Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 250 Let’s make progress together.

The power of Loulan Dragon Vein is very huge, and the time required to absorb it all must be calculated in years.

Moreover, with the current size of the giant reincarnation eye and the giant reincarnation eye, they cannot withstand the full power of Loulan Dragon Veins.

Even if it is possible, it will take a long time.

Although Hatake Akira can also absorb the power of dragon veins into his body to share the pressure of the giant reincarnation eye and giant reincarnation eye, but then again, Hatake Akira does not have extra time and energy to waste his limited life on In this regard.

So after sealing the consciousness of Loulan Dragon Vein, Hatake Ming had another plan in mind.

Since he and the two giant eyeballs cannot absorb all the power of the dragon vein in a short period of time, all he needs to do is bring a few more people over.

Just do what you want, Hatake Akira immediately communicates with the Mark of the Flying Thunder God wandering in the cracks of the space barrier.

In an instant, space ripples appeared beside Hatake Akira, and Hatake Akira immediately stretched his arm into it.

Konoha, Hokage Building.

Namikaze Minato was handling government affairs, but the next second, a space ripple appeared beside him, and Hatake Akira's right palm suddenly grabbed Namikaze Minato's shoulder.


Namikaze Minato suddenly broke into a cold sweat. This silent attack was very much like the Flying Thunder God's technique.

But if you think about it carefully, this type of spatial fluctuation is very different from the flying thunder god's technique.

At the very least, the flying thunder god's technique is not as fast and light.


Namikaze Minato's reaction speed was very fast. He suddenly lowered his body and shook his shoulders. Seeing that Hatake Akira's hand was about to be freed by him, Namikaze Minato also condensed a Rasengan in his left hand and fiercely shot it towards He pressed Hatake Ming's protruding palm.

"Teacher, it's me!"

Hatake was obviously speaking from the underground dragon vein of Loulan Kingdom, but his voice spanned an extremely long distance and reached Namikaze Minato's ears without any distortion.


Namikaze Minato suddenly dispersed the Rasengan in his hand, letting down most of his guard.

But then, huge doubts filled Namikaze Minato's heart, "Ara, how did you do it?"

"Teacher, it's too late to explain, so don't resist."

Hatake Akira spoke hurriedly, and after speaking, he pulled Namikaze Minato hard again.

This time, Namikaze Minato did not resist, but allowed Hatake Akira to pull him into the ripples of space.

His eyes flashed suddenly, and the scene in front of Minato Namikaze immediately changed to the scene around the underground dragon veins of Loulan Kingdom.

"This... is simply..."

Namikaze Minato was a little incoherent, and cast a questioning look at Hatake Akira, "Ara, what exactly happened here, why do I feel..."

"Teacher, let's talk later."

Hatake Akira did not mean to explain to Namikaze Minato, but once again communicated with the Mark of the Flying Thunder God hidden in the cracks of the ninja space barrier, reopening a new space transmission channel.

Following the same pattern, Hatake Akira inserted his right hand deeply into the ripples of space beside him.

"Kakashi, don't resist, it's me."

Akira Hatake turned to speak to the ripples in space. The moment he finished speaking, Kakashi was pulled out of the ripples in space by Akira Hatake.


Kakashi Hatake's expression was exactly the same as when Minato Namikaze first arrived, "Brother, is the teacher here too?"

"And how do I feel about this place..." Kakashi looked at Hatake Akira, "What on earth is happening here!"

"Don't ask yet."

Akira Hatake also did not explain to Kakashi, but communicated with the Mark of the Flying Thunder God again and opened a new space transmission channel.

"Father, it's me."

Just like the previous two times, Hatake Akira said something simultaneously when he stretched out his palm, and then Hatake Sakumo was also pulled out of the space fluctuations by Hatake Akira.


Hatake Sakumo was much calmer, but his frown still showed that he was uneasy inside.

"Father, I will explain to you later."

Hatake Akira and Hatake Sakumo spoke almost simultaneously. The latter nodded to express understanding, then moved to stand behind Hatake Akira.

After Minato Namikaze, Kakashi, and Sakumo Hatake were brought to the Dragon Veins of Loulan Kingdom, Akira Hatake was a little confused.

The majestic power contained in Loulan's dragon veins is comparable to that of the Nine Tails, and two giant eyeballs plus Hatake Akira and four others cannot absorb it all in a short period of time.

After thinking about it, Hatake Akira gave up the idea of ​​bringing Hinata Hizashi and Uchiha Fugaku over.

In this mission of the Dragon Veins of Loulan Kingdom, the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan have already reaped the full benefits. The giant samsara eye and giant reincarnation eye alone are enough to make the fortunes of the two clans glorious for another hundred years.

Moreover, Akira Hatake is not sure whether the Uchiha and Hyuga clans will have a rebellious relationship with the help of the giant reincarnation eye and the giant reincarnation eye.

Although they were confident that they were still at their peak, the two clans did not dare to explode, but if the strength of Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Hizashi further improved, the future would be uncertain.

Even if he thinks like this, he is suspected of judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart, but Akira Hatake must think carefully to prevent any adverse events that may occur in the future.

After thinking about it, Hatake Akira suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Following the same pattern, space ripples appeared next to Hatake Akira again, and he reached out his hand unceremoniously.

"Kai, it's me."

After Akira Hatake's brief words, Metkai, who was wearing a tight suit and was somewhat confused, was pulled out of the ripples of space by Akira Hatake.

For this, Metkai had a hundred thousand reasons in his mind, but when he saw Kakashi, Namikaze Minato, and Hatake Sakumo, his doubts turned into surprises.



"And Kakashi!"

After saying hello, Metkai suddenly became reserved and didn't know where to put his hands.

"Stand over here."

Before Hatake Akira could speak, Kakashi took the lead and pulled Metkai to his side.

In this regard, Hatake Akira didn't say anything, but after thinking about it for a while, he opened a new space channel again.

The next second, Itachi Uchiha, who was only a few years old, had a look of horror on his face, and was pulled out of the space fluctuations by Akira Hatake.

With a blur in front of his eyes, Uchiha Itachi, who was in a fighting stance, saw clearly the person standing in front of him.

He let out a long sigh of relief and said, "Master, it turns out it's you!"

"Okay Itachi, just stand aside."


Facing Hatake Akira's order, Uchiha Itachi looked very obedient. He found a position at the back with his short legs and stood up straight.

"Oh... forget it, let's make it cheaper for the Uchiha clan."

Hatake Akira sighed in his heart, and after thinking about the last position left, Hatake Akira chose the Uchiha clan.

It has to be said that the Uchiha clan is indeed a clan full of geniuses, so many that Akira Hatake is jealous.

A brand new space passage was opened, and Hatake Akira reached into it and kept searching.

It took longer than the previous ones. After searching for two or three seconds, Hatake Akira found Uchiha Shisui in Konoha.

Reaching out, Hatake Akira grabbed Uchiha Shisui's shoulder.

"Shisui, I am Hatake Akira."

Akira Hatake exposed himself the moment he caught Uchiha Shisui. Uchiha Shisui, who was about to resist, hesitated for a moment.

But this moment was enough. Hatake Akira used one hand to pull Uchiha Shisui out of the space fluctuations.

But Uchiha Shisui, who had just appeared next to Hatake Akira, immediately used the teleportation technique and went around to Hatake Akira's side to prepare for an attack.

"I'm sorry, Master Ming!"

But at the moment when the attack was about to land, Uchiha Shisui suddenly paused, and then used another teleportation technique to come to Hatake Akira, knelt down on one knee and sincerely admitted his mistake.

"The instant body technique is used well."

Hatake Akira did not blame Uchiha Shisui, but instead praised Uchiha Shisui's teleportation technique.

The reputation of Shunshen Shisui is not false. Just now, Uchiha Shisui's speed was no less than a flying thunder god's technique.


Ignoring Uchiha Shisui, Hatake Akira turned to look at Namikaze Minato and began to explain the reason to him.

"The power of the dragon vein is quite huge. It will take me at least ten years to absorb all of it together with these two giant reincarnation eyes and the giant reincarnation eye."

"Although I know that the longer the time, the higher the returns, but time is really not used that way for me. I still have a lot of things to accomplish, and it is impossible to waste time on this."

"So, you just summoned us all here?"

Namikaze Minato understood the cause and effect, and the corner of his mouth curved, "Just do what you want, I will fully support you."

"Thank you teacher for your trust."

Hatake Akira took a deep look at Namikaze Minato, and cast his dark eyes at Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui.

Namikaze Minato understood immediately and understood the meaning in Hatake Akira's eyes.

Namikaze Minato nodded slightly, "Just do it, I trust your judgment."

After the two communicated, Hatake Akira felt relieved. He didn't want to create a gap between him and Namikaze Minato because of this matter.

"Everyone get ready!"

Hatake Akira shouted, attracting the attention of everyone behind him to him, "In a while, the power of the dragon vein will enter your limbs and bones and transform your body."

"The process may be a little scary, but the experience is definitely not bad. Don't be afraid."

"Finally, everyone's physical fitness is linked to their body's potential, age, and strength. Once the power of the dragon vein enters the body, if you feel that your body cannot support it, you must notify me as soon as possible!"

"This is not a joke, because if no one is checked, you will be stretched to death due to the majestic power of the dragon vein!"

"Okay, enough nonsense, let me get started."

Hatake Akira gave a few instructions to the people behind him, and then communicated the time and space seal he had imposed on the dragon vein, divided the power of the dragon vein into eight strands, and injected them into the giant reincarnation eye, the giant reincarnation eye, and Hatake Akira himself. , Namikaze Minato, Kakashi, Hatake Sakumo, Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Shisui's bodies.


The power of dragon veins is integrated into everyone's flesh and blood in the form of liquid chakra. While changing everyone's physical constitution, it is also broadening the meridians in everyone's body.

Moreover, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, because of their own bloodline, with the help of the dragon vein power that has the same origin as them, the bloodline power has been further refined.

Uchiha Shisui opened his eyes suddenly. Three black magatama were spinning wildly, and there were faint signs of breaking through into the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Similarly, Uchiha Itachi couldn't help but widen his eyes, his eyes slowly turned red, and a magatama was slowly rotating around his pupils.

Apart from the two members of the Uchiha clan, the bodies of Hatake Sakumo, Kakashi, and Namikaze Minato are also undergoing changes.

Although the three of them do not share the same bloodline as the Dragon Vein, their physiques have also taken a big step forward under the baptism of the Dragon Vein power.

Like Hatake Akira, two very special chakras, Yin and Yang, were also born in the three people's bodies, laying a solid foundation for the three people's future limit breakthroughs.

Finally, his eyes fell on Hatake Akira. Under the influence of the power of the dragon vein, Hatake Akira himself did not change much.

It may be the reason why Hatake Akira accepted the gift of Otsutsuki Ikami before. The power of the dragon vein can no longer advance Hatake Akira's own potential.

But not in this regard, the power of dragon veins can help Hatake Akira in other ways.

The yin and yang chakra in Akira Hatake's body suddenly increased, which made Akira Hatake take many detours.

However, compared with humans, the changes in the two giant eyeballs are only reflected in one aspect.

The size of the Giant Reincarnation Eye and the Giant Reincarnation Eye has become larger, and the power contained in them has also been steadily and gradually increasing.

Akira Hatake was very satisfied with this.

Then, as long as you survive this period of absorbing the power of the dragon vein, your trip to Loulan can end perfectly.

The last update will be later, so if you want to wait, wait a moment, and if you want to sleep, you can watch it early tomorrow morning.

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