Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 281 Weakness and rage, Hatake Akira in two extreme states.

Konoha, Hokage Building.

Namikaze Minato, who was immersed in handling government affairs, suddenly raised his head, and he received a signal for help from Akira Hatake.

With his eyes focused, Namikaze Minato was filled with surprise, and even his face showed a worried look.

With Akira Hatake's strength, going to the Rain Ninja Village to catch the Sansho Fish Hanzo was easy, and it was much easier than eating and drinking.

But Akira Hatake used the Flying Thunder God mark left between the two to send a signal for help to Minato Namikaze.

"Did we meet an invincible opponent, or..."

With a murmur, Namikaze Minato no longer hesitated.

He instantly locked onto the Flying Thunder God mark he left on Hatake Akira, and at the same time mobilized the chakra of the eight-tailed ox-demon in his body, causing a layer of light red tailed beast chakra to appear on his body.


With a soft sound, the pen fell on the desk the next second, and Minato Namikaze had disappeared, disappearing into the Hokage's office.

The scene changed, and in the Land of Rain where it was raining continuously, Akira Hatake curled up on the ground and became a drowned rat.

Suddenly, a tall figure blocked the rain that kept falling, and his eyes worriedly glanced back and forth at Hatake Akira lying on the ground.

Namikaze Minato is here.


Hatake Akira's voice was extremely weak, and his closed eyes slowly opened. After seeing that it was Namikaze Minato, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Namikaze Minato's characteristic of always arriving late made Hatake Akira somewhat worried.

Fortunately, Minato Namikaze didn't come late this time.

"Ming, what happened? How did you... become like this!"

At this time, Hatake Akira completely changed in Namikaze Minato's sight.

At the age of 10, Akira Hatake has become a super shadow-level powerhouse. His physical fitness is definitely not bad. Coupled with the bonuses of many equipment, Akira Hatake's body has developed ahead of schedule.

Like Kakashi Hatake, he looks like a strong young man of 15 or 6 years old.

But now, Hatake Akira's body has become emaciated, and his skinny appearance makes him look like a waning old man.

Especially the silver hair, which seems to have lost the blessing of vitality, has become dim and dull, just like the white hair of an old man.

"Teacher... take me back to Konoha first..."

Hatake Akira was struggling to speak now, how could he explain so much to Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato belatedly realized that he regretted asking what he just said. After being reminded by Hatake Akira, Namikaze Minato immediately bent down and took Hatake Akira into his arms.

As soon as he got it, Namikaze Minato felt the extreme weakness of Hatake Akira's body.

Akira Hatake's protruding body bones made Namikaze Minato's hands hurt, and now Akira Hatake's weight had dropped to the lowest point, 40 kilograms was considered to be as high as the sky.

The worry in his eyes became even stronger. Namikaze Minato lowered his head and forgot to glance at Hatake Akira, then activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and disappeared in an instant.

The scene turned again. Namikaze Minato, who was supported by a huge amount of chakra, was already almost the same as Akira Hatake in using the Flying Thunder God Technique to travel.

From Konoha to the Country of Rain, and then to bring Akira Hatake back to Konoha from the Country of Rain, the time it took Minato Namikaze was three sentences, and the total did not exceed 10 seconds.

Carefully placing Hatake Akira on a sofa in the office, Namikaze Minato had the time to take a closer look at Hatake Akira's current state.

Thinness was still the first feeling Hatake Akira brought to Namikaze Minato.

Decline was a definition Minato Namikaze gave to Hatake Akira's physical condition after careful observation.

But as Namikaze Minato's investigation deepened, his brows gradually wrinkled.

Within Hatake Akira's body, there is a power that is completely opposite to the above two physical states.

It is immortal, eternal, and a supreme power that is unimaginable.

"how come……"

Namikaze Minato's eyes widened. Two completely opposite vital signs appeared on Hatake Akira at the same time, which made him very confused.

The outer contour of the body is extremely weak and accompanied by aging that is inconsistent with Hatake Akira's age, while the inside of the body is like the rising sun, full of vitality and strength. This extreme contrast...

What happened to Akira Hatake's body?

Or, what happened to Akira Hatake?

"Teacher, let me take a break..."

Before Minato Namikaze could ask questions, Akira Hatake's weak voice reached Minato Namikaze's ears.

Nodding in panic, Namikaze Minato watched Hatake Akira fall into a slumber.

Not daring to disturb him, Namikaze Minato found a blanket and covered Hatake Akira, and then called his Hokage guards.

"elder brother!"

As the captain of Namikaze Minato's Hokage guard, Kakashi was naturally the first to appear next to Namikaze Minato.

But as soon as he used the teleportation technique to arrive at the Hokage's office, the first thing that caught his eye was not Minato Namikaze, but Akira Hatake, who was sleeping soundly on the sofa.

Forgetting his responsibilities and even his current identity, Kakashi only saw Akira Hatake lying on the sofa.

A murderous intention condensed into substance suddenly burst out from Kakashi's body, and the murderous intention was so terrifying that it was shocking.

"Hokage-sama, what happened to my brother...?!"

Kakashi's breathing was a little disordered. At this time, he finally remembered Namikaze Minato and raised his head to question him.

Namikaze Minato didn't take Kakashi's rudeness seriously at all, but acted as a good teacher and tried his best to comfort Kakashi.

"Kakashi, I have checked Ming's body. Although he looks weak on the outside, the vitality in his body is so powerful that it is not like a human being..."

"Instead, it looks a bit like a tailed beast!"

"And based on my speculation, the nature of the vital signs in Ming's body may be higher and purer than that of the tailed beast."

"So, there won't be any big problems with Ming like this now..."

"But to be on the safe side, I still need you to go to Konoha Hospital in person and bring Ena Jonin here."

Looking down at Kakashi who was kneeling in front of him, Namikaze Minato gave another worried instruction.

"I know you are eager, but except for you, me and Ena Jonin, it is best not to let others know about Akira."

"I see!"

Kakashi nodded heavily, turned to look at Akira Hatake who was lying on the sofa, and then used the teleportation technique to leave the Hokage's office.

"I hope it's the same as my conclusion, that you'll be fine..."

After Kakashi left, Namikaze Minato also looked deeply at Hatake Akira, "You are the pillar of Konoha...!"

Hatake Akira had a long, long dream.

Dreams are very complicated, and most of them are fragmented dream scenes.

During his coma, Hatake Akira also woke up intermittently for a period of time, but the feeling of extreme thirst for life energy in his body still forced Hatake Akira to fall into a coma again.

Fortunately, Hatake figured out a way to deal with it early in the morning.

Every time he wakes up for a brief period of time, Hatake Akira will buy a piece of "Overlord Heavy Equipment" from the equipment mall. After manifesting it, he will quickly seal it into the huge sealing scroll behind his back.

[Overlord Heavy Equipment: Due to the influence of the Naruto world, the attributes of this equipment have changed.

When embodied and carried on the body, the user's maximum life energy will be increased by 20% and 1% of the user's maximum life energy will be restored every five seconds.

The only passive - Resurgence: After leaving the battle, restore 3% of the user's maximum life energy every second. 】

The attributes and passives of the "Overlord Heavy Equipment" are very abnormal, and it is very suitable for physical recovery after leaving the battle.

Not caring about the thoughts of the people around him, Hatake Akira's mind sank into looking inside his body.

Although the various attributes and passives of the "Overlord Heavy Equipment" equipment are very powerful, Akira Hatake found that the "Overlord Heavy Equipment" did not play a big role in the recovery of his body.

The life energy restored every second is all absorbed by the supreme power in the body. Although it prevents Hatake Akira from further deterioration of his body and greatly limits Hatake Akira's desire for life energy, he still wants to completely recover. Mu Ming still needs to spend a long, long time.

The specific length of this period of time, Hatake Akira himself does not know.

But it is certain that the various attributes and passive effects of "Overlord Heavy Equipment" are aimed at Hatake Akira's current physical condition, not his physical condition when he became the Sixth Path level.

In other words, it will take a long time for Hatake Akira to abandon the passive help of the "Holy Grail" equipment and make himself a true Sixth Path level.

Gu Hatake Ming estimates that the life energy contained in his original six-level body is definitely thousands or even tens of thousands of times the life energy in his body now.

"This time... I finally have a legitimate reason to be lazy..."

Hatake Ming knows that his body is undergoing transformation, but how long this transformation process will last, Hatake Ming really doesn't know.

However, Hatake Akira's mentality is very optimistic. As long as his current body no longer deteriorates, and as long as he can slowly get better with the help of "Overlord Reload", then there is no need to worry about anything in the future.

After all, he has experienced his invincibility after being promoted to the sixth level, so hibernating at this time is completely acceptable to Hatake Akira.

After reaching the top of the mountain, even if you are kicked to the bottom of the mountain again, the experience, mentality, and ability when you climbed to the top will still be with Akira Hatake.

All Hatake Akira needed was to repeat the journey to the top again, which had become a fairly simple matter.

And it is worth mentioning that although Hatake Akira's eyes are no longer the Space Wheel Eyes, after the Space Wheel Eyes degenerated, Hatake Akira was still given a big surprise.

Just like the Rinnegan degenerated into the Three Magatama Sharingan, even without the powerful pupil power of the Rinnegan and various powerful pupil techniques, some of the abilities of the Three Magatama Sharingan are still acceptable.

After Hatake Akira's Space Wheel Eyes degenerated, they no longer had pure and transparent eyeballs and water-striped pupils, but instead turned into royal blue eyeballs and gear-shaped pupils.

The sapphire-like eyes filled Hatake Akira's eyes with a different kind of charm.

This can be called an unexpected surprise, and these eyes are not just good-looking, they are also very powerful.

Although he cannot make Hatake Akira the spokesperson of space like the Space Wheel Eye, he can use the power of space superbly.

But these sapphire-like eyes can still greatly increase Hatake Akira's spatial ability.

At the very least, these degraded eyes have inherited the ability of the Space Wheel Eye to stretch space at will.

Even if there are some restrictions, this increase in Hatake Akira's combat power is terrifying.

In order to better identify and distinguish them, Akira Hatake gave this pair of degraded sapphire eyes a name - "Rengan Eyes".

"elder brother……"

In a daze, Hatake Akira heard Kakashi's call.

Opening his eyes with some effort, the sapphire blue in his eyes flashed away, and the wheel-shaped pupils instantly returned to their normal pupils.

"elder brother!"

Kakashi's voice was high-pitched, with some vibrato, "You finally... finally woke up...!"

"Have I been asleep for a long time?"

Hatake Akira struggled to get up, and his gradually regaining consciousness allowed him to see his surroundings clearly.

He was lying on a hospital bed, but he was not being treated in Konoha Hospital, but in the Hatake Residence.

Moreover, Hatake Akira felt the presence of many ninjas around him. If his guess was correct, these forces should be the escort forces sent by Namikaze Minato.

"long time……"

Kakashi lowered his eyes and said with a choked voice, "It's been a month..."

"It's been long enough."

Hatake Akira struggled to get up, but unexpectedly, Hatake Akira pushed the bed down with one hand!


A fragmented sound sounded, and with quick eyes and quick hands, Kakashi picked up Akira Hatake, who was about to fall to the ground with the sawdust, into his arms.

Akira Hatake's body was still thin and light in his arms, but the sudden incident just now made Kakashi's eyes light up.

"Brother...your body..."

"Although he is very weak...but this weakness is only relative."

Hatake Akira also felt the changes in himself, and he slowly clenched his fist with one hand with some emotion.

It was obvious that Hatake Akira's fist clenching movements were slow and weak, but when Hatake Akira clenched his fist, there was suddenly a circular wave in the air and an unreasonable explosion!


Kakashi was directly thrown away, and Hatake Akira escaped from Kakashi's arms without any surprise, and fell to the ground.


Hatake knew that the power contained in his current body was outrageous, but he did not realize that it could be so outrageous.

It’s just a fist!

How could there be such power...

Lying on the ground, Hatake Ming stared at his palms in a daze.

But after being stunned for a while, Hatake Akira thought of Kakashi who was blown away by his violent power.

Putting his hands on the ground, Hatake Akira planned to get up and check how Kakashi was doing.



Two heart-wrenching collapse sounds sounded at the same time. The hard floor tiles were directly crushed by Hatake Akira, and the ground couldn't help but dent two palm prints.


This powerful power made Hatake Akira a little happy, but mostly speechless.

The inability to control his own power made Hatake Akira somewhat unacceptable.

The most important thing for a strong person is not power, but the control of power.

Even if he has great power but no detailed control, he is no different from a child who has mastered a treasure, and is similar to Kaguya Otsutsuki...

Somewhat discouraged, Hatake stopped struggling and lay down on the ground as if it was clearly broken, waiting calmly for Kakashi to help him.



There was another loud noise, and Hatake Akira, who fell to the ground in frustration, directly smashed a large human-shaped pit into the ground, which stunned Kakashi who had just ran from a distance again.

Looking down at his hands in a cute manner, Kakashi raised his head and looked in the direction of Hatake Akira.

"I clearly brother's weight should be only about 40 kilograms now..."

" it like this?"

"Kakashi, don't be in a daze, come and help me up!" Hatake Akira shouted towards Kakashi.

He was so weak that he was almost unable to take care of himself, but the slightest movement of his hands and feet could cause earthquake-like destruction and huge noises. This extreme and outrageous thing made Hatake Akira lie on the ground and not dare to move.

He could only look helplessly at Kakashi, who was standing not far away, and shouted for him to come over and help.


Kakashi regained consciousness and ran to Hatake Akira. After hesitating for a moment, he bent down and picked up Hatake Akira from the ground.

I have to postpone the update until tomorrow. I am attending a friend's birthday party today. I hope you can forgive me.

Please wait patiently and we will not break your promise.

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