It was Bismarck's brave fighting that made the other side of the naval command area busy.

A large number of admirals have begun to enter the construction room.

Even the governor of the south frowned when he heard the report from his subordinates.

"The Governor is in trouble! More than half of the vanguard fleet has been sunk, and dozens of scattered warships have also been destroyed. The defense line is about to be lost!"

"How long will it take for the main fleet to arrive?"

"1 hour."


A tea cup was thrown at the feet of the reporting admiral.

"Let them speed up!"


Looking at the furious governor, the admiral reported with a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

"Tell me what happened? After fighting together with the ship girl for so long, it stands to reason that it would be impossible for them to be defeated so quickly."

The southern governor took a new tea cup from the girl next to him and tasted it, holding back his anger and said

"The number of battleships combined by the ship girls exceeds our imagination, and they have legendary ship girls who can be immune to the damage of our battleships."

"In the process of becoming immune to damage, we suffered a large number of attacks from the opponent's battleships, as well as underwater torpedoes."

"A large number of casualties caused the original formation to be in chaos, the warships were seriously damaged, and the combat efficiency was greatly reduced."

"Then they were attacked by a large number of warships that basically suffered no damage, causing the defense line to fall."

"Why didn't this happen before?"

The Southern Governor stared at the Admiral in front of him.

"Usually, the fleet girls alliance is basically Bismarck with a small number of strong warships to fight us, and their ordinary fleet girls cause a lot of losses."

"So we didn't expect that the battleships united by the ship girls would be so powerful."

The reporting admiral said nervously.

To say what the reason was, he was taking it too lightly.

He committed the same sin of arrogance as the Eastern Navy and looked down on the silly sweet virgin of the Ship Girl Alliance.

Mainly because the impression of the Ship Girl Alliance being submissive was too deep. The people of Bismarck and the others were timid when they fought against them.

After all, they only suffered a heavy casualty before they came to fight the navy. She really didn't want to face a large number of sinkings, so she kept rushing to the front. Bismarck did not want other ship girls to be injured, and he did not dare to take the weaker ones.

Without the worries in the sky, they became more relaxed. The most important thing was that they were not afraid of night battles.

The commander of the aircraft carrier was Wei An during the day. The commander-in-chief was also Wei An.

Although they also asked Wei An why he could fight at night, he used his talent to fool him.

"Got it. Arrange all the warships to go into battle as soon as possible. I don't want to hear that you underestimate the enemy again."

"Since the opponent's legendary ship girl is such a big threat, then take good care of it. My fleet will support you later."

Looking at the admiral who didn't dare to raise his head in front of him, the southern governor waved his hand and motioned for him to retreat.

When only he and the blonde girl were left in the hall

"I remember the interval between using her legendary skills is 2 hours, right?"


"Then get rid of her before she can use her legendary skills again, otherwise it will be difficult to fight next."

"Let them also attack. The key target is her."

"I understand."

The girl closed her eyes temporarily after she finished speaking, and a bright blue light emanated around her.

At the same time, more than 6 aircraft carriers docked behind the port started moving.

These were all warships of the Southern Governor.

Unlike most admirals who liked gunboats, he was also a thorough aircraft carrier party.

The moment the girl next to him appeared beside him, he changed his previous cognition.

It turned out that the offensive capability of aircraft carriers was not weak, but most admirals had not developed it, and the ship equipment was not easy to find.

But when the combat power of aircraft carriers was formed, he saw that surface ships could be so powerless.

It also made him fall in love with the feeling of beating others so hard that they couldn't fight back.

So he His aircraft carriers became more and more powerful, and their numbers increased.

Step by step, he defeated the admiral who once wanted to offend him, and took the position of governor.

After seeing the power of aircraft carriers, he made changes to the Southern Theater on the first day he took that position.

The equipment used by aircraft carriers must be sold with his consent.

Only he understood best that it was often the enemies who also had aircraft carriers who could defeat him.

In order to maintain the stability of his position, he monopolized all the carrier-based aircraft used by aircraft carriers in the Southern Theater.

Only carrier-based aircraft that were not very strong would flow out.

But the more he stopped them, the more the admirals under him understood why he was so powerful.

Therefore, the Southern Theater was one of the few people who liked The war zone with more aircraft carriers than battleships.

That's why Akagi and the others are under so much pressure. They have met a professional opponent.

And now the strength of the Kanpei Union has somewhat exceeded his expectations. In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, he has to take action himself.

After all, although the number of the vanguard fleet is smaller than that of the Kanpei Union, it was defeated too quickly. The number of the second fleet is also smaller than that of the Kanpei Union due to the sinking of the previous fleet. If he doesn't take action and slow down the progress of the Kanpei Union, he will not be safe.

In addition, he is not confident in the strength of his admirals. Can they really sink Eugen?

Admiral Nanbu's aircraft carrier fleet did not take off. Instead of taking off immediately, the aircraft continued to circle and gather above the command post.

At the same time, new carrier-based aircraft began to be generated in the hangar of the aircraft carrier.

As a qualified aerial man, he certainly understood the importance of surprise.

Although the surface warships did not have many countermeasures against the carrier-based aircraft in the sky, if the opponent was not eliminated in one go, then they would have more defenses.

Compared with the attack from underwater, the concealment in the sky is still smaller.

At half past nine in the morning.

Vian and Akagi, who were slowly advancing behind the Bismarck fleet, finally felt the changes from the navy.

The attack of the navy's aircraft carrier changed, and at the same time Bismarck and others also discovered the newly arrived fleet of the navy.

"The number of naval carrier-based aircraft suddenly increased, and I had to attack with all my strength!"

Akagi said to Wei An quickly.

At the same time, he quickly mobilized the carrier-based aircraft hovering over the Bismarcks to support other aircraft carriers of the J Joint Headquarters.

"Kaga, attack quickly!"

""Okay, sister!"

The two aircraft carriers on the left and right of the Wei'an fleet were constantly launching aircraft.

At the same time, Wei'an also learned from Lexington why Akagi and the others were so anxious.

The previous battle of the navy's aircraft carriers was indeed useless.

"Commander! Something is wrong with the Navy’s carrier-based aircraft! The opponent has a legendary ship girl!"

Lexington observed the black carrier-based aircraft flying towards him, surrounded by blue light.

It looked like a legendary skill.

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