Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 284 Orochimaru’s road to technological godhood.

Ryuhei Yamamura is Orochimaru's loyal old subordinate.

He died in a battle during the Second Ninja War. This time, he was selected by Orochimaru by chance, and he took the body of Hanzo Sanho and resurrected him.

"Longping, how do you feel?"

"Lord Orochimaru, I feel very good, it couldn't be better!"

Ryuhei Yamamura sat up from the test platform and moved Sanshouyu Hanzo's body, with a look of surprise and satisfaction on his face.

"Try to mobilize the chakra in your body."

Orochimaru glued some sensor glue heads to Yamamura Ryuhei, "I need to see how well your soul fits this body."

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru!"

Yamamura Ryuhei nodded and obeyed Orochimaru's instructions.

"Very good, chakra flows smoothly through the meridians."

Orochimaru glanced at the instrument connected to Yamamura Ryuhei and was very satisfied with the value displayed on it.

"Just having a brand new body, I can mobilize 90% of the chakra in this body. This is the best result I expected."

After making a brief comment, Orochimaru then looked at Hatake Akira.

"Mingjun, should we resurrect Nohara Lin now, or in a few days?"

Listening to Orochimaru's question, Hatake Akira instantly understood Orochimaru's thoughts.

After all, Ryuhei Yamamura was the first person to achieve results from Orochimaru's theory to practice. It would be a waste to let Ryuhei Yamamura resurrect Nohara Rin without doing some in-depth research.

Although Hatake Akira wanted to resurrect Nohara Lin as soon as possible with the idea of ​​​​cutting the knot quickly.

But after listening to Orochimaru's wishes, he still wanted to stay with Ryuhei Yamamura for a while to collect more clinical trial data on this technology.

So Hatake Akira didn't reply to Orochimaru immediately, but picked up the ball again.

"Orochimaru, what do you want to do?"

"Mingjun, Longping is not only an old subordinate to me, but also the first beneficiary of my technology."

Orochimaru patted Yamamura Longhei on the shoulder, "Although I was the one who resurrected Longhei, and Longhei will never refuse my order, I think it is better to let him live for a while."

Feeling the warmth on his shoulders, Ryuhei Yamamura looked up at Orochimaru.

Hearing what Orochimaru said, Yamamura Ryohei showed a grateful look on his face.

And Akira Hatake could see the expression on Yamamura Ryuhei's face, and he couldn't say any words of rejection.

As Orochimaru said, although he allowed Yamamura Ryuhei to regain his life, if he immediately deprived Yamamura Ryuhei of his right to live, this would undoubtedly be cruel to the person involved.

"Just watch it yourself."

Akira Hatake did not say no, but chose to respect Orochimaru's suggestion.


Orochimaru nodded slightly towards Hatake Akira, "Actually, Akira-kun, you don't need to be too anxious. I promise you, it only takes a week. After one week, we can start implementing Nohara Rin's resurrection plan."

"As long as you have an idea."

It's impossible for Akira Hatake to force Orochimaru. This guy doesn't accept hard and soft things and does everything according to his own preferences.

Regardless of what Orochimaru is saying now, in the final analysis, Orochimaru does not want to let go of Yamamura Ryuhei, the experimental subject who succeeded in the experiment.

In this regard, Hatake Akira couldn't speak directly, so he could only play riddles with Orochimaru.

Sure enough, after getting Hatake Akira's answer, Orochimaru was ready to chase people away.

"Mingjun, next I need to conduct a comprehensive physical examination of Long Ping. The process may be a bit boring. I don't think you will be interested."

"Indeed, I'm not interested in scientific research or anything like that at all."

How could Hatake Akira not understand the meaning of Orochimaru's words? He immediately borrowed the donkey and said, "In that case, I'll come back in a week."


Orochimaru smiled and nodded, "But when Mingjun comes next time, I hope Mingjun can bring me two things."


Akira Hatake, who was about to turn his wheelchair and leave, looked up at Orochimaru, "Isn't what you want something simple?"

Hatake Akira knew very well in his heart that Orochimaru didn't need to get rid of himself for ordinary things. He could be completely self-sufficient.

Orochimaru can even get some prohibited items with a little effort.

But once Orochimaru asks Hatake Akira for something, it means that these things are very important, and Orochimaru will not be able to get them for a while.

"It is indeed not a simple thing for me, but for Mingjun, it is a piece of cake."

Orochimaru licked his lips, "I need a tube of Uzumaki Kushina's blood, a tube of Uchiha Fugaku's blood, and a tube of Hinata Hinashi's blood."

"If possible, I also need a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes and a pair of Hyuga clan's Byakugan."


Hatake Akira said in his heart, good guy, Orochimaru is asking him to do something, isn't he asking him to stir up a hornet's nest?


After a pause, Hatake Akira decisively refused, "Orochimaru, the blood of Master Niang, Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Hiashi is not a big problem, but the eyes of the two clans..."

Glancing at Orochimaru, Hatake Akira's tone became visibly angry, "Do you really think that I can cover the sky in Konoha with just one hand?!"


Orochimaru's unique cold voice came out, making people feel goosebumps all over their bodies, "Ming-kun, don't underestimate yourself, and of course don't underestimate the courage of Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Hinashi."

"Of course, the main reason is that Mingjun underestimated me."

"You?" Hatake Akira pointed at Orochimaru, "I have never underestimated you, and I don't dare to underestimate you."

"Otherwise, I would not have gone against all odds and allowed you to spend more than 2 billion taels of scientific research funds in just over half a year."

"These are two different things." Orochimaru shook his head, "I mean Mingjun hasn't realized yet, I think why you asked for these things."

"I really can't guess it. Please tell me."

Hatake Akira couldn't help but frown. He really didn't want to play riddles with Orochimaru anymore.

"It's very simple."

The fanatical look on Orochimaru's face flashed away, "I am preparing for my god-making plan."

"The specific implementation steps of the god-making plan are too complicated. If I were to explain them in detail, I would probably not be able to finish them in two days."

"Then keep it simple!"

Hatake Akira was in a somewhat unhappy mood, and it was estimated that anyone who heard what Orochimaru said would not feel good.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand. Orochimaru's implicit meaning is that Hatake Akira does not understand scientific research, and his grand plan is in vain even if it is explained in detail.

Seemingly not hearing the indignation in Hatake Akira's words, Orochimaru licked his lips and briefly explained his plan to create a god.

"I divided the god-making plan into three steps."

"The first step, which I have now achieved, is to resurrect Yamamura Ryuhei with the help of Sansho Hanzo's body."

“I call this step ‘soul seizing’.”

"The second step is to use the genes of various blood families to cultivate a large number of their clones."

"This step, I call it 'bloodline restoration'."

"And the last step is to combine the bloodlines of many clones into one place to restore the bloodline and trace the thin bloodline power back to the period of Kaguya Otsutsuki."

"Even if I can't achieve the level I expected, I think I should be able to trace the bloodline concentration of Hamura Otsutsuki or Hagoromo Otsutsuki."

"If I want to complete my "god-making plan," the second part is definitely the top priority."

"That's why I thought of asking Mingjun to help me clear some unnecessary troubles and obstacles."

"You really think highly of me!"

Although Akira Hatake was very interested in Orochimaru's plan, he was determined to get it right. If he relied on this plan alone, Akira Hatake knew that it would be impossible to convince Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Hizashi.

"Orochimaru, I'm not pouring cold water on you."

"Do you think you can get Uchiha and Hinata to hand over the roots of their families just by relying on a plan that is still in the conception stage?"

"This is impossible!"

"Then what if I make substantial progress?" Orochimaru didn't panic at all. Instead, he revealed a ground-breaking news to Akira Hatake.

"Mingjun, you may not know that my clone plan has been successful."

"Succeeded? When did it happen?"

"Just a month and a half ago." Orochimaru narrowed his eyes.

"Is it the time when I was in a coma?" Hatake Akira suddenly realized the problem and felt a little nervous in his heart. "Who did you copy?"



Akira Hatake became anxious, and with one hand, he suddenly pinched the wheel hub of the wheelchair under him to make a fingerprint. If he hadn't considered that he couldn't get out of the wheelchair now, Akira Hatake would definitely have done it much harder than this.

Regarding the research topic of clones, Akira Hatake has actually known about it for a long time. It is impossible for Akira Hatake to forget some of the large culture tanks he saw when he came here last time.

But Akira Hatake may not care if it happens to others, but if it happens to herself, Akira Hatake cannot accept it at all.

Whether you say Hatake Akira is selfish or he has double standards, after all, if this kind of thing happens to him, few people will be able to calm down.

"Mingjun, don't be impatient."

Orochimaru was still smiling, "Wait until I finish."

Spreading his hands, Orochimaru looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water. "Although I took some of your blood for research without Mingjun's permission, it is a pity..."

"Although I successfully made a copy of you, your bloodline power is now ridiculously strong. Even if the copy is successful, your copy will not survive to adulthood in the end."

Hearing Orochimaru say that his clone did not survive, Hatake Akira's depression eased a little.


He snorted softly, "Don't pay attention to me. Ordinary culture fluid is not enough to support you to complete the experiment."

"Indeed, as Ming Jun said, because your life essence now transcends human beings and has entered a new world, so... my failure is inevitable."

"But even though I experienced the taste of failure with Mingjun, I also accumulated a lot of experience."

Snap, snap, snap.

Orochimaru clapped his hands, "Nobu, come out!"


A boy walked out of the corner of the laboratory with his head tilted, and soon came to stand behind Orochimaru.

"This is……"

Hatake Akira looked at the boy named Xin, and the memory in his mind was a little confused for a moment.

The name reminded him of the name of one of Orochimaru's experimental subjects, but the boy's appearance was somewhat different from the one Hatake Akira remembered.

If you look closely, he looks like a smaller version of Orochimaru.

"His name is...Uchiha Nobu...or Orochi Nobu?"

"Orochimaru." Orochimaru reached out and touched Orochimaru's little head, with a hint of endearment on his face. "He is my copy, an exact copy from the inside out."

"Then his soul..."

Akira Hatake suddenly thought of an unavoidable question, "Is the soul of the clone born independently, or are you..."

"The soul can indeed be born on its own, but I haven't yet figured out how the human soul is born."

Orochimaru had a look of disappointment on his face, "So in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Nobu has no soul since the day he was born. He is just a bunch of living zombies."

"Then... the soul of Xin...?"

"1/3 of my soul." Orochimaru said astonishingly, "He is a lot like me, isn't he?"

"Are you too... too crazy?!"

Hatake Akira no longer knew what to say about Orochimaru, "You are truly worthy of being able to attack yourself with such crazy energy..."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Orochimaru didn't seem to hear Hatake Akira's pun, "Although I gave up 1/3 of my soul, I also discovered that as long as the soul does not completely dissipate, the soul will escape chakra over time. growth and self-healing.”

"At that time, there will be two me in the world at the same time. Isn't this amazing?"

"It's indeed amazing. I estimate that by then, you will have arguments over who is the subject, which will trigger an endless fight between you."

"No, I will not do this to my father!"

Orochimaru did not speak, but Orochimaru spoke fiercely and retorted with a serious expression, "The relationship between father and I cannot be denied by just a guess!"

"Haha, you saw it, Mingjun."

Orochimaru touched Orochimaru's little head again, "He is me and not me, but in the final analysis, he is still me. No matter what happens in the future, our two souls can merge into one at any time."


Orochimaru's words were a little difficult to understand, but Akira Hatake understood what Orochimaru wanted to express.

Since the soul is divided, it can be repaired again with the passage of time and the effect of Yin Escape Chakra.

Then in the future, after the split soul is repaired, the two complete souls of the same origin can be merged into one under certain circumstances, making Orochimaru's soul twice as strong!

In other words, as long as there are enough copies of oneself, the more times the soul is split, as long as the soul recovers...

Then Orochimaru's soul will be powerful to a certain extent, even comparable to Kaguya Otsutsuki!

After thinking about it carefully, Akira Hatake suddenly understood why Orochimaru wanted the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan and the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan.

What Orochimaru wants is not the eyes or blood of the two races, he wants to use the blood characteristics of the two races to restore his split soul as quickly as possible.

If this is really the case, Orochimaru's path to technological godhood is really possible!

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