It would not affect his relationship with Lexington, and she could still be Lexington's best sister.

But now everything has changed, when Lexington knocked on the door.

Her identity was exposed, and she had an unclear relationship with her brother-in-law.

She didn't want to destroy her sister's relationship, she was just worried that her sister would spend less and less time with her after she had Vian.

She just didn't feel safe.

When she didn't have her sister, she looked for Lexington all over the world. After meeting Lexington, she cherished this hard-won sisterhood very much.

She was used to freedom and not used to constraints, so at first she was more worried that Vian's existence would hinder their sister's relationship.

Later, when she became Vian's ship girl, she was afraid that Vian would restrict her, but until now, none of this has happened.

Vian is very good to her and her sister.

She would be sad every day when her sister who treats her well is unhappy because of her relationship, but she is afraid that she will lose her sister if she pushes her sister to Vian.

This choice makes her very bitter.

But compared to her own unhappiness, she wanted her sister to be happier, so when Vian and Lexington might have some substantial development, although she was a little sad, she was more happy for her sister.

At least Lexington has her own happiness.

Behind this smile is a lonely, insecure girl. Rather than letting her sister tell her, she felt that she should verify it herself.

But she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Now she knows the affair between her sister and the commander as she wished, but something more serious has happened.

She lost her first kiss, and originally wanted to hide this matter secretly for the good of everyone.

Now it has been discovered.

She doesn't know what to do now. This is a lose-lose situation. She has destroyed the relationship between her sister and brother-in-law, and it may also affect the relationship between her sisters. And now she is also worried that it will affect Vian's view of her.

A ship girl is so naughty that she comes to deceive the admiral in the middle of the night, especially when he already has feelings for her sister. She is using her sister's feelings to deceive him.

Usually, she doesn't rely on Vian as much as other ship girls, so their previous relationship may not be as deep as other ship girls.

She is also naughty...,immature.

The debuff stack is full.

Just when she was worried and sad

"I have a problem too. Wei An said suddenly.

Wei An really didn’t expect that his sister-in-law would role-play for him in the middle of the night. Who could react to this? What’s more, Saratoga and Lexington cannot be said to be 100% similar. Then it's 99%.

The subtle differences were covered up a lot this night.

He was still a little more energetic. Things had not calmed down after passing by Hood day and night, and his charming girlfriend was in front of him. Can he bear it?

Is he a monk, Liu Xiahui? Especially since he is a scumbag who only loves his wife.

But this also serves as a wake-up call for him, if he meets such a twin sister again in the future. He must be extremely careful not to fall into the ditch again.

It was okay if Wei An didn't say the words of apology, but it was even more sad when he mentioned Saratoga.

She really didn't expect that feelings were so bold.

She also read Bismarck (Persian cat) Tirpitz in the book, about a girl falling in love with her sister, and the domineering sister Bismarck and her wasted sister Tirpitz.

But she believed that these were literary creations.

, it should be different in reality.

Today Wei An taught her a hard lesson.

It turns out that the relationship between lovers is so passionate and sincere.

She thought about it and was sad and scared.

She started to cry silently.

She was afraid that what she had done would change the relationship that was finally stable, not to mention Wei An's apologetic words, which made her shed tears without any money.

At this point, all he could do was try his best to remedy and solve the subsequent problems.

He sat next to her and gently helped her shed her tears with a tissue, but she used one tissue after another, but her tears did not stop.

a feeling of

"I'm sorry, Jia Jia, the admiral, was too reckless and didn't recognize the difference between you and my wife. If I could be more careful..."

"No, it has nothing to do with the commander. It’s me. I was too naughty. The commander was resting at night and came here as his sister."

Saratoga's tears did not stop, but her face turned red as she spoke, and her voice gradually faded away.

It was one thing for him to know, and it was another for her to say it herself.

As she spoke, the Lexington dress disappeared, replaced by her own outfit. The navy casual clothes turned into a JK sailor suit, the long black stockings turned into black over-the-knee socks, and a small hairpin pinned her bangs up a little. The gray high heels also turned into black leather shoes in the light.

Her temperament also changed from a queen to a girl, and her pretty face, which was already tearful, now made people feel pity.

Saratoga's worries intensified when she turned into her original appearance.

But the tissue that was wiping her eyes tirelessly made her feel warm in her heart. At least the commander was still so gentle to his own ship girl.

"It has already happened. No matter how sad you are, you can't change the facts. We can't go back to the way we were before."

"And you may not be able to go out tonight, madam, she is looking for you everywhere."

Weian's words made Saratoga clench the corners of her skirt into a ball.

Tears are a woman's weapon. She cried not only because she was worried, but when she was sad, she actually wanted to escape.

She was afraid of facing such a reality, but now she But she couldn't answer Wei An. Could she tell Wei An that she liked being forced by him?���Feeling close?

She has already made a lot of mistakes, and now she is afraid of making more mistakes, and in the end she will be broken.

"So, what to do."

If you can't answer, then you can only follow Wei An's words.

"You can rest here tonight. I will take them away tomorrow and you can go out again. I will give you half of the bed. Just rest like this. Otherwise, if you don’t get up tomorrow, we will all be caught by your sister."

"Sleeping can also clear your mind. Leave this matter to me and you can rest obediently."

After Wei An finished speaking, he lay down with her on his back, leaving the quilt and most of the bed space for her, and began to fall asleep.

【Be obedient? 】

The command-like words made her calm down. She turned around and glanced at Wei An, who had closed her eyes. She was scared when she thought that her sister would catch her, so she obediently took off her shoes and lay down with her back to Wei An, covering her body. A quilt that smells like Wei An.

The commander she usually didn't like, but now his smell made her feel at ease.

"Will the Commander hate Jia Jia?"

"You will like Gaga, what about you?"

"I hate the commander the most!"

Saratoga, who was a little shy after Wei An's words, subconsciously retorted loudly.

【Bad guy~Commander~】


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