Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 324 Arrogant and domineering Hatake Ming.

"My youth... is it over?"

When Metkai kicked out that night kick, he felt that he was impulsive.

It's just a competition with Akira Hatake, not a life and death fight. Why do you have to work so hard?

My mind was groggy, I could feel the rapid loss of life energy in my body, and my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.

"He will save me tomorrow..."

With the last thought flashing through his mind, Metkai's whole body was burned, and he fell from the sky without knowing whether he was alive or dead, and suddenly hit the sand pit.

It might be a moment, or it might be a long time. When Metkay opened his eyes again, he felt that he had never felt better.

He always felt that the world in front of him was very fragile, and he could shatter the space with just one punch.

Feeling that it was an illusion, Metkai shook his head and sat up straight, punching forward without warning.


A puff of air suddenly accelerated, breaking through the sound barrier, breaking through the heat barrier, and surpassing the black barrier.

I had never thought that a puff of air could be so powerful. After breaking through three obstacles in a row, that puff of air continued to push the limits it could reach.


A wisp of red clouds far away in the horizon suddenly fragmented. It was not that the sun was shattered, but that the space barrier in the distance was broken and the fragmented space reflected the scene.

"Is it so strong?"

Before Metkai could react, he felt that this was what he would see after his death.

"My youth is over, why is the Eight Door Dunjia Formation still open..."

Lying back in the sandpit, Metkai saw Akira Hatake who was smiling at him.


"you also……"

"I'm really convinced. Why is your IQ always going up and down?"

Akira Hatake slapped his forehead, speechless at Metkai's performance.

How thick a nerve must be to blur the line between life and death, and to be unable to distinguish between fact and fiction.


Metkai sat up from the sand pit for the second time, but due to excessive force, the air in front of him surged forward again, and three seconds later it exploded in the distant horizon.

"What do you realize...not only am I not dead, but I have also become stronger?!"

"It's not obvious, why do you need to ask?"

Hatake Akira smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Fortunately, you have lived up to my efforts and expectations. You can now activate the Eight-door Armor Formation on a regular basis."

"The normal opening of...the Eight Gate Dunjia Formation?"

Facing the answer Hatake Akira gave him, Metkai's brain full of muscles was confused again.

When the Eight Gate Dunjia Formation is activated on a regular basis, how can he have so much life energy to supply the huge consumption of the Eight Gate Dunjia Formation?

"Are you... kidding!"

Metkai still didn't believe it, and quickly tried to close the death door located in the middle of the heart.

But after trying for a long time, the wide-open Death Door acupuncture point was always open, and it was providing extremely large amounts of chakra to Metkai all the time.

"Okay, no need to check. The fundamental reason why the Eight-door Dunjia technique has flaws is that the human body simply cannot meet the life energy consumption when the Eight-door Dunjia is fully activated."

"Another point is that even if the human body can meet the huge supply of life energy when the eight gates are fully opened, the weak physiological structure of the human body cannot withstand the huge power that suddenly bursts out when the eight gates are fully opened."

"However, these two most fundamental shortcomings are not impossible to solve, and I am exactly one of the people who can solve these two shortcomings for you."

Hatake Akira sensed a group of people rushing towards the center of the battlefield. It would take at least fifteen minutes for them to get here.

There was still time for explanation, so Hatake Akira naturally wanted to help Metkai clear up his doubts.

If he didn't explain it clearly and relied on Metkai to think alone, he wouldn't know it would be delayed until the Year of the Monkey and the Year of the Horse.

And without figuring out the reason, Metkai will not be able to completely control his surge in power, which will have a great impact on his return to normal life in the future.

"First of all, I used the huge life energy of the Sixth Path to directly transform your body. How much life energy did I spend..."

"About twenty Senju Hashirama."

"Twenty? Senju Hashirama?"

Matkai's heart was so shaken that he couldn't help blurting out, "How much life energy does the Sixth Path have?"

" approximately equal to two complete Kyuubi, and then approximately equal to forty Senju Hashirama."

" continue."

Metkai was stunned and opened his mouth to ask, but his words turned a corner again and he could only wave his hand to signal Hatake Akira to continue.

"Anyway, the life energy used to transform your body is half that of the Sixth Path. In other words, your current life constitution is equivalent to that of Asura, or even a little higher."

"You have a physique comparable to the original immortal body, and then I added a mouthful of six-level life energy into your body."

"One plus one is greater than two. If you compare your physique and life energy, you have already crossed the threshold of the Sixth Path."

"Crossed... the threshold of the Sixth Level?"

Metkai stammered and pointed at himself in disbelief, "You're not joking, Ming..."

"Six Paths Level... According to what you say, I am now on par with the Six Paths Immortals?"

"Compared to the Immortal of Six Paths?"

Akira Hatake curled his lips, "If you just compete with strength, you should be able to compete with Old Man Six Paths, but if you look at it all, you will only be able to warm up Old Man Six Paths."

"To put it bluntly, your current state is not a complete six-level state."

"In other words, you have only reached the Sixth Path level in terms of physique and life energy. You are still far from the real Sixth Path level."

"I won't tell you the details of the difference one by one. You won't understand even if I tell you. In short, you just need to understand that your current state is what I got you by forcing the child to grow."

"Destroying the seedlings and encouraging them to grow?"

Metkay caught the key word, "You mean my foundation is not solid."

"Yes, the biggest difference between you and the Six Paths level now is the control of power."

Hatake Akira looked at Metkai in surprise and continued to patiently explain to him.

"The Six-Path level can send and receive power freely. It can be small enough not to affect daily life, or big enough to destroy a world with a single move."

"But now, you can't freely send and receive the explosive power in your body. The slightest movement will cause a destructive scene after the war."

"This is just like your previous move Ye Kai. It doesn't have any skill in using power, it's just a mindless accumulation of violence."

Hearing Hatake Akira comment on his ultimate trick "Ye Kai", Metkai was a little unhappy.

"My Ye Kai is very strong. I know this very well. It is not as unbearable as you said!"

"I resisted your kick Ye Kai, don't I have a say?"

Hatake Akira rolled his eyes, and then gave an example, "Ye Kai is strong in strength and can shake space. This is an understandable fact."

"But think about it with your mind, what would happen if you could collect the power that was spread out by Ye Kai's move and concentrate it at one point?"

Akira Hatake clenched his fist and waved it in front of Metkai's eyes, "This is equivalent to hitting someone with your palm, and the difference between hitting someone with your fist. The former can be seriously injured, but the latter can kill with one blow!"

"I don't need to elaborate on which one is better, right?"

Hatake Akira looked at the enlightened Metkai and poured out all of Metkai's existing shortcomings like beans from a bamboo tube.

"First of all, your current state is very strong, but also very weak, because you can only use the six-level power roughly, but you have not mastered the skills of using the six-level power."

"Secondly, your control of power has not yet reached a nuanced level, and you cannot adapt to the surge of power in your body. This will cause some irreparable consequences to the people around you."

"Finally, a nice haircut."


Matkai originally wanted to listen to Akira Hatake analyze his current strengths and weaknesses, but he ended up saying that his hair style is good...

Subconsciously reaching out to touch his hair, Metkai realized that his beloved watermelon head was missing.

"My hair……"

"A hairstyle that reaches the sky, red hair like flames, and muscles like rock, with blood like lava flowing in the muscles."

Akira Hatake patted Metkai's strong shoulder with a smile on his face, "From now on, you can call Konoha's Taijutsu Emperor Metkai, not some Konoha's blue beast."


The Taijutsu Emperor of Konoha?

"Don't be dazed, Emperor Kai." Hatake Akira teased, "I'm talking about you, Emperor Kai!"

"Me, Emperor Kai?"

Metkai pointed at himself, and after a brief moment of surprise, his two front teeth suddenly appeared.

He smiled happily and at the same time extended his thumb towards Hatake Akira, "Ming, I like this title very much!"

"Then I will be Konoha's! Taijutsu Emperor! Metkai!"

The sound was like a loud bell. As Metkai shouted, the sound turned into sound waves and rippled away into the distance.

However, because Metkai was unable to control his current power, wherever the sound wave passed, it was like an 18-level wind blowing, destroying the miserable environment around him again.

"OK OK."

Akira Hatake patted Metkai's outstretched right hand, "Before you fully control your own power, try not to make any excessive movements, otherwise I'm worried about accidentally injuring others."


Metkai nodded cautiously, his movements significantly smaller.

"Okay Kai, the time is just right, the spectators are here."

Hatake Akira looked into the distance. On the horizon, a squadron of ninjas numbering about twenty people were forming a formation and flying towards him and Metkai.

"You mean...them?"


Hatake Akira nodded, "And I didn't expect that it would be Kazekage Rasa himself leading the team."

"Then what do we do?"

Metkai put on a fighting stance, "Fight or retreat?"

"You, don't keep thinking about fighting. This situation does not necessarily have to be solved by fighting."

As soon as he raised his hand, Hatake Akira grabbed the wheelchair in the hidden village of Konohagakure. This method of picking up objects from thousands of miles away made Matkai envious.

Spatial abilities are not only rogue in combat, but also very convenient in life.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Hatake Akira motioned to Metkai to push the wheelchair for him behind him.

However, Metkai was hesitant. He still couldn't control his own power, and he was worried that he might hurt Hatake Akira all at once.

"I'm still..."

"Don't worry. I've used my space ability to strengthen the space barriers around you. As long as the amplitude is not too big, there will be no problem."

Hatake Akira comforted him, and then told Metkai, "You don't have to say anything if I don't look at you later. Leave everything to me."

Metkai nodded to express his understanding, and after nearly a minute, a group of 19 people headed by Luo Sha came to Hatake Akira and Metkai.

"Hatake Akira!"

"Luo Sha, long time no see." Hatake Ming greeted with a smile.

"Hatake Akira, I need you to explain what happened at the border of our Kingdom of Wind!"

Kazekage Rasa's face was very ugly, as if Hatake Akira didn't explain things clearly, he would just follow Hatake Akira.

"That's what you see..."

Hatake Ming spread his hands, his face fearless, and his eyes were even more playful, "If I don't explain clearly, what can you do?"

"Huh? What can you do, Luo Sha?"

Hatake Ming almost had arrogance and domineering written on his face. After hearing this, Luo Sha's face turned completely black, and her hands under Feng Ying's robe made a creaking sound.

"Nothing can be done to you."

Luo Sha said something very depressing. Everyone in the 18-man Wind Shadow Guard behind him was also filled with indignation, but they did not dare to make any move.

"But there is an agreement between our two villages and our two countries, and this is not a wartime situation."

Luo Sha can control his emotions very well. After a few words, he has calmed down a lot and his breathing has become longer again.

"And this kind of thing happened in our Kingdom of Wind. I have the right to know the inside story, right?"

"Since you are so honest, I will tell you."

The aggressive look on Akira Hatake's face disappeared, and like Luo Sha, his expression became much calmer.

However, with the blessing of excellent acting skills, Hatake Akira's words were somewhat solemn.

"The man who fought Kai just now is Uchiha Madara from the Akatsuki organization."

"Uchiha Madara?" Luo Sha frowned, "Isn't he already dead?"

"So that's where we're confused."

Akira Hatake spread his hands again, "But he is very strong, and coupled with my physical condition, I cannot restrain him very well."

Luo Sha looked at Hatake Ming's body, and for a moment it was hard to tell whether it was true or false.

However, being able to say it so openly, Luo Sha still felt that Hatake Ming was telling lies.

But no matter what Luo Sha thought, Hatake Akira's tone remained calm.

"I don't know what this person suspected of being Uchiha Madara is paying attention to. He wants to plunder the tailed beasts we have in Konoha."

"So, the battlefield cannot be around our village, so we had to choose this place."

There were many doubts about Akira Hatake's words, and Luo Sha tried to test the doubts, "Ara Hatake, there is such a big movement here, is Uchiha Madara dead or..."


Hatake Akira stopped talking at this point, "This is the situation. Let's take a step first and see you later."

"By the way, be careful with the Akatsuki organization. What they are planning is not just what they seem."

Without saying a word, Hatake Akira shortened the space barrier with a wave of his hand, allowing Metkai to push the wheelchair and disappear in front of Luo Sha in an instant.

"Master Kazekage, what Akira Hatake said just now..."

"Ignore the truth or falsehood for now, quickly survey the surrounding battle relics to see if you can find some useful information."

"Yes, Kazekage-sama!"

The Kazekage guards dispersed, while Luo Sha stood there muttering to himself.

"Akatsuki organization...Uchiha Madara...Hatake Akira...Konoha..."

"What a huge problem!"

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