She was ready to defend herself early

"Hood, that guy's reconnaissance plane is here."

"We move so fast, we can't let him know our current position and shoot him down first."

"Guanghui, you should also prepare to attack. You can't let his other carrier-based aircraft approach."


The ship girl of the E-link headquarters aimed her guns at the reconnaissance fighter jet in unison.

Looking at the fighter jet that was still about ten nautical miles away, Zhan Weixian pursed her lips and closed one eye.

The next second she stepped forward The two 380mm main guns on the lower deck roared twice.

She opened fire. Lexington, who was controlling more than a dozen carrier-based aircraft at the same time, heard the roar of the main guns and wanted to use the carrier-based aircraft to evade.

There were two gunshots, and they went straight towards Hood's fighter jets on different trajectories.

As Lexington's first battle after appearing on the hull, she was still familiar with the operation of carrier-based aircraft. This carrier-based plane crashed

"The commander discovered their location."

"Continue to mobilize fighter jets from other locations, follow closely, and ask Jia Jia to prepare for attack. Your second batch of carrier-based aircraft can also take off, 60 of them."

While Wei An was commanding, the fighter jets hovering on his own battleship began to convey the message from Hood and the others to them.

Kogang and Shimakaze, who had deviated from their direction, immediately corrected their sailing directions and at the same time moved towards Wei An to arrange for them. Sailing past the position.

In the command room in Lexington, Wei An looked at the sand table in front of him.

His advantage was his long hands and fast running, so the positions he arranged for Kokang and Shimakaze happened to be the front and left of Hood's fleet.

According to normal expectations, Clemenceau, Yixian, and Shropshire would meet them head-on, and

Xuefeng would block the sea area on their right alone, a strategy specially developed for this exercise.

Because the area for their exercise this time is limited, such a dispersed arrangement can compress their navigation space. At the same time ,

Saratoga and Lexington began to take off large quantities of carrier-based aircraft, sister fighters, and sister bombers. While taking off the fighter jets, Guanghui was a little irritated as she controlled the flying fighter jets in the direction where the Lexington fighter jets had previously flown.

She had just taken off four fighter jets, and ten more carrier-based aircraft were roaring around her. It was very clear. She didn't get close to Hood and the others, but she was already fighting with the gale just after flying out.

Guanghui immediately reacted. It's not Saratoga that's doing it

"Hood, it was that guy's new aircraft carrier that came to scout, Saratoga hasn't made any moves yet"

"This guy is a bit bad. I only had four fighter jets and he exchanged them for 10 planes. When I was about to fly a fighter plane to attack, his relatively close fighter plane directly hit me."

"He is consuming the hangar with me, and the air control is in trouble."

While she was speaking, all four Spitfires that flew out had crashed, and she destroyed 7 Lexington fighter jets.

"We underestimated him. He knew how to use his advantage to turn around and head straight towards the direction of the plane at full speed."

"Time is not on our side now. If we lose air superiority, we will only be attacked. Saratoga has bombing capabilities."

Hood said and led the gunboats to turn and set off. At the same time, another glorious fighter jet was replaced by three Lexington fighter jets.

The glorious fighter also adjusted the position of its warship and began to retreat in the opposite direction of the plane. Behind the gunboats, reducing the probability of her being attacked by security warships

"Commander, there are only 4 planes left in the first batch, and the second batch is still on the way. Hood and the others have been misled to go to Kokang and the others."

"Pin down the carrier-based aircraft of the Tejas, and don't let it fly out of the encirclement of Clemenceau and the others. You and Gaga head towards the direction of the snow breeze."

"Guo Gang's radar has detected the opponent's fleet and is still rapidly closing the distance between the two sides."

Looking at Guokang Wei'an who might be broken through next, he thought for a moment.

"Yixian, don't move and wait. Shimakaze can move towards Hood and the others. Dare to launch torpedoes directly to interfere with their progress."

"How long will it take for your fighter jet to arrive?"

"16 seconds to 2 minutes"

"Suppress Guanghui first, and don't let her run away with any carrier-based aircraft."

Vian looked at the A-1 still taking off on the Saratoga deck next to him.

"The third batch of 40 aircraft, let’s go."

While Saratoga was still taking off, Lexington, which had an angled deck, had already launched its second batch of carrier-based aircraft.

At the same time that Lexington had launched 60 fighter jets, the glorious side 34 Sea Spitfires had also taken off, and without the slightest hesitation, Lexington destroyed the carrier-based aircraft that entangled her with concentrated fire.

"The enemy aircraft has been destroyed, and I am expanding the scope of investigation as quickly as possible."

Without any hesitation, Guanghui quickly released her carrier-based aircraft in a fan pattern just like Lexington did before.

She knew that if they stayed together, they would only be forced to be beaten and would not get useful information.

They are now in Wei'an's Right under their noses, they hadn't spotted one of Wei'an's warships.

But the next second she felt very uncomfortable. The suicide planes from the opposite side were coming again, and most of the targets were her fighter jets flying in other directions.

And she discovered a major problem

"Hood, we seem to have underestimated this guy, his fighter is wrong! So fast! My fighter jet flies at 540km per hour, and that guy’s plane flies at least 640km per hour."

Seeing the Lexington plane colliding with her very roughly, she had already decided to give up the fight for air supremacy. She couldn't fight for it.

She just wanted to find the other side's ship as soon as possible.���, providing effective information to Hood and the others. As long as the other gunboats are eliminated, the aircraft carrier is not waiting to be bombarded.

At the same time, she also had the illusion that her opponent was not a ship girl, but Deep Sea.

Because Lexington's current use of fighter jets is very deep-sea.

However, her sporadic control method finally achieved results. Although a small number of fighter jets did not get rid of the fiercely pursuing Gale KaiJ, they also detected useful information.

"Hood, there is a ship of that boy's expulsion directly in front of you, and there is also one in front of you on the left!"

The direction in which this fighter jet was flying happened to be on the side of Kokang and Shimakaze.

"Commander, Tejas gave up fighting for air supremacy with me and dispersed the fighter group for reconnaissance."

"Not a single fighter jet on Xuefeng's side can be released. They are all blocked so that she can't discover Xuefeng."

"Let Gaga go straight to bombing the Prince of Wales"

"Guangdao, Shimakaze, launch all torpedoes, launch them when ready, retreat while launching them, Yixian, Shropshire launch torpedoes, and cut in from the side of their fleet at the same time"

"You and Jia Jia follow Xuefeng's side, and we'll give Guanghui a surprise."

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