The enemy was in a hurry, but the enemy was still alive.

But when Washington arrived, he found that he was too late.

Vian's position was surrounded by a circle of ship girls, and when he looked closely, he saw that they were all ship girls from the aircraft carrier.

"What a quick move."

Washington gritted her teeth. She had never seen the ship girls from the aircraft carrier move so quickly in all these years.

Now the news of Vian had just reached her, and the aircraft carrier had already found Vian.

"Are you Admiral Vian! Hello, I'm Princeton. Sister Yorktown has prepared food in the rest area and is waiting for your arrival. Can I take you there now?"

Washington heard a headache just as he approached.

Not to mention that Vian was flattered now.

Where was he, what was he doing, what was he here for.

Vian looked at the several ship girls who suddenly surrounded him, with a face full of question marks.

He remembered that he was looking for the ship girl of the U-Union Department to report to the flagship Washington, so why did Yorktown pop up now?

"Sorry, I'm here to find the flagship Washington of the U-Union Department. What does Yorktown want to talk to me about?"

Vian's eyes lit up when he saw Washington coming, and he quickly waved to the ship girl in front of him and said apologetically.

"Well, then we will go back and tell sister Yorktown first, but Yorktown and other aircraft carrier ship girls are looking forward to your visit, and sister Saratoga, everyone misses you very much."

Princeton, who was about to speak, was pulled by the ship girl next to him, looked at the Washington who was coming, apologized to Vian, and then left.

It was like hiding from Washington.

"Sorry, I'm late. This is not the place to talk. Let's go to my office first."

Washington stepped forward and bowed to Vian. ​​At the same time, he quickly glanced around and saw that there were no admirals around him. He was quietly relieved.

At least no other admirals were paying attention to this place now.

After all, the U-Link Department is not only about Saratoga next to Vian, but the personalities of those Saratoga are different from the one next to Vian, and their strength is not as good as hers.

Therefore, Saratoga, who is with the admiral, will be ignored at the first time, at most a little surprised.

What she was worried about was that Vian's information was transmitted by the aircraft carrier. At least now she still had time.

So when she took Vian to her office, she tried to move forward as quickly as possible, racing against time.

It was not until she sat on the familiar sofa that she was slightly relieved and carefully observed Vian and Saratoga.

It was the sight of Saratoga sticking to Vian even when she was sitting that made her frown.

"Is there anything Admiral Wei'an wants to talk to me about?"

Washington picked up the water on the table and filled it for Wei'an.

"I just thought that Miss Washington is the flagship of the U-Union Department. Can you help contact Santiago? I have a deal I want to discuss with her."

"Oh? Looking for Santiago? Is it about the trade between the garrison and us?"

As the flagship of the U-Union Department, Washington had some guesses in his mind when he heard what Wei'an said. After all, what does Santiago manage?

Responsible for the overall coordination of the logistics resources of the entire U-Union Department, as well as the U-Union Department's external trade routes.

And Wei'an, a newly appointed admiral, will face a problem, material transportation.

Only the admirals and their ship girls live in most garrisons, and it is impossible for them to be self-sufficient.

Therefore, it is extremely necessary to establish nearby trade routes to facilitate transactions and material transportation between the mainland.

After all, if it is daily necessities, after these admirals connect with the nearby responsible garrisons, they don't even need to purchase the resources they need for life by themselves.

Just give them the list of materials needed for the next time when you receive materials last time, and when you need materials, you can directly contact the corresponding joint department of the route to receive them.

It can save the admirals a lot of time and energy, and only need to pay a price that is 10% higher than the normal price of materials.

But Wei An nodded first, then shook his head.

"Yes, but not all. The route for material transportation is only secondary. I came to San Diego to do a big business."

"A good business for everyone."

Wei An said with a chuckle.

"Oh? Can you tell me about it?"

Looking at Wei An's mysterious face, Washington suddenly

I became interested.

"Miss Washington, what do you think of the strength of my fleet?"

Vian stared at Washington and said, "Very strong. Among the admirals I have seen, your strength can at least be ranked among the top few. Many old admirals may not be able to match you."

Looking at Vian's look, Washington was puzzled, but still said truthfully.

"Then do you know where my port is located?"

"Of course, I knew it when you decided to come to the Western Theater."

"Do you think the strength of my fleet is enough to deal with the deep sea?"

"If your fleet can't deal with the deep sea, then there may be few admirals in the Ship Girls Union who can resist the deep sea, but does this have anything to do with the business you want to discuss?"

Having said this, Vian decided not to keep it a secret.

"My port is at the forefront of the western theater of war. It is definitely facing the most frequent and strongest deep-sea attacks. I am not worried about dealing with these deep-sea attacks."

"It's just that I don't know how to deal with the extra ship equipment after defeating the deep-sea."

Weian sighed in distress, and Washington's mouth twitched.

Are you listening to what he said?

What do you mean by not knowing how to deal with the extra ship equipment?

To put it bluntly, his strength is too strong. The deep sea that others seem difficult to deal with is not a big problem for him. He doesn't like the salvaged ship equipment, so he came to her.

However, she really has no place to refute Wei's words. After all, the Wei she knows really has this strength.

There are not many admirals in the entire ship girl alliance who have the strength to roam freely on the sea like him.

"If Admiral Wei'an wants to sell ship equipment, why don't you just let the ship girl sell it in our trading area?"

"After all, deep-sea invasions are also cyclical. Even if there are more, how many can there be? The trading area can completely consume them."

Washington did not agree directly. After all, she knew that the deep-sea strength in the Western Theater was the lowest among the four theaters.

Even if Wei'an was on the front line for more than a year, the ordinary trading area would have eaten it up, and there would be no need for San Diego to purchase it.

After all, the amount required by a joint department must be huge.

"Did I say that we should wait for the deep sea to invade?"

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