August 10th, Admiral College.

The arrival of Shropshire brought a small change to Wei An's life.

After all, this powerful ship girl is still a maid. Originally, Wei An thought that during the time Lexington left, he could finally find some ability to take care of himself.

But what Wei An didn't expect was.

Shropshire She was very enthusiastic.

Because Shropshire, as a maid, will have her own living habits and will get up earlier than normal people and start sorting things out.

Then she waited for Wei An outside his door early in the morning and prepared breakfast and morning tea for him.

Literally morning tea, this is Shropshire’s favorite floral tea.

It was difficult to refuse Shropshire's enthusiastic Vian and Clemenceau, so they began a period of painful life.

He shouldn't believe that the British ship girls can make food like looking up at the stars. Making other food is just a matter of hand.

But eaters have short mouths and takers have short hands. Although the taste of breakfast every day is not very good, Vian and Clemenceau do not dare to refuse others' kindness.

And after eating too much, Wei An felt that he was getting used to it, and maybe the flower tea brewed in Shropshire was good.

The faint scent of flowers soothed his soul.

Moreover, Shropshire is also very competent as a maid. Basically, she follows Wei An wherever he goes every day, and she follows him silently without disturbing Wei An when he is doing things.

Even when he was in class, he had to sit next to him and follow him, which made the admirals in his class who were already envious of him really have red eyes.

Comparing people to each other is really infuriating.

This dog admiral has one ship girl after another every day.

They are all still worried about the physical manifestation of their own ship girls, while others are already surrounded by different ship girls.

In the past, they could still see a pair of golden-haired sisters waiting quietly at the door of the classroom for Wei An to finish class.

There is usually a cute little sister who gives him cookies after school.

Now another maid came, ignoring the presence of others and sitting next to Wei An.

He would also give him an eraser in a timely manner when he made mistakes in his notes.

They are really envious.

Being treated by such a gentle big sister.

They still can't forget that Wei An easily passed the assessment shortly after entering school and settled his relationship with the ship girl.

Think again about the little sister you built to banish, she is naughty and playful, and she is usually quirky.

They all felt that they were no longer admirals, but already nannies.

In order to make these little girls happy, they have to spend a lot of time with the ship girls every day.

So how do the different ship girls accompanying Wei An avoid making other admirals jealous, especially the difference between the Wei An who is being served and their nannies.

At the same time, they also felt that they were being exposed by Wei An.

When everyone still only has one or two ship girls, is it really good to have big sisters like this around you?

Who doesn't know that the size of Oppai can also reflect the power of the ship girl to a certain extent.

Wei An was a little uncomfortable with these fiery eyes at first, but now he is numb.

After all, he is not the admiral of Shropshire, and he cannot ask Shropshire to do anything.

She wanted to move around with him, but he couldn't refuse.

Especially since this situation was acquiesced by Elizabeth and Langley, they were afraid that he would be in danger.

However, Wei An's presence with different ship girls did attract some people's attention.

In the third-year admiral's classroom, someone watched Wei An and Shropshire leave silently.

【It’s only been four months and you already have five ship girls. You are indeed a very talented admiral. 】

But he was soon called away by his friends

"How are you going to use the battleship core I traded with you before? Are you going to exchange it for resources? I see you've been discussing the ship's body with Clemenceau every day recently."

Shropshire said to Vian curiously, one step behind him.

"Yes, it needs to be replaced by resources."

What Wei An told Shropshire is true. Now all the battleship cores have been turned into ship armor by him and are on Lexington and the others.

"By the way, we already know that you have a special talent. Will Clemenceau also have a special hull like your Snow Wind?"

In the eyes of Shropshire and the others, the style of the Snow Wind battleship is too special, so she is also a little curious about what Clemenceau's battleship will look like in the future.

"Well, that’s why I’ve been discussing with Clemenceau the precautions for the hull."

"The ships you manifest have data stored in your mental cores, but they all need to re-record the data."

"If you make a mistake, it will be troublesome to correct it."

Weian has never been careless about the embodiment of the ship's body.

If some places are not implemented according to Wei's initial planning and design, you may have to modify the main body of the warship when you want to add something later.

If the warship is compared to the body of the ship, the main body is their skeleton. If you dismantle it a little, aren't you dismantling their skeleton?

They all have feelings.

So in order to prevent his ship girls from suffering, Wei'an would rather lose a little more hair and die a little brain cell to plan the blueprint of the warship.

Reserve enough space for upgrades and try to change the warship as little as possible.

"That's true, it's nice to become stronger by being your ship girl."

Shropshire was still a little envious as she said it. After getting to know each other for a while, she and Clemenceau had become familiar with each other.

There was also the usual communication with Elizabeth and the observation of the shipgirl before Wei An.

Although she didn't After seeing Xuefeng's previous battles, she still understood how special Wei An was and how powerful her ship girl could be, no matter how other admirals and ship girls modified and replaced the ship's equipment, the overall effect on the battleship was. The change in displacement is not significant.

However, Xuefeng has changed its ship type from a destroyer to a heavy cruiser. At least in Shropshire's view, it is really a reasonable one. Battleship, his ship girl can become a more powerful ship girl on the spot.

How to make her not envious.

"Did Clemenceau tell you that I have been adjusting the battleship plan for several months and it is still not done?"

"Other ship girls have all the resources, and the admiral can realize it with a simple adjustment, which requires me to spend more time."

Weian sighed and asked.

"This is true. Elizabeth and the others were also curious about the changes in Xuefeng and the fact that Clemenceau was increasingly on the agenda.

In particular, Elizabeth had thought of giving Vian resources to help him materialize Clemenceau's hull as soon as possible..

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