The physical exertion is real.

However, after taking a deep breath and eating a piece of bread, Wei An found that his physical strength had changed from 40 to 41, and his physical strength had recovered.

He can make ship equipment, but it will consume stamina and battleship cores.

As long as he operates it properly, the meter can reverse current flow

"Xiaowei, what did you just discover? Did you vomit out the ship suit you ate?"

Xue Feng, who originally decided not to disturb Wei An, couldn't hold it back.

"It's okay, sister, I just tested my natural ability, and now the test is completed."

Wei An was in a good mood and pinched Xuefeng's chubby little face. It felt very good.

"Then Xiaowei, what's the use of your talent?"

At the same time, he took the ship suit that Wei An had just made and played with it, and found that it was no different from the ship suit that he usually used.

"Making ship equipment. Sister, we don’t have to buy the 240mm triple gun from outside. I can make it myself."

"real! So can Xiaowei do more now?

Xuefeng couldn't believe it as she kept looking back and forth between the clothes in her hands and Wei An's body. How could one of her brothers' talents be more powerful than the other? She had never seen such an admiral before.

Wei An's parents The admiral's talent has already made many people envious, because Wei An's father's talent in Xuefeng's memory is that the probability of heavy cruiser girls responding during construction increases, which is equivalent to the decrease of the probability of other types of ship girls.

Although the probability of aircraft carriers and battleships has also decreased, the probability of shipment is not high, and generally speaking, most people still prefer heavy cruisers to destroyers. Stronger firepower protects the garrison.

And Wei'an's mother's talent is to gain 15 battleship cores, which increases the chance of the battleship cores being sunk by her men in the deep sea increasing by 15%

, which is also extremely terrifying. The reason why there were more than 20 ship girls in the garrison in the past, and three battleship cores were left for Wei An.

So now that Wei An has the ability to make ship equipment, Xuefeng can't imagine the ship girls under Wei An's hands in the future. How luxurious can it be?

"Sister, although I also want to make it, making a ship outfit also requires physical strength, and didn’t you see that I also consumed a battleship core?"

"ah? So if Xiaowei consumes a battleship core, will he be at a loss? This ship equipment only costs 30W azure coins, and a battleship core is 500,000."

"Xiaowei, do you want to take a rest?"

Wei An's words made Xuefeng a little disappointed, and at the same time he looked at Wei An's body worriedly.

"Sister, you haven’t finished listening to what I said. Although a battleship core and some physical strength have been consumed, the energy in the battleship core has not been used up."

"The cost of making this ship outfit is about 20W, and with my current physical strength, I can make a ship outfit in about a day."

"We can also sell the unused ship equipment and make some money."

This time without Xuefeng's interruption, Wei An told Xuefeng the good news.

At the same time, he found that his physical strength had recovered a little while talking to Xuefeng, which took about 15 minutes.

"Very good! Xiaowei, wait."

The excited Xuefeng said as he took out a lot of snacks and happy water from his small cabinet.

"It would be outrageous not to celebrate such a good thing!"

Seeing that Xuefeng, who was usually very restrained in eating snacks, was able to take out his snacks at once today.

Wei An also cooperated very cooperatively and ate snacks with Xuefeng.

But a new plan started in his heart.

The talent of ship equipment production can give him an extra source of resources. Just now, while Xuefeng was talking, he studied the research and development button.

It is different from the production of ship equipment. It can use the original ship equipment data. For modification, you can also design a ship outfit from scratch.

The consumption is 1,000 energy per time, and there is no physical consumption.

It is equivalent to a battleship core that can be developed by Wei An 5 times, or to modify his existing ship outfit data.

For example, she can spend 1,000 energy to transform the 240mm triplex. Whether she can succeed in the end depends on whether her design is reasonable.

As for how he knows, because he has already spent 1,000 energy to test the water, and the result is no surprise. failed.

Research and development is equivalent to giving him a chance to DIY. When he clicks the end, the research and development ability will automatically use the ship-installed ability.

If it can be used successfully, the research and development will be recorded in the data. Wei An uses it.

But if it fails, the data will be recorded, but in the failed data, Wei An can find the shortcomings of his design.

The idea that Wei An just tried was to lengthen the barrel, which is also an experiment. Although Wei An felt a little sad about wasting a little energy, he also figured out his second talent ability, so his new plan was to collect more data on ship equipment and then selectively create it.

Xuefeng didn't have a physical ship around him yet, so it would be very risky to produce the same type of ship equipment in large quantities.

If someone with ulterior motives targeted him, he would be in trouble, so he wanted to collect more ship equipment. , to make pseudo-random ship equipment, and at the same time understand the resource consumption of other ship equipment, and now that he felt that he could build a second ship girl, after figuring out his natural abilities, Wei An came up with the second plan. How can things be sold in only one place? The war zones in this world are divided into five war zones.

He can have one ship girl accompany him to study, while the other one goes to other war zones to dump the ship equipment he made.

As for how to carry these ship equipment, of course the ship girl's ship equipment space is used, so the second ship girl is a little impatient.

Moreover, the risk of just moving around the Azure Bank in several war zones is not high, and the route can be chosen with low risk. For routes, all the ship girl needs to do is go to different banks to apply for different bank cards, and then list the ship equipment she made at the specified price, because the equipment transaction of Azure Bank is also divided into two modes, one is Azure. It's up to the bank how much it sells after receiving your goods.

The other thing is that when Wei An was buying ship equipment today, he looked through the lists. Those were ship equipment consigned by other ship girls and admirals.

Wei An asked casually that the fee charged by Azure Bank was 5%, which was acceptable to Wei An as long as he researched the market before making it.

So Wei An decided to start his own experiment as soon as possible. Built with blood.

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