Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 256: The Kingdom of Wind has escaped, leaving Yanyin Village in mourning.

The combined ninja forces of the two countries were very large, and because they wanted to capture the country of Taki, their forces were somewhat scattered.

The Konoha ninja troops led by Hatake Akira captured a group of ninjas from both Futu and Japan, but they could only be considered part of their personnel.

But even the members of the ninja coalition of the two countries, Futu, numbered about 5,000.

It can be said that Akira Hatake gained a lot from this trip. It not only damaged the morale of the ninja alliance of the two countries, but also made the alliance between the two countries exist in name only.

After all, Ohnoki is dead, so there is no point in Kazekage Rasa continuing to hold on alone.

"Ohnoki is dead..."

On the other side of the battlefield in Taki Country, Kazekage Rasa had already learned the information about Ohnoki's death, "Failed, a disastrous defeat!"

His expression suddenly became depressed, and Fengying Luosha suddenly seemed to have aged ten years.

"I never imagined that that guy Onoki could not survive a single move from Akira Hatake!"

Feng Ying Luo Sha sighed with emotion, and then deep worry and fear arose in his heart.

Among all the Kages in the Five Great Hidden Villages, Kazekage Rasa is definitely the weakest.

It's not that Luo Sha's strength is really bad, it's just that Luo Sha's strength is greatly affected by the terrain. Luo Sha was very strong in the desert, but if it were changed to other terrains...

Luo Sha's strength is really unmatched.

After all, Kazekage Luosha's entire strength lies in the "Magnetic Escape Sand Gold". Once he leaves the desert environment, his ability to magnetically escape sand gold will be greatly reduced.

This shortcoming was fatal and caused Luo Sha's overall strength to drop sharply.

As the shadow of a village, he absolutely cannot just stay in his own territory and dominate. He also needs to lead his troops to attack and conquer other areas.

With this prerequisite, Kazekage Rasa can basically be called the weakest and most limited Kage among the five hidden villages.

Luo Sha himself also has a very clear understanding of this.

"Yashamaru, the entire army retreats."

Kazekage Rasa had already retreated. He summoned his brother-in-law Yashamaru and gave him the order to retreat.

"Yes, Kazekage-sama!"

Yashamaru did not hesitate, turned and left after accepting the order.

Looking at Yashamaru's leaving figure, Kazekage Rasa sighed heavily again, with a miserable look on his face.

"It's over, everything is over..."

"That guy Akira Hatake, his growth rate is too fast. There is no suspense in this war."

Standing up, Kazekage Rasa adjusted his clothes, "It's time to surrender to Konoha, otherwise the Kingdom of Wind and Sunagakure Village will fall into a state of eternal disaster!"

With that said, Kazekage Rasa pushed open the door and walked out. He needed to gather the ninja troops from the Kingdom of Wind as soon as possible and get away from the battlefield of the Kingdom of Taki as quickly as possible.

The news that Kazekage Rasa was going to take the ninjas from the Kingdom of Wind to escape from the battlefield in the Kingdom of Taki immediately reached the ears of the ninjas from the Kingdom of Earth.

But without the Tsuchikage Onoki, it was difficult for the many voices within the Earth Kingdom ninjas to reach unity in the first place.

"We cannot let the ninjas from the Kingdom of Wind withdraw from the battlefield of the Kingdom of Taki so easily!"

"I also want to condemn Kazekage Rasa for doing this, but can we stop it?"

"How about... let's retreat too..."

"Fart! We must avenge the Sandaime Tsuchikage-sama!"

"Idiot, didn't you read the intelligence? The Sandaime Tsuchikage-sama was instantly killed by Akira Hatake with one blow!"

"That's right, if you want to continue taking the ninjas in the village to their deaths, I won't stop you, but don't take us with you!"

"Damn it, are you scared?!"


Seeing everyone quarreling endlessly, Akato, who was the personal bodyguard of Tsuchikage Onoki, finally couldn't bear it and stood up and shouted loudly to stop it.

Akatsuchi was in a bad mood, firstly because Ohnoki died at the hands of Hatake Akira, and secondly because before Ohnoki died, Akatsuki was not with Ohnoki because he had to perform a mission.

As Onoki's most important subordinate and most capable bodyguard, Akatsuchi is in a state of torment.

Although even if Akatsuchi followed Ohnoki at that time, it would be the same as giving a head to Hatake Akira.

But as Ōnoki's bodyguard, Akatsuchi should die by Ōnoki's side, instead of continuing to live in the world after Ōnoki's death.

But at this time, it's too late to say anything. The only thing Akatsuki can do is to try his best to stabilize the situation in Iwagakure Village and try to eliminate the many negative effects of Onoki's death on the Earth Kingdom troops.

"I don't think everyone present will be indifferent to the death of the Sandaime Tsuchikage-sama."

Akato stood up and expressed his opinion with a sad face, "But the death of Lord Sandaime Tsuchikage is not meaningless. He made us understand what the final direction of this war will be."

"We failed... This is an indisputable fact..."

"Fengkage Luosha has led his team to evacuate first. His ambition must be clear to everyone sitting here."

"Kazekage Rasa, he just wants to make our family bear the consequences of the failure of the two countries!"

"But even though we know it now, there is nothing we can do to the Wind Shadow Luosha, and there is nothing we can do to the Kingdom of Wind..."

"But we have to do something, and we have to achieve something to make the sacrifice of the Sandaime Tsuchikage-sama meaningful!"

"Oh, anyone can speak so nicely."

A senior member of Iwagakure Village stood up and interrupted Akatsuki's impromptu speech, with a look of disdain for Akatsuki on his face.

"After saying so many inspiring words, why don't you explain that as the bodyguard of the Sandaime Tsuchikage-sama, you were not there when the Sandaime Tsuchikage-sama was in trouble?"

"I..." Chitu was speechless, but he still slapped a secret order on the table with a gloomy face.

"I was on the orders of the Sandaime Tsuchikage-sama to go to the Rain Ninja Village to negotiate with Sanshouyu Hanzo, so that's why I wasn't able to escort the Sandaime Tsuchikage-sama!"

On the secret order that Akatsuki placed on the table, the words "Akatsuki Organization" were clearly written in the content, and the Akatsuki Organization was mentioned in more than one place.

If Akira Hatake was here, he would definitely realize that this matter is not simple, but it is a pity that Akira Hatake is not here.

The high-ranking ninja of Iwagakure took the secret order in his hand, read it carefully twice, and then nodded towards Akatsuki.

"It is indeed a secret handwritten order from the Sandaime Tsuchikage-sama. I just wrongly blamed you."

The senior executive of Iwagakure Village is also a sensible person, and he also knows that if someone is not found in time to save the building from collapse, Iwagakure Village and the Kingdom of Earth will definitely be over!

What happened in the two hidden villages of the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Water, the top management of Iwagakure Village knew very well.

If the Earth Country and Iwagakure Village cannot come up with an effective response plan, then they will definitely follow in the footsteps of Kumogakure Village and Kirigakure Village, and the situation will even be worse than the two of them existed.

"If that's the case, do you have anything else to add?"

Seeing this, Akatsuki didn't criticize the high-level executive of Iwagakure Village too much. Instead, he looked around and asked all the high-level officials of Iwagakure Village who were sitting there again.

"Chitu, you continue."

"Okay, then I'll continue."

After receiving the response, Chitu nodded, "The most important thing we need to do now is to minimize the losses while holding on to the profits we have earned to prepare for the next smooth landing."

"My idea is very simple, that is to quickly abandon the land of Takino Country that we captured, and at the same time bring the Seven-Tails Jinchuuriki back to the village by secret means."

"If the secret is accidentally leaked, as long as Konoha asks us to return the Seven-Tails Jinchuuriki, then we must do it!"

"At the same time, we must be prepared for war reparations and the worst-case scenario of presenting the Sealed Book. Kirigakure and Kumogakure have already set an example for us."

"Finally, the candidate for the fourth Tsuchikage of the village must be put on the election agenda as soon as possible. We cannot continue to be leaderless like this."


As soon as Akatsuki finished speaking, the top management of Iwagakure Village slapped the table.

"Akazuchi, if you weren't Lord Sandaime Tsuchikage's personal bodyguard, I would have suspected that you were a spy for the Leaf Village!"

The top management of Iwagakure Village spoke very rudely, almost pointing at Akato's nose and yelling, "I will never agree to hand over the sealed book in the village to Konoha!"

"I won't agree either!"

"Me too, the Book of Sealing is the root of our Iwagakure Village!"

"Chitu, you are digging graves for the village again!"

Opposition voices came one after another. Without Onoki, the senior officials of Iwagakure Village refused to accept anyone, and it was difficult to unify their opinions.

Akato suddenly missed the days when Onoki was so dictatorial and dictatorial...

At the very least, no matter the outcome is good or bad, when encountering danger, Iwagakure Village will always respond as quickly as possible.

Instead of arguing about a few things like now.


Akatsuchi roared and slapped the table as well, as if this was the only way to reflect the weight of his words.

“Are there few lessons learned from this war?!”

"Hatake Akira, everyone sitting here has an effective way to deal with this guy?!"

"Also, haven't the village's losses in this war been serious enough?!"

After repeated questioning, all the senior officials of Yanyin Village fell silent. They looked at each other and kept silent.

"There's nothing we can do! There's nothing we can do!"

Chitu was the most sober of all the people present. What he said might not be entirely correct, but it was definitely in line with reality.

"I propose to negotiate peace with the Fire Nation. No matter what demands Konoha and the Fire Nation make, we must satisfy them to the greatest extent possible."

"If not, with Hatake Akira's current overwhelming strength, Iwagakure Village will surely suffer more serious losses. This is an undeniable fact."

"Although the consequences of doing this are also very serious, the only thing we can do now is to preserve as much information as possible for the village so as to accumulate strength for future changes!"

"Chitu... we also know... but..."

The voice of a senior member of Yanyin Village was choked with sobs, "But this is no different from drinking poison to quench thirst, and it is no different from committing suicide!"

"I also know..."

Chitu also felt uncomfortable, but he still put the bloody reality on the table.

"Cloud Hidden Village and Kirigakure Village have surrendered and have accepted all the harsh terms of the Country of Fire."

"If my prediction is correct, Sand Hidden Village in the Country of Wind is also preparing to negotiate peace with the Country of Fire..."

"Even if we try our best, do you think we will end well?!"

"Not really!"

"On the contrary, we will become a target, and even become the target of carving up by the four major countries headed by the Fire Nation!"

"So...we can only do this..."

The words Chitu said made his heart feel as painful as a knife, but this was reality and he had to face it.

"That's it...send someone to negotiate with the Fire Nation."


"I'm tired, you decide the rest."

"Sigh... When the village was first founded, it was controlled by Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara. Even now... it still hasn't escaped that reincarnation."

"Accept the reality, this is the tragedy of the weak. This round... the Fire Nation won again."

One word after another of dejected words, the senior officials of Yanyin Village also accepted the reality, and none of them was as high-spirited as before the war.

Akatsuchi was also frustrated, but he soon regained his composure and revealed another issue that Iwagakure Village must solve at present.

Who should succeed the Fourth Tsuchikage? !

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