With the speed of his warships, the other admirals simply couldn't keep him.

What's more, can the ship girls under these admirals be more powerful than the legendary ship girls in the E-Union Department?

As long as no other admiral can break through the air superiority of Lexington and Saratoga, they will be an iron lump waiting for bombing in this vast sea.

At the same time, the ship girls from various joint headquarters who had sent all the admirals in gathered together.

Although battleships were eliminated due to the emergence of warship girls, the research and development of battleship technology and technology also stagnated.

Not to mention that in the perception of people in this world, ordinary warships cannot defeat the deep sea, and the cost is even higher.

But just like electric lights, the technology for wired communication is still available.

Now they gather together to listen to the information delivered by the referee ship girl in the sea area.

In a temporary tent, several famous ship girls from the major league headquarters gathered together.

Flagship of Joint Department E: Hood

I Flagship of joint headquarters: Veneto

Flagship of joint headquarters U: Washington

Luo Yingshen Ax Flagship of joint headquarters of J: Akagi, Nagato

Ah~My Fox Wife

Flagship of joint headquarters G:

Flagship of joint headquarters F : Bismarck : Richelieu Li


S Flagship of the Joint Department:

Flagship of the 72 Project C Joint Department: Yixian and other flagships of the Joint Department. (The question is, how to write that there are only two or three ships?)

"After so many things have happened this year, the joint assessment is really exciting~"

The girl in the archery uniform was holding a small white porcelain cup in her little hand and took a sip.

The look on her face could never be let go. blush

"Yixian, the wine brewed by your union is still so intoxicating."

"Drink less and get down to business now."

Nagato frowned and looked at Akagi, who was sitting next to him and drinking happily.

"Drinking is my main business, Kaga, do you want some?"

Akagi said as she handed the unfinished white wine in her hand to the white-haired girl in the archery uniform standing behind her.

Kaga was not polite and drank it all in one gulp, and at the same time, her eyes lit up. When

Akagi wanted to continue pouring wine, she took the bottle from her hand and poured it into the gourd on her waist.

Seeing her sister's obsession with wine, Akagi burst into laughter.

"I knew you liked it~"

Others looked at the interaction between these eating and drinking sisters with dark eyes.

They only spend a day eating and drinking when they don't do anything serious.

"Ahem, don't worry about them both, let's continue."

Nagato said helplessly to the others while stroking his forehead.

"It's a rare day to get together. The Eastern Navy is a bit uneasy right now, especially since there are so many admirals participating in the assessment this time."

"Don’t worry, except for the necessary guard ship girls from the G and J Joint Headquarters, everyone else is here. I will also let those bastards know the angry artillery fire."

"If they dare to come, I will make sure they never come back. Bismarck said solemnly.

No one doubted her anger towards the navy.

"But with so many ship girls deployed for the assessment, is there no problem with the guards in other places?"

"In previous years, our only enemy was the deep sea, so it was no problem. This year..."

Richelieu frowned and said worriedly.

Having so many of their flagships sitting here means that most of the ship girls here are the main force, and the guard forces in other places will enter a temporary emptiness.

For example, other island coasts guarded by the central theater, joint headquarters, admiral academy, etc.

"Don't worry at the Admiral Academy, most of the ship girls from the E-Union are still stationed at the academy."

Hood replied calmly

"There are still a lot of ship girls in the academy who should be fine, and they can provide support in time, not to mention Deutsch and the others are supporting them in the south."


"What is more important now is to protect these admirals who have not grown up."

Washington, who had been playing with his ax and thinking, spoke in time.

"Huh, of course it doesn't matter to you. You are in charge of the west every day, and you don't have to fight in the northern theater."

Veneto's cold and unhappy voice came out.

The ship girl who was staying in the big tent looked around and she seemed a little out of place. She was either the eldest sister or the eldest sister, and she was the only little sister in there. How could she let her She was in a good mood, especially Washington's chest that shook when he spoke, which seemed particularly dazzling in Veneto's eyes.

"Xiao Tablet, you want to fight?"

Washington, who was originally polite, became cold because of Veneto's words.


The ax she carried has been nailed to the table between the two.

The originally harmonious atmosphere also became anxious.

As the I-Union Headquarters The eldest sister, Veneto , always said what she said, and her subordinates also obeyed.

How could she be frightened by Washington's words? What's more , what did she say just now? It stung Veneto and touched her lightning point

"Want to take action?"

The coffee cup in her hand was directly shattered by her delicate and white hands. At the same time, she stood on the chair to confront Washington.

"We are all partners with the same goal, so comrades, please stop arguing. What is more important now is the matter of these admirals."

The white-haired Project 72 directly blocked the two of them.

At the same time, the other ship girls hurriedly pulled them apart.

Looking at these two pairs of enemies, everyone was a little helpless.

The ship girls of each department have their own unique atmosphere and culture.

The U-United Department and the I-United Department are not like normal departments at all, but mafia.

One is responsible for the more active southern and eastern theaters, and the other is responsible for the more stable northern and western theaters.

Therefore, the losses of the admirals and ship girls of the I-United Department are generally greater than those of the U-United Department, not to mention that the U-United Department is stronger than theirs and stays in a safer waters.

There are also frictions between the ship girls of the two departments, not to mention the two flagships in charge.

The Central Theater is so small that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. The friction and fighting between the two departments That's how it all came about.

However, for a long time, Veneto was the one who suffered, whether it was the number of allied ship girls, the number of powerful admirals, or even her strength.

Not to mention her height and figure, which she cared about the most.

As the same big sister of the mafia, she was suppressed by Washington, and she was holding a grudge.

Moreover, compared to Veneto who was a pure mafia, Washington was obviously more knowledgeable and talented, and she could not compare to Washington in every way.

So their daily meetings were full of gunpowder, but it was usually Veneto who provoked the incident.

After all, Washington was also a shrewd businessman and never took the initiative to provoke trouble, but as the big sister, if she was provoked, she would let the provocateur know why she was the big sister.

It was all based on the axe in her hand, her methods, and her strength.

"If you take good care of this little brainless tablet, you won't have so many things to worry about."

Washington picked up his ax nonchalantly and said disdainfully.

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