Xuefeng fell asleep and didn't wake up until noon the next day. The first thing he did when he got up was that he ate all the snacks in his ship's installation space.

"Sister, please slow down and stop choking. Take a sip of water."

Wei An's words had no effect at all. It wasn't until Xuefeng finished eating the snacks that he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiaowei is really exhausted. Yesterday, I didn’t dare to stop at all, for fear of failure."

Xue Feng lay back comfortably and leaned into Wei An's arms, and very consciously put Wei An's hand on his flat belly.

This surprised Wei An.

He had never seen this before. Xuefeng has such a big appetite, and he has never seen anyone whose stomach hasn’t changed after eating so much.

"Sister, where do you girls put the food you eat? Why is my belly still so flat?"

Wei An couldn't help but poke Xuefeng's belly with his index finger.

Wei An's actions and words made Xuefeng a little shy, feeling that Wei An had seen his ugly side.

"Stop worrying about girls' affairs! Why do you dislike your sister?"

Xue Feng said and stood up from Wei An's arms. He grabbed Wei An's ears with his two small hands and pulled them out hard.

Wei An screamed in pain.

"Okay, okay, sister, I won’t ask anymore, but now let’s take a look at the results of yesterday, the results of your hard work, sister."

Wei An was also very curious when talking about this hull Xuefeng.

It was precisely because she embodied it that she understood how difficult it was.

She embodied such a large tonnage hull and she can still move freely now. , all due to her admiral’s talent

"Can Xiaowei tell her sister more specific things about the ship now? My sister used to learn about destroyers."

"Now that it has suddenly become so big, my sister needs to know what Xiaowei wants her to do in the future."

"Xuefeng will work hard to satisfy the admiral."

If Yukikaze is classified according to the classification of battleships in this world, it is no longer a destroyer.

It is more like a heavy cruiser. The maximum tonnage that can carry heavy cruiser guns is 17,500, which is heavier than a heavy cruiser.

This also makes Yukikaze more confused. place, her admiral told her it was a destroyer

"Now I only have one battleship: sister. Of course sister is the flagship and also my battleship."

"So my sister has a lot to learn. To serve as my command ship, she also needs to learn how to fight as a battleship."

"Well, of course I know these. Does Xiaowei have anything else?"

"Artillery, torpedoes, and air defense interception all need to be learned"

"Moreover, the knowledge of frigates cannot be discarded. It should be said that the knowledge of frigates is even more important."

While speaking, Wei An had already led Xuefeng towards the dock.

"Are you going to run expedition escorts frequently? Or do you want to escort the battleship?"

Xue Feng was held in Wei An's arms and asked curiously.

"Escorting aircraft carriers will be the main force of our fleet in the future."

But when Wei An finished speaking, he was bitten hard by Xuefeng.

"Sure enough, Xiaowei, you just like the big sister of the aircraft carrier. You have always missed her, even last time."

Xue Feng's little mouth turned up high, not wanting to look at Wei An.

But now that Xuefeng has revealed the hull of the ship, Wei An can also tell some of his plans.

"Sister, it’s not that I like aircraft carriers. It’s true that aircraft carriers are more important than battleships in the fleet I envision."

"How important is that? But the decisive battles are basically won by the battleships. With the number of deep-sea battleships, it is difficult for aircraft carriers to do anything."

When Xuefeng was at the garrison of Wei'an's parents, she saw that the main forces in the garrison were all battleships.

Because the deep sea encountered in the garrison on the front line are in groups, and there are also aircraft carriers in the deep sea.

The powerful ship girls can bombard and shoot down the planes. The main role of the aircraft carrier sister is to seize air supremacy with the deep sea. Because the number of carrier-based aircraft launched by different aircraft carrier ship girls is also different, and they have to return to replenish ammunition, which is completely different from the deep-sea ammunition that cannot be used up.

Therefore, many times carrier-based aircraft are disposable items, used to fight with deep-sea aircraft carriers, so fighters are better than bombers.

Fighters can seize air supremacy and can also commit suicide charges to reduce the pressure on other ship girls.

But bombers cannot enter the defense circle and are not as effective as fighters.

So Xuefeng was curious why Wei'an was obsessed with aircraft carriers.

Even if the aircraft carrier has a good figure, the battleship is not bad either.

"Sister, have you forgotten my talent? The strength of an aircraft carrier lies in its carrier-based aircraft"

"What if the aircraft carrier's aircraft are strong enough? How many nautical miles or even dozens of nautical miles away can an attack be launched?"

"What if one strike involves dozens or even hundreds of aircraft striking at a very long distance?"

Wei An answered Xuefeng seriously, which made Xuefeng open his mouth again.

"But, is this possible for Xiaowei? It would be difficult for a battleship to attack like this from dozens of nautical miles away."

Xue Feng is still a little unbelievable about Wei An's words and thinks he is whimsical.

"Sister, you used to be a 2,500-ton destroyer, and you could only use your 127mm main gun to fire at a battleship, and the bullets might even ricochet."

"But now my sister’s main gun is about to be upgraded to a 240mm main gun, which has enough lethality against weakly armored battleships."

"Didn’t this seem fanciful to my sister before?"

Wei An didn't feel sad about Xuefeng's surprise. Instead, he continued to explain to her.

"But Xiaowei, this is not a concept. Battleships can become larger and carry larger main guns, but if an aircraft also wants to be that far away and has lethality, how big should the aircraft be?"

"How big is the target? How heavy is it? Can it fly?"

Xuefeng, who has no modern knowledge, could not imagine that he could have a portable long-distance strike method.

"So why can't we make the attack distance of the weapon longer?"

"How to aim at such a long distance? Even a highly trained battleship girl cannot guarantee her hit rate at a long distance."

In a real naval battle, you may miss the target after firing hundreds of rounds, especially when both sides are moving. The error will be huge if the distance is far.

"Then increase the hit rate"


Then Wei An discovered that her sister, who was usually submissive, talked endlessly when talking to her about battles, and firmly believed that battleships were the strongest battleships.

"Sister, I know you will be very confused, so believe me, brother, okay? Just like trusting my transformation of you"

"I will put the perfect answer in front of you."

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