Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 295: Problem Child Uchiha Itachi.


Uchiha Itachi opened the door of the principal's office and walked up to Hatake Akira and saluted respectfully.

"Itachi, you're here."

Akira Hatake greeted Uchiha Itachi, "How have you been training recently?"

"Following the training methods my master taught me, I have never slackened off."

There was a serious look on Uchiha Itachi's little face, and he looked like a little adult that made people laugh.

"Come, let me test you."

Hatake Akira chuckled and handed his handwritten test paper to Uchiha Itachi.

The content of the exam is very simple, mostly covering common sense and principles of Ninjutsu practice, with some torture questions about human nature mixed in.

Reaching out to take the test paper handed over by Akira Hatake, Uchiha Itachi took a quick glance and felt confident.

Taking the pen, Uchiha Itachi sat down at his desk and wrote quickly. In less than half an hour, Uchiha Itachi completed his answer.

"Master, please take a look."

Respectfully handing the test paper back to Hatake Akira, Uchiha Itachi took a step back and waited for Hatake Akira's review.

"Did you answer the question correctly?"

Hatake Akira, who was drinking tea, teased, but to his surprise, Uchiha Itachi took it seriously.

"Master, I answered every question very seriously!"

"You are just too calm-tempered. You don't have the liveliness and detachment you should have at your age."

Hatake Akira made a brief comment and ignored Uchiha Itachi, whose face was slightly red.

Picking up the cinnabar pen on the table, Hatake Akira began to mark the test papers.

It has to be said that Uchiha Itachi's theory is very solid. Although the questions asked by Hatake Akira are not very advanced, the many knowledge points involved have reached a level that only the chuunin level can access.

He nodded repeatedly, Uchiha Itachi did not disappoint Hatake Akira in this regard, answering all the questions correctly.

But when he saw the test question about human nature, Hatake Akira couldn't help but frown.

This kid, Uchiha Itachi, is still too mature in his thinking.

Although this cannot be said to be bad, the more mature you are, the more mature you are in looking at problems, and the more mature you are, the more thoroughly you can see things.

This makes Uchiha Itachi recognize the reality prematurely and lose his innocence prematurely.

"Itachi, tell me, how do you view war?"

Putting down the test paper in his hand, Hatake Akira asked a common question. He wanted to see what Uchiha Itachi would have a different interpretation.

"Wars originate from the ugliness deep in people's hearts, and any party that initiates war cannot be called just."

"No matter how many reasons we find, war is the use of violence to trample on the lives and dignity of others. We should do our best to eliminate war."

Just two answers revealed Uchiha Itachi's current inner journey.

Hatake Akira heard and saw clearly that Uchiha Itachi was not a bad boy in nature, but he was too idealistic when thinking about problems.

Everyone knows what he said, but why are so many people keen on starting wars?

In the final analysis, it is the will of the superior that is at work.

But the problem is, everyone wants to be the one in power, and the one in power also wants to dominate.

Therefore, the war in the ninja world will never end and will never disappear.

Even if there are no large-scale war conflicts, war will still exist in the world in another way.

As long as there are people, war will not stop. This is the truth.

"How to eliminate war?" Akira Hatake asked again.

"I... haven't thought about it yet." Uchiha Itachi answered calmly. He really didn't think about it yet.

Shaking his head, Hatake Akira looked at Uchiha Itachi again, and reached out to pat his thin shoulder.

"Itachi, I remember I said before that this kind of problem is not something you should consider now."

"Master, I... know I was wrong."

"Alas..." Hatake Akira sighed, "It's just the nature of your mind, what can you do wrong?"

What Hatake Akira said is right. Uchiha Itachi's character has been like this since he was a child, otherwise there would not have been the tragedy of Uchiha's family annihilation in the original time and space.

When your thoughts become heavy and you consider too many things, you will ignore the simplest and most effective solutions to problems.

"Itachi, if you want to solve the problem, you must see the essence of the problem."

"Then what is the nature of war?"

"It's robbery! It's human nature!"

Hatake Akira raised his head and looked out the window, "Your previous thoughts are like clouds in the sky that cannot eat the fireworks of the world. You can see them but not feel them."

"That's right. You haven't experienced a war, so it's understandable that many of your ideas are naive."

"But master, I have realized the nature of war!"

Uchiha Itachi rarely refuted Hatake Akira, which made the latter slightly stunned.

The relationship between Itachi Uchiha and Akira Hatake is very similar to that between Jiraiya and his three disciples.

Subtle differences in philosophy lead to different opinions on a matter, and ultimately lead to the master and disciple turning against each other.

Perhaps, this is the reason why many masters and apprentices in the world of Naruto turn against each other and turn into tragic masters or disciples.

Akira Hatake's original intention of accepting Uchiha Itachi as his disciple was to correct Uchiha Itachi's three views while he was still young and immature in his thinking, and to mold him into the ideal figure in his heart.

But now it seems...

Hatake Akira still has many oversights.

"Itachi, you have indeed seen the nature of war, but what can you do?"

"Master, there will always be a way!" Uchiha Itachi shook his head, "I just haven't thought about it yet."

"That's not a reason."

Hatake Akira glared at Uchiha Itachi, "This is not something you haven't thought about, but you thought about it too early!"

"Am I thinking too early?"

"What else?" Akira Hatake stretched out his hand and flicked Uchiha Itachi's forehead, "He's a kid, he doesn't even have hair, and he's not as tall as anyone, so he's just thinking wildly here."

"Master, this is not a random thought!"

Uchiha Itachi held his forehead in pain, but still disagreed with Hatake Akira's words.

"You kid!" Hatake glared at the stubborn Uchiha Itachi again, "Forget it, it's better to block it than to block it. I will completely correct you today!"

"Let me ask you, it is people who cause wars. If you want to eliminate wars, do you want to eliminate the people who create wars?"


Uchiha Itachi was speechless and thought for a long time not knowing how to answer.

But Hatake Akira did not continue, but looked directly at Uchiha Itachi, quietly waiting for his next words.

After a while, Uchiha Itachi already had an idea in his mind.

"You can only kill the chief culprit and sacrifice a few people for peace."


Hatake Akira suddenly sat up straight, and Uchiha Itachi's thoughts still had some thoughts of the Uchiha Itachi who had destroyed his entire family in the original time and space.

"What if the culprits are your relatives and friends?"


Uchiha Itachi was suddenly speechless and unable to speak a complete sentence.

However, Hatake Akira still did not intend to let Uchiha Itachi go.

He continued to torture Uchiha Itachi, "What if the culprit you mentioned is the village?"

"What if the chief culprit you mentioned is a country?"

"What are you going to do?"

Facing Hatake Akira's aggressiveness, Uchiha Itachi's expression was very tangled, and his heart became like a mess.

What would he do?

At Uchiha Itachi's current age, it is normal for him to not be able to make a choice when faced with such a difficult decision.

And Akira Hatake wanted to take advantage of this moment to completely define Uchiha Itachi's thoughts.

The younger you are, the easier it is to shape your thoughts and psychology.

Even the precocious Uchiha Itachi cannot escape this theorem.

"Can't you understand?"

Glancing at Hatake Akira, Uchiha Itachi lowered his head, his handsome features wrinkled together, "Yes, master, I'm very confused now, I can't understand..."

Suddenly, Uchiha Itachi raised his head and looked at Hatake Akira expectantly, "Master, please help me figure it out!"

"You just think too much."

Hatake smiled, thinking that Uchiha Itachi had finally fallen into the trap.

Then he didn't hide it, and directly told Uchiha Itachi his true thoughts deep in his heart.

"War has two sides, just like if you kill a chicken to satisfy your hunger, it is also two-sided."

"The fundamental reason why there are two sides is that the starting points are different."

"You killed a chicken to feed yourself. From your point of view, there is absolutely no problem, because you have to survive."

"But then again, if you side with the owner of this chicken, you would be committing a crime by taking it without asking."

"So, we have to find a compromise solution."

"For example, in the Third Ninja War, so many people died at my hands. Do you think I am righteous or evil?"

"Master, everything you have done for the village is right in my opinion." Uchiha Itachi replied seriously.

Akira Hatake rubbed Uchiha Itachi's hair happily, "This is the compromise solution I am going to tell you today."

"We can't take care of everyone who is our enemy and our hero, so we just need to draw a range and take good care of those within the range."

"At a small level, this range is a family. At a large level, this range is the entire Konoha and the entire Fire Nation."

"Then war, which is essentially evil, has a reason to do it."

"And what you have to do now is to work hard to improve your strength so that you have enough power to protect the people you love before the next war breaks out."

"But master, you haven't told me how to end the war yet!"

Itachi Uchiha did listen to Akira Hatake's words, but Akira Hatake's words still couldn't help him solve the questions in his heart.

"Who started the war?"

"It's... the five major countries." Uchiha Itachi suddenly realized something and stuttered a bit when he spoke.

"Then tell me, if you want to end the war, what is the most direct way?"

"Solve...solve the five major countries..."

Uchiha Itachi opened his small mouth and expressed his feelings in despair, "But... after the five major countries are gone, there will be three major countries, seven major nations, and even ten major nations..."


Hatake Akira flicked Uchiha Itachi's forehead with his finger, "Who told you to wipe out all the five major countries?"

“Wouldn’t we unify it all?”

"All... all unified?" Uchiha Itachi felt something was wrong when he heard it, but the more he thought about it, the brighter his eyes became.

"Yes, Master!" Itachi Uchiha smiled, "If the entire ninja world is unified, then... everyone will be one of our own, and the war will disappear!"

"Do you understand now?"

"I understand!" Itachi Uchiha nodded heavily, and then bowed deeply to Akira Hatake, "Thank you, master, for clearing up the confusion. I understand everything."

"Just think about it and don't think about it in the future!"

Hatake Akira gave Uchiha Itachi another slap on the forehead, "Why don't you go to training soon? You will be busy in the future."

"Then I'm going to train."

Uchiha Itachi ran to the door in a hurry, but before leaving, he added, "Master, when I am strong enough, I will complete this great goal with you!"

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