Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 30 Passed the Flying Thunder God talent test!

The recovery and refining of chakra has never been an easy task, which is the main reason why the amount of chakra is very important to ninjas.

The Hatake clan does not have a bloodline advantage, and can only be regarded as a medium level in terms of chakra volume. Naturally, Hatake Akira cannot break through the shackles of the body.

But the second part of the Flying Thunder God talent test has nothing to do with chakra.

"Have you rested?" Namikaze Minato asked.

"That's enough, Minato-sensei." Hatake Akira nodded, then felt a little embarrassed, "It's just that the chakra was severely consumed just now, and now it's..."

"The next test has nothing to do with chakra." Namikaze Minato pointed to the Flying Thunder God Kunai in Hata Maki's hand, "I need you to remember the above technique in one minute, and do it without any fuss. Worse than replicating it."


Hatake Akira nodded, then held up the Flying Thunder God Kunai, looked at it carefully and quickly memorized the Flying Thunder God technique depicted on it.

After two lifetimes, Hatake Akira's memory has been greatly strengthened. This matter has already been explained, and this test is quite simple for Hatake Akira.

In less than half a minute, although Hatake Akira could not understand the specific principles of the Flying Thunder God technique, he had no problem following it.

But just to be on the safe side, Hatake Akira studied the memory for a minute before raising his head.

"I'm starting, Minato-sensei."


Namikaze Minato nodded, then tilted his head to watch Akira Hatake use the Flying Thunder God Kunai to carve the Flying Thunder God technique on the ground.

"It's very good. You can memorize and reproduce the complex Flying Thunder God's technique so quickly, which shows that you have the potential to understand and practice the sealing technique."

Namikaze Minato did not hesitate to praise and was even more satisfied with Hatake Akira.

However, this is only one of the second small part of the test. Being able to memorize and draw does not mean that you can understand the various functions and theories of the seal warlock.

"The first step has been completed, so next, I will draw you the most basic sealing technique, and explain in detail what each technique symbol represents, and how much chakra needs to be injected into each technique symbol when drawing. "

Namikaze Minato began to increase the difficulty, "What you need to do is to understand and be able to portray it perfectly, and activate it, and the time limit is five minutes."


Hatake Akira nodded, immediately regained his composure, and watched Minato Namikaze draw a very simple sealing magician on the ground using chakra attentively, and he remembered Minato Namikaze's explanation word for word.

"This is the content of this simple sealing technique. The rest is up to you."

Namikaze Minato's explanation was not only very detailed, but also easy to understand, and Hatake Akira understood it quickly.

Afterwards, Hatake Akira followed Namikaze Minato's explanation and carefully began to use chakra to carve the sealing technique on the ground without any pause in the middle. It could be said that it was done in one go.

"Very good!" Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up, "Your talent for sealing magicians is extremely good, not inferior to mine back then."

In fact, Namikaze Minato didn't tell the truth. In terms of talent for sealing techniques, he was slightly behind Akira Hatake.

Although Namikaze Minato succeeded in depicting it in only one time, the time he spent was about half a minute longer than Hatake Akira.

In this regard, Namikaze Minato's expectations for Hatake Akira have once again increased.

There is a high probability that Akira Hatake can learn and skillfully use the Flying Thunder God Technique.

"Hey, Minato-sensei, let me just say that I have the talent to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique!" Hatake Akira beamed, "Such a perfect disciple, shouldn't you take action?"

"Slickster, don't be complacent, there will be more difficult ones next." Namikaze Minato couldn't help but hit Akira Hatake, "And this is just one of the talent tests for practicing the Flying Thunder God Technique. Can you achieve all of them?" The conditions are still unknown to you.”

"That's it..." Akira Hatake put away his previous complacency, "Then Minato-sensei, what should we test next?"

"Like me, I can instantly portray this most basic sealing sorcerer."

Namikaze Minato slapped the ground with one hand, and the dark sealing technique spread rapidly. In less than a second, he completed the depiction of the basic sealing technique.


Hatake Akira's head was as big as a bucket in an instant, and he was depicting the most basic sealing technique stroke by stroke. Compared with completing it instantly with one hand and a slap, the span and difficulty were increased by more than one level.

His confidence was slightly lacking.

"Minato-sensei, is there any special technique for this way of instantly portraying a sealing warlock?"

"There are no special skills. What is required is your understanding of each sealing technique, your control of chakra, and your inexplicable talent for sealing techniques."

Namikaze Minato poured cold water on Hatake Akira again, making the latter feel a little scared.

After calming down, Hatake Akira mobilized the few chakras in his body, imitating Namikaze Minato, and slapped the ground with one palm.


The jet-black sealing technique began to spread, but after it spread halfway, it suddenly began to become chaotic, and a sealing technique that looked different and had no effect was formed.

His first attempt failed.

Hatake Akira's face was also slightly impatient and disappointed...

"Don't worry, remember how it felt and forget where you went wrong and try again."

There was a hint of darkness in Namikaze Minato's bright eyes. If Hatake Akira failed three times in a row, it would be declared that he had no chance of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Gritting his teeth, Hatake Akira closed his eyes and thought about it, rehearsing it over and over again in his brain.

Finally, after a minute, Hatake Akira opened his eyes.


Once again, he slapped the ground with one hand, and the jet-black sealing technique spread rapidly, completing the basic construction as quickly as possible, and the chakra division in each technique was exactly the same.

A most basic sealing technique appeared in Hatake Akira's palm and was successfully activated.

"I succeeded! Minato-sensei!"

Hatake Akira cheered for joy, feeling a sense of accomplishment, and the joy in his heart was beyond words.

"Very good." Namikaze Minato smiled and nodded, "Then regarding the last item of the flying thunder god's talent test, let's start as soon as possible."

Namikaze Minato pointed at the sealing technique carved by Hatake Akira himself, "After releasing your palm, can you feel its existence now?"

"Okay!" Hatake Akira nodded.

Because it is a sealing technique carved by one's own chakra, Hatake Akira has naturally established a wonderful connection with it, and can perfectly perceive the specific status and location of this basic sealing technique.

"Okay, you step back 5 meters."

Hatake Ming did as he was told, and after stepping back five meters, he could still feel the sealing technique he had carved.

"Step back another 5 meters."

When Hatake Akira was 10 meters away from the sealing technique he had carved, he could still perceive the sealing technique he had carved, but it was already a little blurry.

"Step back 10 meters."

After retreating 20 meters, the sealing technique became even more blurry. Hatake Akira could only vaguely perceive the existence of the sealing technique, but could no longer judge its specific status.

"Continue to retreat until you can no longer sense the existence of the sealing technique, then you can stop."

Continuing to retreat to a distance of 30 meters, Hatake Akira could no longer sense the sealing technique he had drawn, and then stood there nervously waiting for Namikaze Minato's verdict.

"Congratulations, Akira!" Namikaze Minato said with a smile on his face, "You have the talent to practice the Flying Thunder God Technique!"

"I passed the test?!" Hatake said in a high voice.

"Yes, your talent is quite good, and you have the talent to practice the Flying Thunder God Technique." Namikaze Minato repeated, and then changed the subject, "But it is difficult for you to practice the Flying Thunder God Technique to a very high level. You You have to be prepared.”


what to prepare?

Akira Hatake is not interested in Namikaze Minato's rhetoric. All he wants is to complete the prerequisites for Namikaze Minato to accept a disciple. As for his talent in practicing the Flying Thunder God Technique and the specific achievements of the Flying Thunder God Technique in the future, he has no idea at all. Worry.

You know, there is only more than a year left before the Third Ninja War, and the time for a large amount of gold coins to be credited is coming.

With the support of a large amount of gold coins, Hatake Akira's talent in ninjutsu training will usher in explosive growth!

There is still a long road ahead. At this time, Namikaze Minato concluded that sooner or later, he would be slapped in the face by Hatake Akira.

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