"So now that the navy has broken up with us, it's a good thing for most of the ship girls. We finally don't have to worry so much."

"They were the ones who initiated the provocation and destroyed the alliance."

"I understand. Thank you Shropshire."

Vian quickly adjusted his mood and calmed down the anger in his heart.

"Anything else you want to ask? Now I'm going to ask Lord Hood for their opinions."

Weian shook his head and said goodbye to Shropshire and returned to his dormitory.

Many ship girls chose to be patient in order not to affect the overall situation. This was their kindness. He didn't know how Elizabeth could hold back at that time.

Every time he mentioned On the other side of the West Sea, he would think of the shipwreck that sank in front of him, and his parents who would not rest in peace. He would only want the navy and the deep sea to pay the price.

He had learned a lot about the navy when he wanted to become an admiral. The admirals of the ship girl alliance will eventually be assigned to the garrison to which the alliance belongs, or go further and become admirals of each coalition. It is relatively simple for the navy to become an admiral. After passing the screening course, paying a certain construction fee, and successfully building it. Ship girl, you are now an admiral.

Just sign a contract with the corresponding governor and work under him for a certain number of years, and you can even buy the garrison. As long as you have enough money, the navy can enter. Even if you don't have money, you can sign a long-term contract and work according to the arrangements. The Navy has lowered the threshold for ordinary people to become admirals, and the quality of the corresponding admirals has also plummeted, and they are not as good as the admirals of the Ship Girl


The control power of an admiral is not comparable to that of a ship-girl alliance.

Even admirals in the navy can fight among themselves. They can challenge admirals who are also naval officers by asking someone from the governor's palace to testify. The two sides will conduct drills and battles under the constraints of the governor's palace.

To plunder resources, the challenger needs to prepare twice the resources of the defender. In order to avoid hemorrhage, the defender can also ask the Governor's Mansion to intervene.

It will cost a little money and resources, but it will suffer heavy losses compared to being challenged. The resources needed to intervene are much smaller.

At the same time, the number of times each admiral can be challenged per year is limited, so that they will not be exploited until they can no longer persist.

The weaker admirals have no choice but to be sucked by the navy above. It is firmly in the hands of several governors.

The main reason why they want to break up with the ship girl is that they feel that the ship girl who occupies a large area of the sea is easier to bully than the deep sea outside, and the navy in several war zones in recent years. It has also basically removed most of the power of the Ship Girl Alliance. They don't dare to confront them head-on. A group of simple women can plunder a lot of resources by taking over the territory of the Ship Girl Alliance. Go to the outside.

As for the external problems of the deep sea, after retaking nearly 20% of the sea area, they have discovered in the long-term battle that as long as they do not cross that sea area line, there will be only cycles. The sexual purple and golden deep seas bring the ordinary deep seas to fight. Every time they destroy the ordinary deep seas, the purple and golden deep seas will naturally retreat.

So as long as they master the periodicity of the deep seas, they can spare their energy to deal with the ship girl alliance..

This is why there has been more and more friction between the Ship Girl Alliance and the Navy in recent years, and at the same time, the speed of sea area advancement has slowed down.

As long as they do not cross that line, there is basically no powerful deep-sea invasion. They have become accustomed to it..

So they simply gave up the part of the garrison that was closest to the deep sea and the most dangerous to the ship girl alliance, allowing them to use up their strength while the navy hid behind.

This is also the reason why the Whale Sea Guards House is still in the hands of the Ship Girl Alliance, because it is the guard house closest to the danger line.

The Navy considers it a relatively low-value garrison.

【Now that the navy and the ship girl are jointly fighting, it is very likely that force will be needed to take back the garrison.】

【And now only Yukikaze and Clemenceau are not safe enough. I need to quickly form my own fleet.】

【A fleet with complete strike power. 】

Originally, Gou slowly developed and built a garrison in the academy that could handle most deep sea and naval admirals. After that, he began to quickly explode resources, enter into rapid iteration of equipment, and play dimensionality reduction strikes.

But now the war might hit the Admiral Academy, and he first had to ensure that he had the strength to survive.

Moreover, fighting means losses, which means there is a need for firepower and equipment, and it also means that there will be more ship girls who will speed up the realization of the ship body.

The initial data on ship equipment on the original battleships is far from enough.

If he can ensure his own safety, he can take advantage of the fire and sell arms.

So he needs more ship girls who can form combat effectiveness in time and more help.

【It seems that in addition to Clemenceau's hull, we also need to get Lexington's hull done as soon as possible.】

【Large warships cannot be built for the time being, and enough small warships are needed. ]

Clemenceau's hull has already kept Wei An extremely busy.

Fortunately, Wei An still has some ideas for Lexington's hull.

At least in Vian's view, the Lexington hull consumption can be slightly less. After all, in his eyes, the aircraft carrier as the core of the fleet cannot appear within the enemy's attack range.

For the steel of battleships, there is no need to choose more expensive steels like Clemenceau and Xuefeng, and more resources can be spent on carrier-based aircraft and other ship equipment.

These battleships made of special steel are her armor

【Therefore, work needs to be done quickly, at least after Clemenceau completes the construction of the hull, the Lexington hull will be arranged immediately.���Then she started to be equipped with bodyguards】

【These little bodyguards will also be the main force in dispersing the dumping of ship equipment in the future. 】

So Wei An needs a ship girl now, and what he needs is a group of elementary school students!

And his primary school students are different from other primary school students.

They can also carry the ship equipment that Yukikaze can carry. The hull can also be directly compared to Yukikaze, and the armor can be slightly attenuated.

After all, when Yukikaze appeared on the hull, he was just Yukikaze. He needed to protect his safety, so he thought of thicker armor.

Every time the ship appears, it is steel that troubles Wei An, whether it is Xuefeng or Clemenceau.

If we follow the steel used in the hull of other warships, Yukikaze's displacement of more than 1W tons can only use more than 1W of steel, and Clemenceau's top is only 5W to 6W.

If he gave up Clemenceau's hull embodiment, he could realize on the spot 10 destroyers with reduced armor according to Yukikaze's ship equipment standards.

He has the ability to make dumplings


Let me explain in case there are readers who are jumping to read this. The protagonists Yukikaze and Clemenceau use special materials according to the highest hull standards, so the consumption of steel is quite terrifying. One battleship is worth five. The consumption of a battleship.

But it is still useful when facing the old lady ship in battle 2 and cannot fight beyond visual range. There are also reasons for the protagonist to consider for himself.

But if he is willing to give up the protective ability of the ship girl, he can also give up the dumplings. As for the protective ability, it should be compared with the protective ability of the corresponding ship type.

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