After completing the bombing mission neatly, Lexington and the others quickly returned to prepare for the next bombing mission.

The reason why Lexington and the others did not bomb the construction area is simple. There are more than a dozen port areas in total.

There are too many buildings in each port area. Now they disperse their attacks within the port area, and some of the attacks will be blocked by the buildings.

Then he didn't destroy the opponent's aircraft carrier.

If the opponent's aircraft carrier replenishes fighter jets during their replenishment period, the next raid will not be so easy.

Now that the navy's air control is completely lost, how to handle it depends on the strength of the combined aircraft carrier.

As for the new aircraft carriers built by the navy, how many aircraft carriers can there be?

Moreover, can the navy's resources really support the large-scale construction of thousands of warships?

The navy is indeed in a panic now. A large number of naval admirals are surrounding the construction room. It will take a while to build and it will take a while to realize the hull.

And they all require a huge amount of resources. A destroyer requires at least several thousand resources.

A-1. The flight speed of a bomber is more than 320 knots in terms of air speed.

After Xuefeng began to enter the channel, Lexington and the others had already begun to move towards Xuefeng and the others.

Now Lexington and their ships are only 30 nautical miles away from the command area!

One hour is enough for Lexington and the others to fly back and forth five times, not counting supplies.

But now, including the time for replenishment, it is enough for Lexington and the others to fly back and forth more than three times.

In the naval command area on the other side, after Admiral Round Belly directed other admirals to build a ship girl, he quietly took a ship girl back to his room.

"Tashkent, after the warship girls and the other side complete the second bombing, we will leave and leave this ghost place."

"Take the resources in my room first, I will come back to you later"

"By the way, remember to install the anti-aircraft cannon!"

The round-bellied admiral patted Tashkent's shoulder and said.

When he saw Lexington and the others bombing, he had already thought that the situation was over.

No matter how the other admirals resisted, they would be surrounded sooner or later.

By then, it would really be It means that Tiantian should not respond, and that the ground and earth are not working.

As the commander-in-chief of this side, he knows what he has done to the ship girl. He was caught by the ship girl and didn't get skinned and cramped.

Fortunately, he was early. Be prepared.

When he understood that the situation was over, he was already arranging a retreat. The remaining Qingshan was not afraid of running out of firewood.

Now that Borg was too broken to leave, his other ship girls were also fighting on the front line with Dante and the others.

Fortunately, his initial ship has always been by his side, helping him get to where he is today.

"Yes, Admiral."

Tashkent nodded firmly.

20 minutes after Lexington and the others returned, the carrier-based aircraft had once again approached the command area.

On the other side

"Sister, do you need a break?"

Wei An looked worriedly at Xuefeng, who was full of fighting spirit after entering the canal.

"No! No! Island Meow, no! Island Meow must let them know that Island Meow is not to be messed with."

"It actually destroyed my power system. I must let them taste the power of my torpedo!"

Shimakaze jumped out first and said angrily.

Xuefeng gently shook his head under Wei An's gaze.

"Sure enough, I was still a little angry after being bombarded by them like that. Isn't the Ship Girl Alliance fighting fiercely with the navy? I think it's too late."

Looking at the firm eyes of the three deportation team members, Wei An also knew that they were very angry.

It just so happened that the navy aircraft carrier had been rendered harmless by Lexington and the others.

Dante and the others were still fighting with the navy on the front line. The battle will take some time

, considering the speed of Xuefeng and the others, there is still enough time.

"Well, sister, please be safe. Clemenceau and the others will act with you this time."

"Wait for the good news about sister ~ Xiaowei."

After Xuefeng finished speaking, in front of the other ship girls, she pulled down Wei An's neck and took a peck.

Lexington looked at her and directly covered Xiaozhai's eyes.

It was too bold.

Although Xuefeng is a wedding ship, this It was too big, and the ring she wore on her ring finger was just right in front of her eyes.

Xuefeng was the only ship girl present who had this identity.

She didn't care what other ship girls thought about it, so she pulled her away. The other two ship girls in the team set off.

Clemenceau and Yixian, who had recovered their senses, quickly followed the retreating Xuefeng.


Lexington looked at Wei An with some resentment.

"Madam, I didn't expect my sister to be so bold.

Wei An touched the back of his head embarrassedly.

"Commander, you know that's not what I meant."

Lexington saw clearly that the ring on Xuefeng's finger was a special oath ring.

Lexington, who knows everything about Vian every day, of course knows this information.

The commander secretly put the oath ring on Xuefeng without her knowledge, even though she didn't have it before she set out. All she could think of was the time when Vian went to find Xuefeng alone, so she felt a little resentful.

After knowing that Vian was a passive man, she understood how difficult it was to get Vian to take the initiative to talk about some things.

If she didn't fight for it herself, she didn't know when her sister would run ahead of her.

After all, according to Saratoga's naughty personality, if she wanted the ring, she might just rob it.

But she is the perfect wife, and can only use her little eyes to hope that her bad commander understands~

But Vian should also be glad that this is his wife, not some sickly girl who likes to give the admiral aphrodisiacs.

Otherwise, he wouldn't just glare at him like his wife did. Maybe he will disappear from everyone's sight at night.

"I don’t want to complete our ceremony in a hurry. How about waiting for this to pass? Mrs."

Looking at Wei An who suddenly became serious, Lexington nodded subconsciously.

"Admiral! What is a ritual?~"

"And why did Sister Lexington cover my eyes just now? What happened?"

Xiaozhai looked at Wei'an with her cute big eyes, full of innocence.

After all, she is a real child.

"The ritual is for the admiral to take Xiaozhai out to play after the battle is over."

As for Xuefeng kissing him, he didn't mention a word, and Lexington was very cooperative and didn't say anything.

The small episode did not affect Lexington and the others' operations in the command area.

This is the magic of ship girls, especially their minds. The great thing about the powerful core ship girls is that

Lexington can not only fly the carrier-based aircraft in the sky of the navy, but also talk to Wei An emotionally.

However, their target has become the newly built ship girls..

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