Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 252 Uzumaki Kushina is pregnant.

In the Hokage's office, the four people from Class 8 were laughing and chatting.

From daily chat to training, from training to their respective experiences on the battlefield, and finally to the current situation of Konoha Village.

As he spoke, Namikaze Minato suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Kai, I'm sorry. For some reasons, I didn't arrange a good position for you."

In the eighth class led by Minato Namikaze, Akira Hatake plays two roles. Although the word "deputy" is hung in front of them, there is no doubt that Akira Hatake is the one who really calls the shots.

Kakashi is the captain of the Hokage Guard. Although his power is slightly less than that of other departments with real power, the position of captain of the Hokage Guard has advantages that other departments cannot match.

However, Metkai, who was also in the eighth team led by Namikaze Minato, had no position in Konoha Village.

Akira Hatake and Kakashi were both arranged, but only Metkai was left behind, which made Minato Namikaze still feel awkward.

"It's okay, teacher."

Metkai scratched his head, "I know my own strength and abilities. Just let me be a ninja who performs tasks normally."

After the training of the war, Metkai has matured a lot. At least in front of Namikaze Minato, Metkai has rarely expressed his remarks about youth.

"By the way, Kai, after the war is over, is there any department you particularly want to serve in?"

Although Metkai didn't want it, Namikaze Minato had to give it.

Even if a bowl of water cannot be balanced, you can't treat one over the other.

"Hmm..." Metkai thought for a while, his eyes swept over the cheeks of Akira Hatake and Kakashi, and then he made a decision in his heart, "Teacher, I want to work in the ANBU."


Namikaze Minato drawled his tone, and did not immediately reply to Metkai, but looked at Hatake Akira.

"Ming, has your father's side integrated the root ninjas?"

"It should be almost done."

Akira Hatake did not give a definite answer. He was not responsible for integrating the root ninja into the ANBU, and it was impossible for Sakumo Hatake to report to Akira Hatake.

"You think I'm really confused..."

Hearing what Akira Hatake said, Namikaze Minato slapped his forehead suddenly, "Can't I just call Director Sakumo over and ask?"

"If we had known this, we wouldn't have allowed Minister Shuomao to leave so early when we came back from Loulan Kingdom."

"Then Kakashi, please call Director Sakumo."

"Yes, Yondaime Hokage-sama!" Kakashi answered in a straight tone. He could distinguish between small talk and orders.

Regarding the somewhat rigid Kakashi, Namikaze Minato shook his head helplessly and let Kakashi leave the Hokage's office without saying anything.

After Kakashi left, Namikaze Minato looked at Metkai again, "Kai, since you want to go to ANBU, then start with the position of squadron leader."

"Thank you teacher for your cultivation!"

Metkai was very excited and hurriedly bent down and bowed to thank Namikaze Minato, "Don't worry, teacher, I will definitely perform well and not let you down!"

"Haha, I believe in your ability."

Namikaze Minato smiled heartily and gave Metkai a timely affirmation, "Work hard and there will be a bigger stage waiting for you in the future."


Seeing Metkai nodding heavily, Hatake Akira was also happy for Metkai.

Although Metkay is the least valued person in Class 8, who should be compared with Metkay first.

They are the two most talented brothers of Konoha's new generation, Akira Hatake and Kakashi Hatake.

The two brothers are not only known as geniuses among geniuses in Konoha, but their many achievements have also made them famous in the ninja world.

Compared with the two of them, Metkai is as transparent as a transparent one, but Akira Hatake believes that one day in the future, Metkai will definitely burst into glory as he should.

Thinking of this, Hatake Akira couldn't help but look up and down at Metkai, "You seem to have become a lot stronger since you came back from Loulan Kingdom."


Metkai looked surprised, "With the help of dragon vein energy, I feel that my body has undergone earth-shaking changes, but I can't tell what specific aspects it is."

Matkai scratched his head and felt a little embarrassed, "I feel a little ashamed to say that, even with the help of dragon vein power, I can only open six scenic gates now."

"I'm not as good as you, and I'm not as good as Kakashi, and I can't be that useful to the teacher... I'm simply..."

As he spoke, Metkai returned to his old self, with snot and tears instantly hanging on his cheeks.

Hatake Akira didn't say anything to comfort him, but looked at Metkai speechlessly.

He always felt that Metkai was showing off, but Akira Hatake had no evidence.

At the age of 11, he developed the eight-door Dunjia into the six-door Jingmen. In terms of physical skills, Metkai is completely worthy of being called a genius!

"Kai, six doors is already pretty good, right?"

Hatake Akira glanced sideways at Metkai, "If you open the Six Scenic Gates, who else do you think can take your place?"

", Kakashi and the teacher can definitely handle it..."

Metkai muttered something quietly, but did not continue to dwell on this topic.

As Hatake Akira said, Metkai, who can open the six scenic gates, is already among the best among Konoha jounin, and those who can match him can be counted in three slaps.

Having achieved this achievement at the age of 11, Metkai is already proud of himself.

The three of them chatted for a while, and then Kakashi led Hatake Sakumo to the Hokage's office.

"The Fourth Hokage-sama!" X2

The father and son said hello to Namikaze Minato, who nodded with a smile and went straight to the topic without any further delay, "Minister Sakumo, how are you integrating the root forces left by Shimura Danzo?"

"The Fourth Generation Headquarters, many personnel at the root have been basically integrated, but the processing of intelligence data is more troublesome, and the integration has not been completed yet."

"It's been a long time, Minister Sakumo."

Namikaze Minato pointed at Metkai, "Captain Sakumo, the many ninjas in the Roots, I plan to hand them over to the leadership of Metkai, I wonder what Minister Sakumo thinks?"

"I have no opinion."

Hatake Sakumo glanced at Metkai, who was standing next to Namikaze Minato, and then nodded towards Namikaze Minato, "Kai is an outstanding ninja, and I believe he is qualified for the next position."

"That's good."

Namikaze Minato nodded, "Boss Sakumo, then Metkai will be handed over to you from now on."

"Yes!" Hatake Sakumo agreed.

"Okay, besides the matter of Metkai going to serve in the Anbu, I asked Minister Sakumo to come over, and there is another matter."

Namikaze Minato looked out the window, and his eyes finally fell on Sarutobi Hiruzen's mansion, "The Sandaime Hokage has made some small moves recently. I think Minister Sakumo should pay attention to it."

"The Yondaime, I have sent someone to follow up."

Hatake Sakumo's expression was a little cold, "Don't worry Yondaime, no matter what the Sandaime does, the general trend will always be under your control, and the Sandaime can't influence it at all."

"I know this, but I'm still a little worried that the Sandaime will go all out."

Namikaze Minato sighed, "The Sarutobi clan is definitely a big clan in Konoha, and the strength of his family's ninjas cannot be underestimated."

"Although we are confident that we can deal with a series of dangerous events that may occur in the future, if we go too far, it will inevitably cause damage to Konoha's heritage."

"Teacher, don't worry."

Akira Hatake interjected, "When that time comes, I believe the Sandaime will weigh the pros and cons. Even if he can't make a choice himself, I will help him make the choice."

"But I'm worried about the Sarutobi clan..."

"Teacher, you have forgotten that the sealed books of Wuyin Village and Yunyin Village are in our hands."

"Ming, what do you mean..."

"Using the sealed books of the two hidden villages to win over and divide some of the Sarutobi clan members, they can definitely play a key role at the critical moment."

"It has to be you, Akira!" Namikaze Minato was very happy, "No matter what the problem is, you always have a solution that is eye-catching."

"Teacher, please don't praise me. You have already dealt with it, right?"

Hatake Akira smiled at Namikaze Minato, who also smiled and nodded without saying a word.

After discussing the fight against Sarutobi Hiruzen, Namikaze Minato then changed his eyes and said the most important news in a very solemn tone.

Uzumaki Kushina is pregnant!

This matter made Hatake Akira frown. In his impression, Uzumaki Kushina's pregnancy should not have come so early.

But when he turned around and thought about it, Hatake Akira felt relieved.

Under Akira Hatake's intervention, the timeline of Naruto's world has undergone great changes, which has caused corresponding changes in many established facts in the future.

Akira Hatake didn't have much thoughts about this. He could only say that he would do his best to ensure the controllability of everything in the future.

"Teacher, does anyone else know about Kushina-san's pregnancy?"

"not at all."

Namikaze Minato was still very solemn, "Because of Kushina's identity, I didn't tell anyone about her pregnancy."

"That's good."

Hatake Akira nodded, "Teacher, leave the safety of Kushina-san to me."

"If you don't tell me, I will leave it to you."

Namikaze Minato nodded, and then changed the subject, "But there is still a long time before Kushina gives birth. During this period, I think the most important thing you should do is to lead the Konoha ninja troops and completely defeat the two countries. .”

"Only in this way can we put all our thoughts on Kushina."

Namikaze Minato glanced in his direction, "After all, Kushina is the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi. When she gives birth, the seal in her body is the most vulnerable."

"Don't worry."

Hatake Akira promised, "Give me a month, and I will deal with the two countries!"

"If that's the case, then I'll leave you and Kakashi behind."

Namikaze Minato walked towards the desk and took out an appointment document from the drawer, "This appointment document has been prepared for you a long time ago. It will come in handy today."

Reaching out to take the appointment document, Hatake Akira opened it and looked at it twice before closing it, "Teacher, shall I leave tomorrow?"

"That's what I meant."

Namikaze Minato nodded, "The country of Taki has already sent us a letter asking for help. I think if we don't act quickly, the Seven-Tailed Jinchuuriki of Taki Ninja Village will probably fall into the hands of both countries."

"Haha, even if it falls into the hands of the two countries, we can just take Nanao back."

Since it was about tailed beasts, Hatake Akira naturally thought of the four-tailed jinchuriki Lao Murasaki and the two-tailed jinchuriki two Yukito.

"By the way, sensei, what are you going to do with the four-tailed jinchuriki and the two-tailed jinchuriki?"

"As for the four-tailed and two-tailed Jinchuuriki, I have already thought of a specific way to deal with them."

Namikaze Minato was confident, "After the Third Ninja War is over, I will organize an assessment to finally decide the ownership of the two tailed beasts."

"That's good too."

Hatake Akira nodded, agreeing with Namikaze Minato's decision.

"So teacher, do you have anything else to do?"

"No, let's go get busy."

Namikaze Minato shook his head, and then issued an expulsion order. Many of the government affairs he had accumulated today have not yet been completed.

In this regard, Hatake Akira and others did not say anything. After saying goodbye to Namikaze Minato, they left the Hokage's office.

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