
The Admiral Academy's biggest annual event, the joint departmental assessment, is approaching senior year and the Admiral has started planning his travel plans early.

The usually sparsely crowded training area also had many admirals practicing and fighting together to prepare for the next assessment.

The tense situation between the Navy and the Ship Girl Alliance seems to have been eased, and the Eastern Navy has not made any move until now.

It just drove away the admirals and ship girls who were stationed in the east together with the ship girls, so that the senior admirals could focus more on the assessment of the joint headquarters.

If we say that becoming the admiral of the Ship Girl Alliance has become the group of people who are at the forefront in this world.

The admirals who became the direct subordinates of the Ship Girls Alliance undoubtedly became the pinnacle of this group of people. Most of the admirals who became the direct subordinates of the Ship Girls Alliance were not as powerful as ordinary admirals.

Only a few powerful admirals who came from behind may ignore this condition.

But there are more admirals who want to develop better in the future. This must be the fastest way to make progress. Admirals who become a ship girl alliance will receive support from the alliance and do not have to work hard on their own like ordinary admirals.

In this world, the number of your resources can also be used to evaluate your strength to a certain extent. The more resources you have, the more ship girls you may have. The more ship girls you have, the more strength you have. complement each other.

When the tension between the academy and the navy was tense, some admirals quietly dropped out and left, so most of the remaining admirals were bold and enterprising.

Although many first-year admirals like Wei An are not as strong as third-year admirals, they still decided to participate in the assessment after passing the teacher's evaluation.

Even if you don't pass that, you can still gain some experience to prepare for next time.

Therefore, the most competitive admirals are basically the second- and third-year admirals.

Some weak third-year admirals are not as good as second-year admirals. Now they see that other admirals around them may be their competitors.

There is also a strong smell of gunpowder on campus.

Since the appearance of the ship in the snow wind gear, the number of times Wei An came to take classes could only be counted on one's fingers, not to mention the fact that there were so many ship girls behind him.

Even in class, he was like a little transparent, not very familiar with the other admirals, and his life always revolved around his girl.

It was this focus that allowed Wei An to complete the battleship drawings of Shimakaze and Kokang in these days of intense excitement. After all, he had learned from Yukikaze's mistakes.

Their battleship blueprints only need to be simply modified based on Xuefeng's original ones.

When it came to Yixian, Wei Anchi did not write anything.

Because Yixian's positioning is as embarrassing as Shropshire.

It is better to say that Yixian is more embarrassing than Shropshire. Shropshire's existing ship hull is still usable and is much more powerful than most ship girls.

But Yixian has nothing, even her original battleship data is a small ship.

There is something wrong with calling it a cruiser. It should be more appropriately called a gunboat.

Xuefeng used to have more than 2,000 tons, but Yixian was called a cruiser but actually only had 1,650 tons.

And the positioning after the transformation also made Wei An a little embarrassed.

When Wei An started painting Yixian, he discovered that Xuefeng and the others could basically do what this world cruiser could do.

Yukikaze and the others can still do things that ordinary cruisers in this world cannot do.

What's more, after Lexington's hull data was determined, his demand for gunboats was more of a frigate.

This is obviously something Xuefeng and the others can satisfy.

The firepower of Xuefeng and the others is not much higher than that of ordinary heavy patrols. So what does Yixian need to do?

Considering that the world may need to face more deep seas each time, it is impossible for aircraft carriers to take care of them.

If Clemenceau was aiming at the deep-sea flagship in Wei An's memory, then the cruiser type was aimed at ordinary deep-sea battleships.

At least it will be no problem when facing the golden deep sea heavy cruiser encountered before. As for other ship girl problems, if you can solve the deep sea problem, you can solve the ordinary ship girl problem.

Regarding the brief calm between the navy and the ship girl alliance, Wei An knew very well that it was just the calm before the storm.

It's okay if it doesn't break out, but if it breaks out it will be like a flash flood and a tsunami. As long as you are facing the admiral's shipgirl, there will be the biggest problem.

The pressure of air defense is not comparable to that of the deep sea, and the admiral's ship girls are more skilled in controlling carrier-based aircraft.

Nowadays, most admirals and ship girls don't pay special attention to air defense, but they will know the problem when fighting.

That's why Wei An has been emphasizing the air defense problem of his ship girls. Although they don't understand it, Wei An wants to avoid such accidents.

So the most troubling question for Wei An now is that when the modified battleships and destroyers can already do most things, does he still need to separate the two ship types separately?

After all, the emergence of light patrols and heavy patrols in previous lives was also due to naval treaties.

Just like Clemenceau's transformation has made the battle cruiser dispensable, the speed is faster than the normal battle cruiser, the firepower is stronger, and the armor is stronger.

Now Xuefeng and the others have occupied the space of Yixian and the others.

If we further subdivide light patrols and heavy patrols, this situation will be further aggravated.

If there is any living space that they can have in Wei An's vision.

It has a larger hull, larger bomb load and firepower than a destroyer, and can do things Yukikaze and the others cannot.

In Wei An's position, Xuefeng and the others focused more on air defense, anti-submarine, and lightning strikes.

What the cruiser can do is supplement the firepower vacuum below the battleship, at least until the missile is developed.

It is easier to form a firepower advantage when facing other ship girls and the deep sea.

Unlike battleships and aircraft carriers, they are not easy to build.

In addition to destroyers, the best thing to build is cruisers, not to mention that he can now make heavy cruise cores.

And they are called cruisers, so why call them cruisers if they don't sail far away? They need to form a firepower deterrent when sailing alone.

The upper limit of the main gun will be 15 inches (381mm), the same as the current Clemenceau.

After Clemenceau can use better main guns, it will fill the gap in her and even future battleships.

Thinking of this, Wei An immediately felt much better, and he also understood the plan of his ship girl more clearly.

Yukikaze and the others are responsible for bullying the ordinary deep sea and ship girls, while Yassen Shropshire, as a cruiser, targets the battleships.

Clemenceau's benchmark is the deep-sea flagship, as for the battle cruiser.

Clemenceau can run so fast. It's not an exaggeration to call him a battle patrol.

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