An aircraft carrier that has undergone a major transformation can take off as many aircraft as two legendary aircraft carriers at the same time.

One of them is already a legendary aircraft carrier.

The same goes for destroyers.

After being transformed to such a large size, the speed should decrease, but it seems that this is not the case for his warships.

Now the admiral of the J-Unit is somewhat helpless with Vian and his warships.

Not to mention that he doesn't know whether the warships lurking in other parts of the sea will cause serious harm to the J-Unit.

No matter what those outside think.

The admiral of the J-Unit who is in the assessment is already in a state of panic.

They dispatched so many warships but couldn't catch a single one.

Where can they put their faces? When the assessment is over, they will probably become the laughing stock of other admirals.

So Songlin directly ordered a dispersed blockade of Shimakaze.

Following behind Shimakaze would also be hit by torpedoes, so it would be better to shrink her range of activities.

So when the large fleet began to separate, Lexington immediately informed Vian.

"Commander, what are we going to do next?"

"Shimakaze took a detour and led Yukikaze to her location."

"Xuefeng, don't defend the sea for now, head to Island No. 3, Clemenceau, retreat back"

"Go boldly and insert it into Island No. 6 from the side."

"We head towards the northwest entrance of the sea area. They like to encircle them, so we will rely on our speed to counter-encircle them."

"Increase the depth of the fleet"

"As long as we control their actions, the initiative is in our hands"

"Remember, if we don’t take the initiative to engage in battle, we will only carry out diversionary bombing!"

As soon as the order was issued, several warships started to move quickly.

Although the J-Union Headquarters could encircle and attack his fleet, his fleet was faster than the opponent.

The battle initiative was all in his hands. , he could rely on his speed to slowly tear open their holes, and while ensuring the safety of the aircraft carrier, he was already in an invincible position.

One hour had passed since Shimakaze laid out the mines. At this time, some of the battleships chasing Shimakaze finally suffered.

Continuous explosions were heard from the J-Union warships, and their bottoms were leaking.

"Admiral! That heavy cruiser girl laid mines!"

A light cruiser girl felt the heavy damage to her ship's hull and said to her admiral with tears in her eyes.

"Slow down quickly and ask other ship girls to come over and replace them. You exit the battlefield first and go back for repairs."


Needless to say, the other ship girls in his fleet had already surrounded the flagship as soon as they saw the damage.

But this will only bring one result.

Boom! Boom! Boom.

Considering that the sea area is too large and the dense mines With the power of the area, he made the mines deployed by Shimakaze relatively dispersed.

Eliminating the enemy was the second most important thing. The most important thing was to delay their pursuit and reduce their speed and action efficiency.

After all, even Lexington and the others were bombing. It will take time.

As expected, the other warships of the J-Commander were attacked by mines under the water, and they did not dare to move.

They were afraid that if they continued to move forward, they would be in the same situation as him. There are still several admirals, and as many as 30 battleships were damaged, temporarily losing their ability to fight.

However, most of the minefields were also discovered

, plus the Shimakaze torpedoes bombed by Lexington and the others during this period. Hit.

There are only 111 warships left in pursuit.

The loss of the J-Union warships is close to half.

The only one left is the J-Union Admiral, who is looking increasingly irritated as there are fewer and fewer warships around.

"Brother Lin, if we continue to chase like this, I don’t know what the head is. The opponent has bombers and cannot deal with the aircraft carrier. No matter how long we chase, it will be in vain."

"Yes, Brother Lin, although mines have caused us to lose a lot of warships, none of us have been eliminated yet. More of the eliminations were caused by bombers."

Song Lin didn't know what the admirals of the J Joint Department said.

But now he felt a sense of powerlessness.

He couldn't catch up, couldn't fight, and didn't know where the enemy was. It was so frustrating. It was so frustrating.

His No matter how powerful the battleship was, there was nothing he could do if he couldn't find the enemy and the enemy was unwilling to fight him.

But now that he saw the other admirals' anxious looks, he could only obey their ideas.

"Let the faster warship continue to chase the heavy cruiser, while other warships search in the direction of the carrier-based aircraft's flight. The speed can be slower and pay attention to mines."

"clear! Brother Lin."

Obviously they have more admirals, more battleships, stronger combat power, and greater advantages, but now they can only be led by the nose.

He couldn't understand why it suddenly became like this. With an obvious advantage, they were now helpless. In fact , when the first fleet could not catch up with Shimakaze, he had already thought about whether to withdraw to Island 6 or attack other admirals and islands.

Denied this idea.

If you lead the team in this way, the risk of attacking other admirals will only be higher.

The worst case scenario is that you will be attacked from both sides, and you may not only face attacks from other admirals. Wei An's bombing.

So his only choice was to pursue it.

At 5 o'clock,

Shimakaze was still fleeing, and the J-Union was still chasing.

There were already planes flying in the bright sky and on the calm sea. Dozens of warships were smoking and parked on it.

As soon as the admirals of other coalition headquarters woke up, they found that something major had happened.

Previously, many powerful warships were docked at the J coalition headquarters, but now many of them had become docked. Battle damage version.

6 o'clock.

The battle on the sea attracted the attention of the admiral and the ship girl, and the sight of the J-Union made them shudder, even the G-Union who was mainly stationed on the 4th island. The admirals also joined in the melee, and they began to beat the J-Commanders after they caught the drowned dogs.

At this time, there were less than 40 warships that the J-Commanders could still move, and they were able to defeat them in two or three hours. They can only move 60-90 nautical miles.

Wei An can move more than 100 to 120 nautical miles at the slowest, not to mention that Xuefeng and the others are only faster. One after another, Dun and Saratoga were dismembered.

At the same time, Yukikaze, Shimakaze, and Kokang would also intersperse back to the vicinity of the J-Union headquarters fleet, giving them some hope as the battle situation gradually approached the upper hand. Wei An asked Clemenceau and Yixian to move with Lexington and the others, leaving the frontal battlefield to Xuefeng and the others.

There were bombs in the sky and torpedoes in the water.

Songlin looked a little bitter now.

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