If the problem of deep-sea invasion can be solved, wouldn't all the difficulties be solved?

So since he still doesn’t know what the situation will be like in the future, of course he must do his best to learn about things related to the deep sea and think about it.

"Don't you think it's a fantasy to want to understand the enemies of mankind? And you will be despised by everyone."

Weian's words calmed the anger of the white-haired woman.

"Sometimes the most difficult thing is to go from 0 to 1. These things have to be done by someone after all. Living together on this sea, there are only three outcomes: cooperation, hostility, and non-interference."

"And hostility is the worst result. Why can't we work hard? Don’t you think it’s cruel to let ship girls sacrifice themselves for our desires?"

The longer Wei An understands this world, the more he feels that these silly girls are kidnapped by morality.

When a ship girl was created, they did not have the knowledge to be hostile to the deep sea to the end.

This This concept was instilled in them by other ship girls and humans, and was accepted by them. Especially now that the deep sea and ship girls are in a stalemate, the methods of humans and the navy are becoming more and more despicable, and there is no bottom line.

After speaking, the white-haired woman looked carefully at the child with black hair and blue eyes.

His words were full of determination.

Why did she come to a place where humans live?

This is a world different from them. , they will always face the cold steel and endless dark water.

Although they occupy the most vast land in the world, they have no meaning in living.

The goal of most people and ship girls is to defeat the deep sea and regain themselves. The land.

Human beings have their own culture, but they have nothing in the deep sea. As the flagship of the deep sea, she also wants to understand why there is such a life in the deep sea.

The power brought by their culture makes up for their emptiness.

The bookstore where she is now is fascinated by the knowledge in it. Human beings can still think about other things even in desperate situations, so she is here to understand humans and learn from them.

"But this is just your guess. The deep sea may not be what you think."

The white-haired woman said to Wei An earnestly.

As the flagship of the deep sea, she deeply understood that humans and the deep sea are really two different worlds, two completely different worldviews.

What he hoped for was probably just wishful thinking. Deep seas like her who are willing to understand humans do not occupy the majority.

There are even many deep seas who are naturally disgusted with and even hate humans and ship girls.

There is another hidden reason for the retreat of the deep sea.

She and Wei An who appeared in this bookstore are like the alternatives from the two hostile parties.

"Is the deep sea like this? I need to see it with my own eyes instead of making random guesses."

"Didn't I say it? Force is only a last resort."

Listening to the firmness in Wei An's words, an idea suddenly appeared in the white-haired woman's mind.

"Then if the deep sea can really communicate as you said, what do you want to say to them?"

The woman said to Wei An in a gentle tone.

She really wants to know what Wei An will answer now. As a A deep sea man is very curious

"Can the deep sea make a contract with humans like the shipgirls? And I want to ask why the shipgirls are allowed to grow wantonly."


The white-haired woman's mind was filled with little question marks.

Wei An's answer was something she had never imagined, and it was too bold.

Other humans and admirals avoid the Deep Sea, but this kid is even more audacious and wants to make a contract with the Deep Sea.

He didn't even ask the questions that a normal person should ask about why he invaded humans. Instead, he focused on the ship girl.

You really don't care about human beings at all.

Is his brain circuit completely different from that of normal people?

He is just a weirdo.

So the bookstore suddenly became quiet.

Two people stared at each other

"What's wrong, sister? Is my question strange?"

Wei An looked at the white-haired woman with big, ignorant and innocent eyes.

It was just like the innocent thoughts of an ignorant child.

But the white-haired woman who had the previous exchange Of course, I understood that this was just Wei An's disguise.

So after the initial surprise, the white-haired woman's eyes changed when she looked at Wei An.

Although Wei An's question was a bit bizarre, she was originally here to understand human beings.

Wei An is like a special case that shows the diversity of human beings.

Moreover, the question that Wei An raised is something she has never considered. If the ship girls can contract with humans, what about the deep sea?

They really never wake up. They had never considered such a thing at first. As for the difference between a ship girl with an admiral and an ordinary ship girl, they also discovered during the long battle that the ship girl as an admiral has higher growth potential.

The threat of ordinary deep-sea fleets is greater, because these ship girls are dispatched in the form of a fleet with the admiral as the center.

The cooperation ability between ship girls is improved, and the upper limit of the battle is also doubled.

It is precisely about cooperation. This is the ability that Deep Sea lacks the most.

Ordinary Deep Seas have no consciousness of their own and can only act subconsciously. Targets outside the Deep Sea will be considered enemies until the emergence of advanced Deep Seas that can target a certain number of ordinary people. The command of the deep sea restricts their behavior to a certain extent, but these deep seas only have instincts, and even if they act according to the instructions, they are just like simple machines and are inefficient.

The high-level deep seas control the ordinary deep seas near their own sea areas and can fight independently. The reason why they act together is because someone takes the lead, and some other reasons.

The most important thing is that the interior of Deep Sea is not very stable. Because of Deep Sea's violent personality, there are often reasons why Deep Sea will not kill humans.

If human beings are completely wiped out, there will be no external enemies like human beings.

After that, there will only be endless internal fighting. This is also a tacit issue among the high-level deep seas. She became very interested.

If the deep sea could also have admirals, then a large part of the power in the deep sea would be gathered, and their views on human beings would change dramatically in an instant. With the admiral, some people in the deep sea who had no goals in the first place could find their own goals and find something to do for them, so she was deeply moved.

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