Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 57 The beautiful sound of jumping money.

Hatake Akira's feeling and Namikaze Minato's judgment were not wrong at all. There was indeed a group of ninjas ambushing in front of the planned route.

The seven grass ninjas led by Namikaze Minato rushed into the encirclement without hesitation, while the team led by Hatake Akira and Kakashi turned a corner and bypassed the center of the battle.

However, when he was completely far away from the center of the battle, Hatake Akira looked back. He saw three of the seven grass ninjas led by Namikaze Minato suddenly rebelled and stabbed their teammates in the back with kunai.


Hatake Akira roared, and the latter suddenly reacted, unsheathed the ninja sword behind his back, and blocked the incoming kunai.

Hatake Akira, who warned aloud, was not idle either. He instantly raised his hand and shot out a purple-red chakra chain, and at the same time waved a passive normal attack with one hand.


The grass ninja who had just rushed forward flew backwards at the same speed as he had just sprinted. The clothes on his chest were all broken, and the blood spat out from his mouth was mixed with some pieces of internal organs.

When Hatake Akira was only a genin, passive attack with various bonuses was equivalent to an offensive C-level ninjutsu.

Now that Hatake Akira's strength has risen to the level of an elite chuunin, his passive attack with a single wave has already broken through the scope of C-level ninjutsu, and its power and destructive power has reached the threshold of B-level ninjutsu.

The attack power of C-level ninjutsu, if the individual's physique is strong, may only cause serious injury or even coma if the person is hit hard, which is still far from immediate death.

However, the power of B-level ninjutsu is not something that a squishy assassin like a ninja can withstand.

In just one moment, the grass ninja traitor lurking in the team became the first life of Akira Hatake.

【Ding! Kill the grass ninja chunin and get +94 gold coins. 】

Then, a very beautiful sound of jumping money sounded in Hatake Akira's mind, which diluted the disgusting feeling he had just killed, and finally made his attention come out of the haze of killing.

Looking at Kakashi, Hatake Akira used the teleportation technique to come to Metkai and whispered to him in a low voice.

"Kai, I'll leave the mission target to your protection. Kakashi and I will deal with the traitors in the team first!" With that said, Hatake Akira handed the Flying Thunder God Kunai that Namikaze Minato gave him to Metkai.

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the predetermined location."

Metkai reached out and took the Flying Thunder God Kunai without any intention of giving in to Mo Ji. He understood the task he shouldered very well.

"By the way Kai, even if these three people are the targets of our mission, you have to cheer up." Akira Hatake also asked, "After all, there are traitors in the escort team of the Kusanagi. Among these three people It is inevitable that similar situations will arise.”

"I understand!" Metkai nodded, and then led the three intelligence officers of Kusanagi to take a detour again.

And during these short conversations, Hatake Akira suddenly received a series of money-dumping reminders.

【Ding! Assist the attack to kill the Kunin chunin, gold coins +47. 】

【Ding! Assist the attack to kill the Kunin chunin, gold coins +47. 】

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding……

There were almost continuous sounds, and as many as nine money jumping prompts, Hatake Akira instantly understood what was going on.

It was Namikaze Minato who had just cut off his back, and he used his strength!

Only Namikaze Minato's flying thunder god can kill chuunin like eating and drinking water, and destroy the jounin team like chopping melons and vegetables.

However, Kakashi was not without his merits. After Namikaze Minato donated gold coins, Kakashi had also seriously injured three grass ninja traitors.

Hatake Akira didn't hesitate, turned around and rushed forward with a kunai.

Puff puff.

Three sounds of metal penetrating into flesh were heard. Akira Hatake used his superb kunai throwing technique to accurately hit the chests of three seriously injured Kusanagi traitors.

Although he was still a little uncomfortable, the three exciting sounds of jumping money still played a considerable soothing role, allowing Hatake Akira to quickly adapt to the bloody scene created by himself.

"Brother, the traitors in the team should be these three, but..." Kakashi hesitated a little, glancing at a grass ninja who was holding his abdomen and leaning against a big tree, "He was seriously injured in the traitor's sneak attack just now. , can no longer keep up with us.”

Kakashi's subtext was easy to understand, but Akira Hatake decided to treat the seriously injured ally.

A purple-red chakra chain was tied around the seriously injured Kusanagi's waist, and a ball of chakra rich in life force was injected into his body.

Kakashi, who was standing next to Akira Hatake, helped Akira Hatake with quick eyesight and quick hands, and then glanced coldly at the friendly Kusanagi who were no longer seriously injured.

"This... this... am I okay?!"

The grass ninja didn't notice Kakashi's cold gaze, but jumped on the spot a few times, pulling the clothes on his abdomen with both hands, and checking over and over again the wounds that had been restored to the original state.

"Gather and hurry up!" Kakashi said coldly, and then asked Hatake Akira in a low voice, "Brother, do you want me to carry you?"

"No, it only takes a minute." Hatake Akira shook his head, and then walked side by side with Kakashi, leading the remaining five grass ninjas in the team to pursue Metkai at full speed in the direction he left.

At the same time, Namikaze Minato also completed clearing the first wave of ambush enemies. He looked at the Kusanagi allies who were only breathing, shook his head and sighed.

Death by being stabbed in the back is definitely the most painful way for a ninja to die.

"This is healing medicine. Although it can't save your life, it will make your departure somewhat less painful."

Namikaze Minato handed over a small bottle with utmost kindness, and then instantly used the Flying Thunder God Technique. Following the perception of the Flying Thunder God Technique, he couldn't breathe, and when he reappeared, he was already at Metkai's side.

"Kai! Where are Akira and Kakashi?"

When he saw that there were only three intelligence ninjas, Metkai and Kusanagi, in the team, Namikaze Minato's heart skipped a beat.

"Minato-sensei, there is a traitor among the remaining Kusanagi escort team. In order to eliminate these dangers and prepare for subsequent ambush, Akira and Kakashi stayed behind."

Metkai looked determined, but his voice was trembling.

"I understand!" Namikaze Minato turned and glanced behind him, "Continue on your way. I believe Akira and Kakashi can handle it."

This is not because Namikaze Minato is too arrogant, but because of the combined strength of the two brothers, Akira Hatake and Kakashi, if they encounter an average Kage-level powerhouse, they may be able to escape as long as they pay a certain price.

Moreover, with Hatake Akira's stable and thoughtful character, he would never do anything foolish and dangerous.

After all, the mission target is not in danger, and Hatake Akira and Kakashi will definitely not hesitate at all when retreating.

Friendly troops are just friendly troops, far from reaching the level of ninjas from the same village. When it's time to sell, Akira Hatake will never be soft-hearted!

However, Namikaze Minato did not expect that under the temptation of a large number of gold coins, Hatake Akira pulled Kakashi into another encirclement without hesitation.

It has been seven years since I adopted my brother, so today is the time for Hatake Akira to welcome the harvest.

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