"Brother Yuan, what does the governor mean?"

The young man with glasses in a white navy uniform in the clean corridor asked in a low voice to the tall and thin man who had just walked out of the room.

Next to him was a girl with blue eyes and blond hair, following him silently, like a robot.

If Wei An were here, he would definitely recognize that this girl is very similar to Hood, the flagship of E-Union.

Or she is Hood

"After 3 months, they will take action when there are fewest people."

"By then the assessment of their academy had been completed, and most of the admirals and ship girls had dispersed. Before the new admirals entered the academy, this was when they were at their weakest."

Although they also want to dismember the ship girl alliance quickly, they also do so in order to reduce casualties.

"But it was also the best time to catch them all in one fell swoop. An insider from the KanColle headquarters reported the information and went to a joint department, which was not very strong."

"How many people are we sending out this time?"

"According to the importance the Governor attaches to the group of ship girls, I guess most of them will go except those who stay behind to guard against the deep sea."

"Unless this serious worry is eliminated, the Governor will always have trouble sleeping."

"That's it..Thank you, Brother Yuan. I'll go back early to prepare."

"Don't plunder too much this time. Leave some resources for your commanders. We'll need them as cannon fodder this time."


The boy with glasses left with a rhythmic pace, and Hood followed him indifferently the whole time.

Looking at the boy's completely disappeared back, the tall and thin young man sighed.

"Who knows if we will be cannon fodder this time?"

Compared to the young man who just left, Zhou Yuan, as the closest commander to the Eastern Navy Governor, has experienced much more than them.

He also knows more.

Most of the admirals here were jointly screened by the ship's wives. Most of them were admirals who were dismissed due to bad character or dropped out of school.

The Navy gave them the opportunity to break away from the ordinary class and become admirals, but their reputation was not very good. After the mother-in - law jointly declared war, the group of soft-footed shrimp women did not even have the courage to take the initiative to attack.

Or did they still stick to their ridiculous kindness?

The young man who just left was the epitome of their eastern navy.

Over time, many admirals came to ask him about when to send troops. They couldn't wait to tear the faces of those who thought they were superior, but only a small number of the navy, including him, knew. , why they have not sent troops yet.

Most of the admirals in the navy have opinions and prejudices against those ship girls. It is they who have blocked their opportunity to climb up and arrogantly shut them out. Those who have the talent to become admirals, but they don't even give them a chance. Fortunately, there is a navy that allows them to build ship girls. Now they become admirals.

The admiral academy is like a goddess and they are rejected. They don't want to become admirals there. Even if they fail, most people still think that the admirals there are the most orthodox.

Especially after coming to the navy, the big fish eat the small fish internally, and the oppression and exploitation of the weak admirals below by the powerful admirals makes them even more frustrated. I became jealous of the group of admirals who were assigned after graduation.

How could they easily obtain the rare resources that they could only obtain through fighting, robbing, and cheating, without being subject to so many prying eyes from other admirals

? The United States has long endured and retreated, and most of the ship girls who often go on expeditions are not very strong, but they don't have to live such a hard life to focus on this piece of fat. Most of them are the most useless admirals.

In a garrison in a resource-rich sea area, a group of war consumables that can be consumed at any time are sitting on the head of their navy.

They are obviously the admirals, and their orders are not dared to be disobeyed. It is easy for some ship girls who are not obedient. The suicide gave them some headaches, and Zhou Yuan had left the Admiral Academy voluntarily, so he was not as extreme as other naval admirals.

In the 20 years since he came to the navy, he could only go one way. To Hei, he has witnessed a lot of darkness here.

He first came to know the Union of Ship Girls, then he hated the Union of Ship Girls, and now he understands that most admirals of the Navy have a difficult temperament. At least in his eyes, they are a group of extremists who are easily incited..

They always want to take revenge on the ship girl alliance, but they don't know that this weak image is what the navy's upper class is happy to see.

How can they be willing to be cannon fodder and fight against that group of ship girls who are actually very strong. What?

The more they are squeezed inside, the more they pounce on them like vicious dogs when a piece of fat comes to them.

Seeing them using the ship girl as a consumable makes him feel extremely heartbroken, but he can. Protect the girl around you.

This is the last kindness in his heart as the former admiral of the academy. He can no longer go back.

"Commander, what are you doing here in a daze~"

Colossus, who came over with a lunch box as usual, saw his commander standing stupidly.

Colossus woke him up like a dream, seeing that he was the closest person to him.

The girl touched the softest part of his heart.

"We are going to join forces with the KanColle. I don't know how many KanColle will sink in the battle."

"Although I feel sorry for those sisters who will encounter these commanders, we have already been mentally prepared for death. Isn't this the role of a weapon?"

"But you are obviously not a weapon, you are just a bunch of silly girls"

"So now I am your wedding ship, a feeling they can never understand. Thank God for allowing me to meet you."

"Okay~ Don't worry, I will be with you even if something unexpected happens. Eat well, Algeria and I made a loving lunch for you today."


【How can such a group of cute girls be regarded as weapons?】

"Got it, but I will still protect you."

This is the promise he made to his ship's wife as an admiral, and he has achieved this now.

From the navy he has contacted over the years, he does not think the navy has a full chance of winning now, especially when facing those he has seen before. In front of the powerful ship girl, there was a huge difference between fighting with the weak admirals in the navy and fighting together with the ship girls.

He felt that he needed to do something now, not only for himself, but also for the two marriage partners who had always supported him. ship.

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