Even when compiling teaching materials, Elizabeth sent teachers to Wei'an to learn from it.

Of course, Wei An can teach him.

As for whether it will affect him?

Of course it has an impact!

If ordinary admirals and ship wives are not made aware of the importance of air defense, to whom will he sell the air defense ship equipment he plans to develop in the future?

The air defense has been pulled up, so the aircraft carrier will always need more powerful carrier-based aircraft.

Everything he did was for everyone in the Ship Girl Alliance.

Think about the large number of aircraft carriers in the deep sea. In the future, the aircraft carriers will be used as bombers. Who will provide air defense for the gunboats?

Of course it’s on your own!

After all, the number of ship equipment required by Wei An's ship girls is limited, and one day they will be armed to the teeth.

Its production capacity is only insufficient in the short term, and will eventually become excessive in the long term.

He will eventually sell the ship equipment, so he can get a good price for it.

That must create demand.

Just like how to make money practicing medicine?

Of course, if you make other people near your medical center sick, they will want to see a doctor.

How could it make other people sick?

Poisoning, drugging, and killing rats.

If there is no demand, create demand. As long as there is no moral bottom line, you will make more money.

Compared with those unscrupulous profiteers, Wei An has a much more conscience. His ship equipment is really powerful and he can help the ship's wife and admiral in time when they need strength.

It can also better resist attacks in the deep sea.

Therefore, for Wei An, the improvement in the strength of other ship girls and admirals has more advantages than disadvantages.

The more they pursue improvement in strength, the more money they make......

After York City confirmed that the patrolling aircraft carrier girls had left, they immediately notified the other core aircraft carrier girls in the U Joint Department.

The reason why they were silent during this period was also due to the news that Wei An was coming to the western theater to establish a garrison.

Just wait here for Wei An's arrival.

Now that Wei An is here, the time they have been waiting for has arrived.

We need to carefully discuss how to deal with Wei An and Lexington next......

April 15th.

After a 20-day voyage, Wei An and the others crossed the Western Continent and finally arrived at dozens of islands.

WLX-Area 0541, the island where the former Whale Sea Guards House is located.

But now there is only desolation and ruins left, with countless ruins scattered on the island.

This will be where Wei An and his wife will live from now on.

When Wei An and the others arrived, more than a dozen transport ships were already docked on the shore of the island.

There are still many people busy on the island.

Wei An was not surprised at all.

After all, building houses in this world still relies on manpower. The ship girl and the admiral are dedicated to dealing with the deep sea and protecting the safety of the sea area.

And these people who are busy on his island now are the construction workers that Wei An jointly recruited for him after he determined the location of the town hall.

Come and help him complete the establishment of the garrison.

And they are now removing the construction materials from the transport ship and preparing to start construction.

It can be seen from the smiling faces of these workers that they are very happy with the work of the ship girls jointly building the port area.

Because compared to building buildings for other ordinary people, the wages paid by the Ship Girl Alliance are really high.

This is twice the normal salary of a construction worker.

This group of workers who came to the island totaled 300 people, and they spent a full 150W of blue coins every month, which is equivalent to 3 battleship cores.

All of this expense will be paid by the ship girl joint headquarters until the admiral's garrison is completed.

This is also one of the benefits for admirals who graduate from the academy normally.

But the cost of building materials needs to be purchased by Wei An himself. After all, the Ship Girl Alliance is not purely a charity.

Because there are already seniors who spend as much as they want while using the ship girl alliance to pay for building materials and workers' wages for them.

A large number of buildings of unknown significance were built, or a large amount of useless resources were purchased. After the port area was established, the building materials were sold directly.

You can cash in real money.

At this point, the Ship Girl Alliance can only bear the wages of the workers. As for how the port area will be built, it depends on the admiral's arrangements and his wallet reserves.

But what Wei An knew was that the construction of his port area would not only cost him a lot of money, but also the Ship Girl Alliance.

A normal admiral just needs to build the admiral's room, the ship's wife's dormitory, a warehouse, a construction room, a dock, and a port.

Most of the construction can be completed in one month at most, and the cost can be controlled below 150W.

But Wei An knew the difference between himself and other garrison forts.

The size of the cafeteria and dormitories alone are dozens of times larger than those of ordinary garrison buildings.

Not to mention he has other construction plans.

It would normally take years to complete the construction of his port area.

But he has too many secrets of his own, and it is impossible for these construction workers to stay on the island forever.

Therefore, his construction plan cannot be completed at once.

But it will take at least a year to complete just the first phase of the construction plan.

It took more than ten times as long to build other admiral's garrison buildings.

And he has to invest a lot of money to purchase building materials, which is conservatively estimated to be a small goal of one-tenth.

As for the rest of the plan, Wei An focused on the island itself.

It was only after he heard about the construction plan of the Ship Girl Alliance that the Admiral could build a construction room in the port area.

So he was thinking that since he could build the Deep Sea, if it was already confirmed that there was a Fortress Ji, could he build them?

At the same time, Wei An also wanted to verify a question.

Is the deep sea he built the same as the deep sea that wakes up naturally?

What about being born with your own hull?

If Fortress Ji can't carry the hull, then he will complete most of the main body of the island as planned.

It is equivalent to building the hull of the ship girl in advance for them, allowing them to directly use the ready-made hull when the hull is realized.

Let Fortress Ji directly turn the Whale Sea Guards House into her own ship.

The changes in this way are really huge.

You must know that when the ship body is controlled by the ship girl, it can control itself just like their body.

Just like the interior of the Lexington and their ships, the hatches can be closed with a single thought.

Wouldn't it be much easier for Wei An to complete his plan of building the garrison?

Fortress Ji took control of the island and started construction at a speed that was beyond the reach of ordinary construction workers.

As for why Wei An asked construction workers to help build it?

In order not to attract attention, act in a gregarious manner. and Wei An’s concerns.

Will buildings using ordinary construction materials have an impact on Fortress Ji, and when she takes control of the port area, will the resources required for construction still be ordinary resources?

And most importantly, whether they can change the hull like the ship girls.

Wei An needs to test these one by one.

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