Even at night, the light of gunfire flashed on the sea from time to time.

Through Lexington's three hours of observation, he finally figured out the number of battleships in the battle.

Joint investment of ship girls: 400 ships.

Navy investment: 700 ships.

The navy is more afraid of night battles than the union of ship girls, because the training level of their ship girls is not as good as that of the union of ship girls, and there will be more uncertain factors at night.

They are preparing to slowly consume the ship girl alliance, rather than preparing to give away all their ship girls at once.

After all, even if this part of the ship girls on the front line is dealt with, and the ship girls come together with follow-up support, they will be unable to continue.

Looking at the tentative battle between the two sides, it was not too intense.

Wei An frowned

"Xiaowei, we have arrived near the combat zone. Do we need to enter the battlefield directly?"

Xue Feng's voice sounded in Wei An's mind

"Okay, pay attention to safety"

"Got it~"

After listening to Wei An's instructions, the corners of Xuefeng's mouth raised slightly.

The range of her radar scan was filled with dense red dots, not only the navy's warships but also the ship's union.

Through Lexington Based on the reconnaissance data obtained there, she made a simple distinction between the enemy and our warships to prepare for the next battle, while

Wei An on the other side called Saratoga and Lexington together.

Each of them raised the upper limit of 1W mental cores and maximized the number of simultaneous takeoffs.

With the advantage of radar, Wei An's fleet was not afraid of night battles at all.

"Madam, as long as the reconnaissance is ensured, just use fighter jets to ensure the safety of Xuefeng and the others in the sky. The same goes for Gaga. Don’t use bombers for the time being."

"Just one person can take off 50 fighter jets."


Lexington did not doubt Wei An's order.

Just like the other admirals did not know the strength of his fleet and aircraft carrier before the assessment, and they could only be beaten during the real duel.

How different is the navy from those admirals now? , how much do they know about themselves? Do they know that

Lexington and Saratoga have been improved?

Since he chose to support the ship girl here, he must also choose the way to maximize profits.

When its strength is fully demonstrated, it must be a fatal blow, so now the main force of the navy is Xuefeng and the other two destroyers.

"Clemenceau! The opponent's battleship will be left to you! I took Shimakaze and the others there."

Xue Feng's words dissipated in the wind as the battleship went away.

"Deportation squad! Set off!"

"oh! oh! The island cat can show off its skills again!"

"This time I must work hard to become stronger."

Xuefeng led the two small destroyers and sailed in the dark, while the sonar and radar scanning were turned on to the maximum.

Finally, 4-5 nautical miles away from the naval fleet, Xuefeng led the team to stop.

"Let's fire from here. Fire the torpedo at the location of the radar signal."

"Is it too far? In this case, fewer battleships may be hit.

Shimakaze asked doubtfully.

"That's it. After hitting the enemy, they will definitely send people to keep an eye on us. This distance is our best fighting distance."

"We can move away from warships that cannot be beaten, and we can fight with stronger firepower than theirs."

Xue Feng shook his head

"All right."

After Shimakaze answered, he had already launched his first round of torpedoes, and Yukikaze and Kokang followed suit.

On Kokang's battleship, there was still Sora silently observing Yukikaze and the others' fighting style.

After all, she would also be the destroyer team in the future. A torpedo with a speed of 72 knots may only take three minutes to hit the nearest enemy from their position, but it will take 20 seconds for the fastest warship in the navy to catch up.

How many torpedoes can they fire in three minutes?

The answer is more than 500, which consumes 250 units of ammunition.

Like other ship girls, the Eskimos follow the commands of the carrier aircraft nearby. They were fighting together.

She originally thought that this was a night with less intense fighting like the previous days, but just now, she suddenly felt that there was something wrong with her sonar. Her mission.

For this reason, she is even a expendable cannon fodder, because she has been equipped with sonar since she was built, which gives her a slightly better arrangement than other cannon fodder.

Her battleship is located in the center of the fleet and does not need to be attacked. One was sacrificed, but she also shouldered the anti-submarine mission of others near her warship.

She has been through dozens of battles, large and small, and has never seen anything like this.

The sonar told her that more than 100 torpedoes were rapidly approaching their fleet, and as time went by, the number had now increased to 200. What made her doubt herself the most was these torpedoes. The direction of arrival was to the right rear of their fleet. Did the other reconnaissance warships not eat?

A large number of enemies launched a surprise attack on them from the right rear.

So after being stunned, she could only pull up as fast as she could. Alert your own battleship, and use your last moment to report to the carrier-based aircraft following you.

"There are a lot of torpedoes coming from the right rear, the number of enemies is unknown, but it is estimated to be more than 30 ships!"

After she finished speaking, she could already feel the vibration coming from her warship.

The torpedo opened a hole in her warship.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another, the torpedoes hit the other warships around her that had no time to evade.

They were pierced through fiercely.

It can't be blamed on her for not reminding in time, but because when her sonar sounded���When the torpedo was launched, the distance was only 600 meters.

A torpedo with a speed of 72 knots only takes 16 seconds to reach a distance of 600 meters.

So even in the naval fleet, the opposing ship girls and the combined ship girls can see a strange scene.

Late at night, the sea area in the naval fleet area is occasionally illuminated by flames.

Because a large number of warships had their keels directly broken by torpedoes, which in turn caused other damage to the warships.

It is normal for fires to start.

As the culprits who caused this tragedy, they looked at the panic in the naval fleet but did not come to chase them.

"Xuefeng, are we leaving?"

"No, keep firing torpedoes, as if we overestimate them."

Xue Feng seriously doubted the combat quality of the naval fleet. It's not good.

Even the admirals who were assessed by the joint headquarters could immediately organize their teams to fight back.

What she observed was that the naval fleet was still stunned in place and continued to be struck by lightning.

But they But I never thought that it was because they had too many torpedoes.

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