn't you say that the lady would provide food, accommodation and funding?"

"She is usually in financial difficulty, because it is not easy for people to understand that a ship girl is inventing something. If you hadn't said that you needed to find someone in this field, I would have forgotten that I had a friend like her."

Shropshire said a little embarrassedly.

"Then arrange a room for her first, and give the commander a surprise when she comes."


Shropshire went to tidy up the room for her new friend.

"Sister, what have you secretly arranged again!"

Saratoga looked at Lexington in surprise.

"When I was in the academy, I noticed that the commander tended to neglect his body when he was busy. For his sake, I should find a way to relieve his stress."

"I didn't expect to find the right person, but Shropshire said she knew someone, so she asked her to contact him."

"If she is willing to contract with the admiral, the commander will have time to accompany everyone in the future, and will not have to spend too much time on the drawings."

Lexington said calmly.

"Really? Then I can let my brother-in-law accompany me every day?"

Saratoga said excitedly, almost rushing to Vian's room to rest.

"Really, but Gaga reminds you that the commander belongs to everyone, we can't make things difficult for the commander, okay? Forgot what you promised your sister?"

"Got it..."

Lexington frowned, and Saratoga was immediately deflated. God knows how long Lexington taught her a lesson after she and Vian came back that day.

She didn't want to listen to her sister's nagging, she just wanted to stick to Vian.

"And don't fall behind in the recent patrols near the port. I'm busy handling the affairs of the port. Safety depends on you."

"Got it~"

For the first time, Saratoga ran away in the face of Lexington's instructions. She didn't feel it before, but now she felt how good Wei An was who was accommodating to her.

She wanted to be the best with her brother-in-law forever.

"Clemenceau, I'll leave the security of the port to you."

"Make sure to complete the task."

"Yixian, help the commander's three meals."


The tasks were arranged one by one, until Lexington was the only one left in the room. She sat in the seat where Wei An had sat before, opened the folder and started to deal with the affairs that had accumulated today.

Until a letter fell in front of her.


Wei An, who was sent to rest by his own ship girls with sleeping pills, looked at their worried expressions and repeatedly promised to stay up less late in the future, and then he got some peace and quiet.

But today, he couldn't even think about working!

Because Hood is coming today!

He just woke up the day before yesterday, and Lexington, who had been by his side, handed him a letter as soon as possible.

It was a document that he forgot to deal with because he was immersed in drawing drawings, and Hood's letter was sandwiched in it.

They have been on the road for half a month, and today is the day.

So today, Wei An was forced to give himself a day off and have a good rest with his ship girl in the port area.

It is already halfway through June, and the season has entered early summer, and the weather seems a bit hot.

Sunshine, beach, and of course, cute girls.

Lying on the beach chair, watching Clemenceau playing volleyball with Shimakaze and Sora on the beach.

A bluefin tuna was quietly fishing in a swimsuit at the pier next to him.

Suddenly her fishing rod shook, and Wei An saw the bluefin tuna jump into the sea with a flick of the fishing rod and started to catch it with her hands, and she really caught it.

It is famous for flying the kite in the shape of a small house high up.

Not far from the beach, St. George was flying on the waves.

Shropshire took a sea fish from the bluefin tuna and quickly sent it to Yixian to help her.

And the fragrance that could be smelled by sniffing his nose, Wei An knew without thinking that it was the beach barbecue that Chef Yixian was making.

There were also two sisters lying on his left and right.

At this moment, Wei An really felt that life was worth it, and his efforts for so long were finally rewarded.

Because they were all white legs, his dream had been realized a little bit.

"Brother-in-law, come and eat some melon."

Saratoga, who allowed Wei An to accompany her, was unusually well-behaved today.

It was not that he was addicted to the gentle land, but his wife pulled him out forcefully and did not allow him to

What else can I do at work today?

If I can't resist, I'll just enjoy it. He will never be shaken by the scenery in front of him.

Lexington gently wiped the corners of Vian's mouth with a silk scarf, and smiled helplessly.

At least she likes Vian's carefree and decadent look more.

No need to worry about his poor health, no need to worry about him having nightmares at night, he can just be a husband who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun.

Just leave the troubles to her.

It's a pity that she can't completely share his worries now, which makes Lexington a little distressed.

"Sister, they are here!"

Just when Lexington was staring at Vian's face in a daze, Saratoga shook her and woke Vian up.

Next to the beach is the newly built pier.

Several vague shadows appeared on the distant sea facing the pier.

It was not until they slowly approached that Vian realized that they were four warships!

Standing at the dock, Wei An had a question mark in his mind.

Who are these? He knew Hood from the battleship he had modified, and Jiao Tai, who had just left, still had an impression of the battleship.

Who are the two battleships next to him, one large and one small!

But Saratoga, who was holding Wei An's arm and smiling like a fangirl, suddenly felt something and looked directly at the strange aircraft carrier.

At the same time, a blue light began to bloom on her body, and the hull docked at the dock also made a violent roar, and fighter planes on the deck took off one after another.

Not only did she drive the ship, she also used legendary skills!

"What happened to Jia Jia?"

Wei An was shocked and looked at Saratoga.

"Brother-in-law, there is no time to explain, let's talk about it later, don't act rashly, this is the grudge between her and me!"

Saratoga's gale roared towards the aircraft carrier, and the other party also took off the carrier-based aircraft quickly.

The fighter planes of Saratoga started fighting in the air.

The F4U Corsair fighter plane emitted a blue light in the eyes of Vian, indicating that this ship girl, like Saratoga, was a legendary ship girl.

But even if her legendary skills were strong, Saratoga was no longer the Saratoga of the past.

The powerful simultaneous release ability directly caused her to crush in numbers.

"Hehe! This time I finally won! You want to challenge my sister! You are ten thousand years too early! Enterprise!"

Saratoga said the words that shocked Vian the most in the most arrogant tone.

[Enterprise? ]

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