Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 294 Everything is ready.

The resurrected Nohara Rin had a lot to say to Hatake Akira, and Orochimaru also had the good sense to leave early.

It's just that Nohara Rin seems to have no memory after her death, only the inherent memory before her death.

What he said to Hatake Akira were commonplace things, mostly about what happened when the two were in the ninja school and what happened during the Third Ninja War.

Hatake Akira was not impatient, he naturally acted as a listener.

When Nohara Rin finished speaking, Hatake Akira took over the topic and also talked about some interesting things that the two of them had experienced together.

But no matter how they talked, the two of them still couldn't get around this silly boy Uchiha Obito.

"Obito...because of my negligence at the time, he has fallen into darkness now."

Faced with Nohara Rin's question, Hatake Akira told the truth.


Nohara Lin couldn't believe it, "Obito... he is such a kind person, how could... how could he..."

"Although it is unbelievable, being kind does not mean that they will always be kind. There are many reasons for them to fall into darkness."

Hatake Akira is very open-minded. After all, once an honest person or a kind person experiences something they cannot accept, it is almost inevitable that they will bottom out and completely explode.

Therefore, honest people should not bully them too harshly, otherwise many people may not be able to bear the consequences.

Uchiha Obito cannot be said to be an honest person, but his kindness is based on the light in his heart.

Needless to say, Nohara Rin is the light in Uchiha Obito's heart.

When the light disappears, Uchiha Obito can become anything.

"Because of your death and the fact that there are people who can confuse him, it is inevitable that Obito will become like that."

"Ming, you have to save Obito!"

Nohara Rin looked at Hatake Akira anxiously, and her words of concern for Uchiha Obito were not adulterated at all, "For the sake of us being classmates and friends!"

"Of course I will help him." Hatake Akira nodded, but changed the subject, "But if you want to truly save Obito from the darkness, I can't rely on me alone."

Pointing at Nohara Lin, "Lin, the person Obito really cares about is you, and only you can pull him out of the darkness."

"I..." Nohara Lin lowered her head, a little unconfident in her words, "Can I do it?"

"Of course you can."

Hatake Akira smiled, "Don't forget, you are the one Obito truly loves."


As soon as Hatake Akira finished speaking, Nohara Lin's face suddenly turned red, her expression became a little awkward, and she had nowhere to put her green fingers.

"I know Obito's thoughts, but I haven't thought about it yet..."

"What's there to think about?"

Hatake Akira reached out and touched Nohara Lin's hair, very much like the big brother next door, "Lin, go deep into your own heart and feel it, and you will know the answer."

“Go deep within yourself?”

Nohara Rin was stunned for a moment, and then lowered her head again, her heart suddenly becoming confused.

To be honest, when her love blossomed, the first person Nohara Lin fell in love with was Kakashi.

Because of Kakashi's talent, because of Kakashi's appearance, and even more because of Kakashi's usual excellent performance.

This is the same as most little girls who are still in school. The first thing they like are some male classmates with good grades in the class.

Of course, handsome male classmates are also among their choices in mate selection.

Kakashi undoubtedly possesses these advantages at the same time, and it is natural that Nohara Lin is attracted by him.

However, Kakashi was entirely focused on Hatake Akira at the time, and he graduated very early, leaving no chance for Nohara Rin to spend time with him day and night.

Gradually, Akira Hatake, Kakashi's twin brother, broke into Nohara Rin's sight.

When they were in ninja school, Akira Hatake and Kakashi looked exactly the same, so their looks didn't stretch their hips.

However, because of his lazy temperament and mediocre grades, he is not popular in the eyes of many girls.

But as long as you stay in contact with Hatake Akira for a long time, it is not difficult to find his inner shining point.

Hatake Akira is steady, funny and generous, and thoughtful. His mature temperament gradually attracts Nohara Lin.

At the same time, Nohara Lin was also caught in a difficult decision.

Should I like Hatake Akira or Kakashi?

Undecided, Nohara Rin fell into a wavering state, and her bond with the two brothers became deeper and deeper.

Until... Uchiha Obito stepped in, making Nohara Lin's inner emotions more complicated.

Sometimes Nohara Rin can't tell who she likes more.

When he was still in the ninja school, Uchiha Obito didn't play a big role in Nohara Rin's heart, because except for his family background, which made people look up to him, Uchiha Obito was simply a representative of the mess in other aspects.

Regardless of his grades or personality, Uchiha Obito is not likeable.

The only thing that can be seen may be Uchiha Obito's appearance that is slightly noticeable...

It can only be said that Nohara Rin does not hate Uchiha Obito and is happy to be friends with him.

This is not Green Tea's style, it's just that Nohara Rin can't refuse other people's kindness to her.

It wasn't until the Third Ninja War broke out and Uchiha Obito's performance that his status rose sharply in Nohara Rin's heart.

Especially when Uchiha Obito risked his life to rescue her, Nohara Lin discovered that there was someone in the world who loved her so much that he was willing to give up his life.

But it is a pity that before Nohara Rin could face her heart, she died due to Hatake Akira's negligence because of Uchiha Madara's secret plan.

Fortunately, Nohara Rin is now resurrected, and Hatake clearly points out the key points, which makes Nohara Rin really start to face her own heart.

Is Obito a spare tire, or is he someone truly worthy of her love?

Nohara Lin couldn't help but ask herself, and combined with everything that happened in the past, she soon had the answer.

Looking up again, with a relieved smile on her face, Nohara Lin looked at Hatake Akira seriously.

"Ming, thank you."

"Why are you thanking me all of a sudden?" Hatake Akira tilted his head, "Didn't you already thank me when I resurrected you?"

"That's not what I'm talking about."

Nohara Rin shook her head, "I said thank you for making me face my heart."

"Is that so..." Hatake Akira showed a gossipy look at the right time, "Have you thought about it?"

"Yes." Nohara Lin nodded heavily, then smiled with relief, "I understand what I really want."

"That's good."

Akira Hatake was happy for Nohara Lin and that silly boy Uchiha Obito, "Lin, you can rest here for a while. When the time is right, I will take you to see that guy Obito."


Nodding heavily again, Nohara Lin watched Hatake Akira turn his wheelchair and leave.

When Hatake Akira left the laboratory where Nohara Lin was located, he found Orochimaru who was busy in another laboratory.

"Orochimaru, I warn you, Nohara Lin finally came back to life, you are not allowed to do blind experiments on her."

"how come."

Orochimaru shook his head decisively, "Besides, there is nothing worth studying about Nohara Rin, so why should I do some useless work."

"It better be this way."

Akira Hatake was still a little worried, "Nohara Rin is very important to me. Take good care of her when I am away."

"Don't worry, she won't be bored here."

"As long as you know what's going on, I'm leaving."

After Nohara Rin was resurrected and gave instructions to Orochimaru, Hatake Akira no longer had any reason to stay here.

Turning the wheelchair, Hatake Akira disappeared from Orochimaru's sight.


After leaving Orochimaru, Hatake Akira rushed to the Hokage Building without stopping.

"Ming, you're here."

Namikaze Minato raised his head, "I feel that someone reinforced the village's defensive sealing barrier. Was it you?"

"it's me."

Hatake clearly knew that the seal barrier he had previously deployed using senjutsu could not be hidden from Namikaze Minato. When Namikaze Minato asked, he immediately nodded and admitted.

"Are you guarding against someone?"

Namikaze Minato was still a little curious, because he got a report from the sealing team that the sealing barrier set up by Hatake Akira was very powerful, unprecedentedly powerful.

"You could say that."

Hatake Akira slowly explained the reasons and consequences of what he did, and Minato Namikaze nodded repeatedly.

"So, you have practiced immortality now?"

"Only 1/3 of the progress has been completed." Hatake Ming said regretfully, "After I finish dealing with the affairs in the village, I still have to go to Miaomu Mountain and Shishibone Forest."

“Be careful you bite off more than you can chew.”

Namikaze Minato warned Hatake Akira, "The senjutsu from one holy land is enough. If I want to gather the power of three families to create a more powerful senjutsu, I feel it is still too difficult..."

"No matter how difficult it is, I will give it a try. After all, the enemies we face in the future can only be hurt by magic."

"I see..." Namikaze Minato lowered his head and thought, "It seems I have to take the time to go to Mt. Miaomu."

Hearing Namikaze Minato say this, Hatake Akira seemed to remember something and couldn't help but cover his mouth and laugh.

"Ming, why are you laughing?" Namikaze Minato was quite curious.

"Nothing, I just thought of something interesting."

"That's it..." Namikaze Minato also smiled, and then changed the subject, "Ming, you come here to see me, you must have something else to do, right?"

"There are indeed other things." Hatake Akira nodded, "Nohara Rin has been resurrected by Orochimaru."


"Yes! Just now, Nohara Lin was resurrected."

"In this case... Obito should be able to find his way back." Namikaze Minato sighed, "Fate really plays tricks on people!"

"indeed so."

Akira Hatake did not refute, but looked at Namikaze Minato solemnly, "Teacher, even if we resurrect Nohara Rin, we cannot take the matter of Kushina-sama lightly."

"I know this, just don't worry."

When mentioning Uzumaki Kushina, Namikaze Minato also became serious, "I have arranged everything. No matter how many people Obito gathers to attack Konoha, Kushina's safety can be guaranteed."

"But these are not what I am most worried about." Akira Hatake's eyes were deep, "Teacher, I have to guard against this old guy Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"The Sandaime? I don't think he would do anything to disgrace the village."

"Who can say for sure on this matter?"

Akira Hatake objected, "Teacher, please don't forget that the many reforms you have implemented since you came to power have affected too many people's cakes. I think many people will be happy for you to make some surprises."

"This..." Namikaze Minato also thought of something, and his face turned gloomy, "If they really jump out when Kushina is giving birth, I won't be polite then!"

"I believe the teacher will not be lenient, but Orochimaru once begged me for mercy."

Akira Hatake is a very reliable partner. He will try his best to do things he has promised others.

He still remembered Orochimaru's previous request, and Hatake Akira was also considering whether to give Sarutobi Hiruzen a more honorable death.

"Orochimaru? What does he want to do?"

"Orochimaru hides his emotions very deeply. Perhaps he has already anticipated some of the paths Hiruzen Sarutobi will take in the future. He once prayed to us to give Hiruzen Sarutobi a decent death."


Namikaze Minato murmured, having already made a decision in his heart, "It is the Sandaime's choice to be decent or not. If he does something that is sorry for the village, even if he wants to be decent, I may not be able to give him dignity!"

At critical moments, Namikaze Minato never lets up.

Although he has a gentle personality, he is never ambiguous in matters of right and wrong, and once he makes a decision in his heart, he will carry it out with determination.

"When the time comes, I think it would be better to leave Sarutobi Hiruzen to Orochimaru."

"Leave it to Orochimaru..." After thinking about it, Namikaze Minato nodded, "I agree, just follow Orochimaru's request."

"As long as the Sandaime does something he shouldn't do, it will be up to Orochimaru to solve it."

"Thank you, teacher, I will forward it to Orochimaru." Hatake Akira thanked him, and then handed the two resurrection armors to Namikaze Minato.

"Teacher, you and my wife each have one of these two artifacts, and they are best worn close to the body. They can save your lives at critical moments."

Namikaze Minato took the two pieces of resurrection armor handed over by Akira Hatake with trembling hands, feeling mixed in his heart.

He felt that the only two right things he had done in his life were to marry Uzumaki Kushina and accept Hatake Akira as his disciple.

"Thank you, Ming!"

Namikaze Minato thanked him sincerely, his eyes slightly red.

He knew that Hatake Akira had many little-known secrets, and he had wanted to explore them before, but slowly he lost his mind.

Who doesn’t have some secrets yet?

As long as Hatake Akira always cares about Konoha, Namikaze Minato would rather turn a blind eye.

And today, Namikaze Minato also received the most precious gift in his life.

Life-saving things are rare treasures in any world, and Akira Hatake gave away two of them at once, which shows how much he values ​​Namikaze Minato.

"Teacher, we are one of our own, don't be like this!"

Hatake Akira couldn't stand Namikaze Minato's sensational behavior, and he repeatedly waved his hands to indicate to Namikaze Minato to put away his childish attitude.

"Teacher, these are just small things, you don't need to take them to heart."

"Is this still a small thing?!" Namikaze Minato glared at Hatake Akira, "If the thing that can save your life is still a small thing, then there will be no good things in the world."

"Hey, now that the matter is done, I'm leaving."

After Hatake Akira completed the purpose of his trip, he thought about running away.

"Go." Namikaze Minato smiled and nodded.

"That's right!" Hatake Akira suddenly turned around, "Don't come to me if you have nothing to do. I have to take advantage of this short month to have a good rest."

Having said that, Hatake Akira left the stunned Namikaze Minato and left the Hokage's office.

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