Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 55 The mystery behind the mission.

When performing a mission, a ninja can go three days without eating, drinking or sleeping.

However, Namikaze Minato took very good care of Akira Hatake and Metkai who were going out on a mission for the first time, and set aside sufficient rest time.

Before sunset, Class 8 arrived at the first repair location arranged by Namikaze Minato in advance.


Namikaze Minato raised his right arm and took the lead to stop his progress, "We have reached the scheduled rest point. Hurry up, eat, drink and rest, but be careful not to light a fire and don't leave my sight."

The resting point chosen by Namikaze Minato was deep in the mountains and old forests. Although it was inaccessible, the more remote the place, the more favored it was by ninjas.

Because whether they are ambushing or rushing, they are very secretive, which is of great help in completing the scheduled tasks.

It is not allowed to make a fire for cooking. This is the first rule of ninjas when performing tasks, otherwise Kakashi would not carry two seal scrolls.

But Metkay was miserable. With his family background and the meager salary he earned from doing genin tasks, it was only enough for the father and son to feed themselves and buy some simple training props and ninja tools.

Metkai couldn't afford sealing scrolls or anything like that.

So after Namikaze Minato gave the order to eat and rest, Metkai could only sit under a big tree and silently eat some rice balls he carried.

Metkai, who doesn't have a sealing scroll, can bring so many things.


Hatake Akira said softly and stuffed half a kilogram of beef jerky into Metkai's hand.

"Thank you..." Metkai fell into his old habit again, and the tear ducts in the corners of his eyes seemed to have no switches.

"We are friends and teammates. Although we are not brothers, we are still good." Hatake Akira's eyes were clear and his words were impeccable.

Although Hatake Akira has some small thoughts, it cannot be said that Hatake Akira is utilitarian.

He admires Metkai very much and is naturally willing to make friends with him, and the things Hatake Akira did in the past were not excessive.

Although small favors are not very noticeable at the time, the favor formed after a small number becomes a large number will require the life of the person who owes the favor to repay it when necessary in the future.

But even so, Hatake Akira also had reservations. After all, it is not uncommon for a fight between love and hatred to arise.

Metkai may not be this kind of person, but Akira Hatake's wisdom on how to behave in the world passed down from his ancestors in his previous life is still applicable to Metkai, a young master.

Akira Hatake is trying his best to avoid this kind of situation where good intentions lead to bad things, and until now, Akira Hatake has been very good at controlling the situation and has not had any counter-effects.

Namikaze Minato, who was on guard at the side, nodded when he saw this scene. He smiled softly and then disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already jumped to the branch of a big tree.

Observe the surrounding situation seriously and carefully in order to respond to possible dangerous situations as quickly as possible.

Ten minutes later, Hatake Akira and the other three were full.

"Brother, let me do it."

Although Kakashi called him brother, his actions didn't look like a younger brother at all.

He pressed down Akira Hatake who was about to stand up to take over for Minato Namikaze. Without waiting for Akira Hatake to nod in agreement, he used the teleportation technique and came to Minato Namikaze.

"Minato-sensei, it's my turn."

"Okay." Namikaze Minato nodded, "The next step is up to you."

Namikaze Minato jumped down from the tree branch, walked to Hatake Akira and Metkai and sat down. An inverted triangle shape was vaguely formed between the three of them.

This is a formation that ninjas will only form when they are resting or protecting important people. It is easy to react quickly and coordinate with each other when encountering danger. Moreover, the space reserved between the three of them can also avoid being overwhelmed by a wide range of ninjutsu.

In general, when a ninja goes out to perform a mission, there are details everywhere. If you make a mistake or omit it, it may bring disaster to yourself.

Fortunately, Namikaze Minato included this item in his usual teachings, which made Class 8 like a precise gear, not only matching seamlessly, but also running very smoothly and tacitly.

After eating and drinking without saying a word, Namikaze Minato made a gesture, and the three of them stayed in their positions, leaning or sitting with their eyes closed to rest, and fell asleep in a short time.

Kakashi, who was standing on the branch of a tree, kept changing his position around him while concealing his aura, fulfilling his duty of guarding responsibly.

Time moved forward quietly for a distance, and the crescent moon had reached the middle of the starry sky.

"Kakashi, go down and rest."

The first time Minato Namikaze opened his eyes, he went to take over Kakashi's position. During the change of guard, he didn't forget to pat Kakashi on the shoulder, "Thank you for your hard work Kakashi, you did a very good job."

"Thank you, Minato-sensei." Kakashi nodded, glanced at the sleeping Akira Hatake, then retracted his gaze and focused his attention on Namikaze Minato's face again.

"Minato-sensei, will we encounter danger in the next mission?"

"It's very likely." Namikaze Minato said with a serious expression, "When I first accepted the mission, I felt something was wrong. This mission in the Land of Grass seemed to be a cover-up."

"I think so too." Kakashi nodded, "The 15-man ninja squadron, plus us led by you, let alone how important the intelligence is, such a huge team alone is eye-catching enough. Conducive to the transmission of information."

"You are very keen..." Namikaze Minato glanced at Kakashi with admiration, "But this is a task assigned by the village. As ninjas, we can only execute it. Even if we know there is a problem, we can only make full preparations and do our best. Do your best to complete the mission.”

"I understand the truth." Kakashi's voice was a little low, "But Minato-sensei, can I ask if this mission was assigned by the Hokage, or... someone specifically designated it?"

"Kakashi, you..." Namikaze Minato was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he told the truth truthfully, "Since you are the executor of the task, you naturally have the right to know.

This mission was indeed not assigned by Hokage-sama, but a task list submitted by Danzo-sama. The list clearly designated our eighth squad to carry out this mission. "

"Then I understand, Minato-sensei." Kakashi nodded, then jumped down from the branch with great skill, formed a formation with Akira Hatake and Metkai, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Although Kakashi questioned the true purpose of this mission, he trusted Namikaze Minato, and naturally he would not worry about accidents while resting.

Minato Namikaze, who took Kakashi's place, glanced deeply at the two brothers, Akira Hatake and Kakashi, with a wry smile on his lips, and shook his head helplessly.

After going through twists and turns from a commoner to his current position, how could Minato Namikaze know nothing, but why he knows everything but can't do anything is even more painful.

Shimura Danzo, has already begun...

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, has an old problem that has only surfaced in recent years.

Being indecisive in everything, weighing the pros and cons of doing things and striving to be balanced. Although there is nothing wrong with it at first glance, if things go on like this, it will lead to an increase in internal conflicts in Konoha and constant internal conflicts.

Because Danzo Shimura is a complete tyrant.

Huairou is the greatest indulgence for him!

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