The situation is not good, but the current Wei'an is not in a hurry to make a decision to quickly acquire these military factories. After all, it is more important for him at this stage to arm his own garrison first, and the premise is to complete the construction of the garrison first. The construction of the port area still depends on the resources from the rich woman Baicai. Not to mention that this group of warlords who have been transformed from the navy are no longer oppressing them. Can their hearts, which have been suppressed for a long time, still be at peace? Now the inland has not been in chaos, just because they are still waiting to see the attitude of the ship girl alliance. Is he sure that these factories will not be destroyed in the possible unrest if he takes over now? Even the reason why he left with Saratoga so quickly this time was that the relationship between the ruler of the city he was going to and the neighboring city was a little subtle.

I was afraid that it would be difficult to leave after a long time, and no matter how powerful his ship girl was, she could not reach the inland.

But the information he got this time would give him more choices when planning for future development.

"Have you really decided to do this?"

"If I can't get it, then no one else can get it. Now that you are here, doesn't it mean that you also want to do something to him?"

"No, no, no, I just came to see what's going on with this admiral and how Saratoga could take a fancy to him. I dare not do anything. It is said that he is very strong."

"Haha, so what if he is strong? I haven't been idle these days. Now he has only Saratoga, a ship girl, by his side. You know the weaknesses of aircraft carrier ship girls, right?"

The angry man who was refuted snorted coldly, staring at the figures of Vian and Saratoga who had just got off the train with a knife-like sharp look.

"What do you mean?"

The man beside him asked in confusion.

"Although Saratoga may be stronger than a normal aircraft carrier as a legendary ship girl, she is an aircraft carrier after all. Without the protection of other warships, she is a coffin sailing on the sea."

"I have found out about his information in the past few days. He is an admiral of the E-Union Department. It is said that he is the admiral of the current E-Union Department Hood. The little white face is really lucky."

When Hood's name was mentioned, the man who was already very angry looked at Wei An with jealousy.

Why can such a little white face not only capture the heart of his goddess Saratoga, but also other ship girls like him.

What has become of all the efforts he has made for Saratoga to look at him more?

Why! It's unfair!

He was saved by her and aspired to become an admiral. He entered the U-Union Department because of her. For this figure that will never go away in his mind for the rest of his life, he did not swear to his own ship girl.

It was for the one he couldn't get, the one who was like the white moonlight.

She was also loved by others in the past. Although he was very unhappy, at least she was equal to everyone, and he had a chance after all.

He believed that his sincerity and efforts would impress Saratoga.

For five whole years, since he entered the U-United Department, he had insisted on caring for Saratoga every day, but she was like a stone that would not be moved.

Why didn't she want to look at him even more? At least he could comfort himself that everyone was the same.

No one had a chance to get close to her, but he could still hold her in his heart.

But why! Why!

Now she has become like this, why can she hug a little white face and smile foolishly, so she can also salvage ships?

What's the point of his persistence for so many years? Didn't he become the admiral for her?

Now she treats him like this!

If he can't get her, then destroy her.... She is no longer the pure one in his heart.

"The admiral's port is very far from here. It takes at least four or five days for a normal warship to sail. Now there is only one warship, Saratoga."

"No matter how strong he is, with the other ship girls not here, now may be one of the few opportunities to take action."

Luo Sheng saw that Wei An and the others were about to leave, so he pulled the people next to him and followed them.

"But the Ship Girls Alliance will not allow admirals to kill each other. If we are discovered, we can't even be admirals."

Hua Lin was still a little hesitant after listening to Luo Sheng's words. Although he liked Saratoga before, he was very jealous of Wei An who became the admiral of Saratoga.

He wanted to replace her, but he was still rational after all. It was just for a ship girl who might sacrifice his future.

It is not worth it to come.

"I have said that his port is very far away from here, at least 1,200 nautical miles. It is not easy to attack such a vast sea area if you want to?"

"Are there not many admirals who died in the hands of the deep sea in recent years? Especially in this sea area that is originally on the front line, is it strange that a powerful deep sea will appear?"

"He only brought an aircraft carrier ship girl this time, but an accident happened. Isn't it normal?"

"What's more, we can stay undetected. The night must be very beautiful."

After confirming that Wei'an and Saratoga returned to their original accommodation, Luo Sheng was relieved to explain to Hualin.

"But does it matter to me whether he lives or dies? At least if I don't attack him, I won't offend anyone and I don't have to take risks."

After listening to Luo Sheng's explanation, Hualin shook his head and was not convinced by Luo Sheng.

"You can't run away. If I'm discovered, you will definitely die with me. Now that you know my plan, can you stay out of it?"

"Are you threatening me?"

After hearing this, Hualin glared at Luo Sheng, shook him off and wanted to leave.

"I said you can't run away. The only way is to cooperate with us."

"Besides, do you think we are the only ones watching him?"

"His arrival has a great impact on us. It has touched the interests of too many people. Damn it."

Hualin, who was originally walking away quickly, stopped and looked back at Luo Sheng.

"Then tell me, give me an answer that I can't refuse."

Hualin stared at Luo Sheng coldly and said.

"He is very powerful, and has attracted the attention of the aircraft carrier and Washington. You may not know that the most powerful warship under his command is the aircraft carrier. When he was the admiral of the academy, he was a demon admiral."

"He put pressure on the admirals of the entire academy to suffocate. You said that he should build a garrison in the Western Theater. It even seems to have attracted the attention of York City and others."

"Do you think it matters? After all, there are only so many resources. If we divide them with him, how much will we shrink?"

"What's more, his strength is too strong, which is a crime. If he really settles down here, will we, the admirals of the U-Union and C-Union, still have a chance?"

"He can beat all the admirals of the academy without any ability to fight back, so what about us?"

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