Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 258 The new will of fire! (Please subscribe and monthly ticket)

The next day, after the chicken thief Rasa led the ninjas from the Kingdom of Wind back to Sand Hidden Village, they began to submit a peace document to Konoha.

Namikaze Minato naturally accepted it happily, but for those Wind Country ninjas who were captured by Hatake Akira, Namikaze Minato still followed Hatake Akira's method of dealing with them, asking the Wind Country to pay a ransom of two thousand taels per person.

As for why the ransom increased from one thousand taels per person to two thousand taels per person, it was naturally because of the rules Hatake Akira set yesterday.

This really made Kazekage Rasa very angry. In the last and previous ninja wars, there was no precedent of spending money to redeem one's own ninjas.

Hatake Akira's move was considered a first, causing both Fengtu and Futu to suffer a great deal.

But the same sentence remains. Since they have the ability to take the lead in launching a war, then when the war fails, the two countries of Fengtu and Tutu will naturally have to suffer the corresponding consequences.

Hatake Akira didn't kill any prisoners, it felt like he was being kind to the two countries of wind and earth!

When Namikaze Minato agreed to Kazekage Rasa's request for peace, it also marked the end of the Third Ninja War, with Konoha and the Land of Fire becoming the final winners.

Moreover, Konoha and the Land of Fire still took advantage of everyone, and made a lot of money in this war.

"A bow!"

"Two bows!"

"Three bows!"

"After the ceremony, please give flowers to the Yondaime Hokage!"

"Next, please give flowers to the heroes in an orderly manner!"

At the Konoha Memorial Garden, a group of Konoha executives, led by Namikaze Minato, as well as many Konoha ninjas and villagers, were mourning the Konoha ninjas who died in the war under the guidance of the master of ceremonies.

The atmosphere was heavy and sad. There were no irrelevant expressions on everyone's faces, and some were just heavy condolences for the deceased.

After all the procedures were completed, the white cloth covering the newly built tall memorial monument was unveiled by Minato Namikaze himself.

"Everyone, we have won the Third Ninja War!"

When the white cloth on the commemorative monument was removed, Namikaze Minato raised his arms and shouted, "Everyone who participated in this war, whether they are heroes who died or those who are alive, will be remembered in our hearts!"

"Long live!"

"Konoha Ninja Masataka!"

"Long live!"

"Konoha Ninja Masataka!"

As soon as Namikaze Minato finished speaking, the shouts of a group of Konoha ninjas and many villagers resounded through the sky, startling a flock of birds and flying into the distance.

After everyone had expressed their frustration and excitement through shouting, Namikaze Minato raised his hand and pressed down, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

"Everyone, the heroes who died are worthy of our memory, and the heroes who are alive are also worthy of our memory."

"But it shouldn't just be slogans, sacrifices or living people. What they need most should be substantial rewards given to them by the village."

"We should not let the heroes bleed and shed tears. We should let the heroes' orphans and widows receive corresponding preferential treatment."

"I also know that doing this has a sense of making up for the mistakes afterwards, but the deceased has passed away, and there is only so much the village can do for them at the moment."

"I feel deeply helpless about this..."

"But I believe that death cannot defeat us, nor can it defeat the new will of fire, nor can it defeat our proud backbone as the super hidden village in the ninja world!"

"Hatake Akira!"

After an impromptu speech, Namikaze Minato called Hatake Akira's name.


On this occasion, Hatake Akira's mentality was very stable and he knew what he should do.

Taking a firm step forward, Hatake Akira stood at the head of Namikaze Minato.

"Next, Akira Hatake, the vice principal of Konoha Ninja School and deputy director of Konoha Ninja Library, will give a speech to everyone and announce a series of pension details."

After saying that, Namikaze Minato walked off the stage and gave the stage to Hatake Akira.

Akira Hatake, who is ten years old this year, is growing very fast. It can be said that he looks different every day.

Because of the Naruto world, Akira Hatake, who is only ten years old, is now quite mature. In terms of appearance, Akira Hatake said that he is fourteen years old this year, and he does not look too out of place.

Stepping up to the high platform steadily, Hatake Akira looked at the dark mass of heads below and felt filled with emotion.

I remember that when I first entered the Konoha Ninja School, I was one of the people standing in the audience. The person standing on the stage at that time was the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But now, it was Namikaze Minato and Hatake Akira who stood on the high platform and scolded Fang Qiu. It only took six years for the two-level reversal to happen.

In the past six years, the person who has changed the most may be Hatake Akira himself.

When he first arrived, Hatake Akira was very nervous and frightened.

But the subsequent rush to put it on the shelves has allowed Akira Hatake to grow at a speed that is unimaginable.

Not only the issue of strength, but also the mentality of Akira Hatake has undergone earth-shaking changes.

This change cannot be said to be good or bad. Generally speaking, Hatake Akira still yearns for the salty life, but the way he realizes his salty life has quietly changed.

Hatake Akira plans to create a more stable and peaceful environment first, and then start his own salty life after quelling all conspiracies.

"Everyone, I won't go into the lengthy opening remarks. I think you don't want to hear my nonsense."

"First, I want to talk about the new will of fire that the Yondaime Hokage-sama calls."

“The word ‘new’ represents innovation, expansion and continuation on the basis of the original, rather than replacement.”

"This is actually quite understandable."

"The Will of Fire created by the Second Hokage and explained and annotated by the Third Hokage created and built the Will of Fire in Konoha."

"But the times do not stand still, and the development of the times is not static."

"It's not that we should abandon the previous Will of Fire, but there are some ideas that we need to keep pace with the times and adapt to development."

"Based on the above factors, after the Fourth Hokage came to power, he created and explained the new Will of Fire by combining the old Will of Fire with the development needs of the new era."

As Akira Hatake spoke, he scanned the crowd below. With his good eyesight, he quickly found Sarutobi Hiruzen in black among the crowd.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was very ugly. Since Namikaze Minato came to power, not only had he denied many of his rectification achievements, but even the Will of Fire that he had worked so hard to develop had to be rekindled.

This is the killing of the strong and the helpless scream of the weak.

Reluctance, anger, loneliness, and other emotions lingered in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart.

He failed, and he failed cleanly.

In the future of Konoha, except for Sarutobi Hiruzen's former title of "Sandaime Hokage", there will no longer be a place for him.

The old body was even more rickety. Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep look at Hatake Akira on the stage and then lowered his head.

What he once thought was the most outstanding heir to the Will of Fire has now become the gravedigger of the Will of Fire...

Sad, ridiculous and deplorable!

Just by not checking, Sarutobi Hiruzen ended up losing everything!

Looking away from Sarutobi Hiruzen's face, Hatake Akira continued to focus on his explanation of Konoha's new will of fire.

"Wherever the leaves dance, the fire will continue to grow; the fire will continue to illuminate the village and make new leaves sprout."

"I fully agree with this sentence, because without the dedication of many heroic ancestors behind me, Konoha would not be what it is today."

"But then again, heroic sacrifices that only talk about dedication without talking about rewards are all hooliganism!"

"Although this is very realistic, it is very consistent with the current environment."

"Because the hearts of the four major nations to destroy Konoha will not die, then sacrifice and war will always be around you and me."

"Even... your and my descendants, your and my descendants' descendants, will continue to struggle in this weird reincarnation."

"So, the definition of the New Will of Fire is: Inner Saint and Outer King!"

"Inner Saint: We advocate dedication, sacrifice, love, friendliness, unity, and understanding; but correspondingly, we must also pursue: if you give, you will be rewarded, if you contribute, you will be rewarded, and if you sacrifice, you will be compensated."

"Waiwang: Anyone who harms the interests of Konoha and the Country of Fire is an enemy. Anyone who harms the interests of Konoha and the Country of Fire's ninjas is an enemy. Anyone who hurts the feelings of Konoha and the Country of Fire is an enemy. All potential and Those who truly threaten the lives and property of Konoha and Fire Country residents are enemies!"

"When dealing with enemies, we must destroy them with thunderous means. Anyone who values ​​benevolence, friendship, and unity is irresponsible to themselves and their companions. They are cancers that must be self-screened and eliminated!"

"To put it simply, the New Fire Consciousness is to treat your own people like saints, and to treat those who are not your own, you must be cold, vicious, and ruthless!"

"What we adhere to is that there should be revenge and hatred, and those who offend our Konoha will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

As Akira Hatake's last high-pitched tone fell, all the Konoha ninjas and residents in the audience raised their arms and shouted.

"Anyone who offends our Konoha will be punished no matter how far away!"

"Anyone who offends our Konoha will be punished no matter how far away!"

"Anyone who offends our Konoha will be punished no matter how far away!!!"

The uniform roar made Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was hidden in the crowd, look as black as the bottom of a pot.

In his view, Akira Hatake's speech was a sign of militarism, and was intended to lead Konoha into an endless vortex of war!


Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly roared, which stopped the continuous high-pitched shouts. Then everyone followed the source of the sound and focused their attention on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was not afraid at all. He calmly faced the many scrutiny eyes while pushing through the crowd and walking step by step towards the high platform where Akira Hatake was.

"Sandaime Hokage-sama, do you think something is wrong?"

Hatake Akira didn't expect that Sarutobi Hiruzen would be so impulsive to jump out and sing the opposite at this time, but since Sarutobi Hiruzen has already jumped out, Hatake Akira naturally doesn't mind teaching him a lesson.

"Hatake Akira, I don't know if it's just the Yondaime or you, but I believe this has nothing to do with the Yondaime."

Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke very well. He did not target Namikaze Minato, but instead pulled out the lower-ranking Hatake Akira as a target.

"You wantonly misinterpreted the Will of Fire created by the Nidaime Hokage. Do you want the village to become the birthplace of war and the most unstable factor in the ninja world?!"

"Or are you encouraging war, encouraging killing, and encouraging everyone to destroy peace?"


Faced with a series of hats that Hiruzen Sarutobi forcibly pulled off, Akira Hatake laughed disdainfully.

"Sandaime Hokage, I respect your identity, but I do not agree with your words and thoughts."

"Everyone!" Akira Hatake looked at the people in the audience again, "Please think about it, since the outbreak of the First Ninja World War, which war was started by us first?"

"No! Not even once!"

"This shows what?"

"This shows that the four major countries are determined to subdue us, and they have always been the ones destroying peace!"

He looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi with a playful look, "Sandaime Hokage, please tell me, is the peace you have always advocated a weak peace at the expense of one's own interests, or a peace won through strong means?"


"You are just weak!" Hatake Akira suddenly interrupted Sarutobi Hiruzen, and at the same time looked at the audience again, "Weakness cannot buy peace, the only thing that can buy it is the enemy's endless provocation and war!"

"Perhaps what I said is not entirely correct, but it is undeniable that we have swords and don't use them, and we have no swords to use, which are two different things!"

"Everyone, the New Will of Fire does not advocate war, but organizes war with extremely strong means!"

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen again, "Sandaime Hokage-sama, do you know what the Fourth Hokage-sama and I have won for the village in this war?"

"I won the sealed books of the four hidden villages, their war weapons tailed beasts, their war reparations, and their cession of territories for peace!"

"With all this in mind, do you think we're still going to use force?"


"Haha, you are old, you should enjoy your old age, instead of using the idea that you are dead to accuse us young people of their surging passion!"

"Yes! Our surging passion should not be blamed!"

"Yes! Our surging passion should not be blamed!"

"Yes! Our surging passion should not be blamed!"

The loud shouts from the audience made Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly look much older. His lips moved slightly, but all the words fell into silence.

Without saying anything else, Hiruzen Sarutobi turned around and left the stage in a lonely manner, the look in his eyes dim.

Everything that once belonged to him is gone...

No matter how much he refuses to admit it, everything about him has become a thing of the past, and has been completely swept away into the garbage heap of history by the faction headed by Akira Hatake!

And Akira Hatake's speech is still continuing, and the era belonging to Akira Hatake has officially begun at this moment!

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